View Full Version : Finally on the path to happiness

08-16-2013, 07:08 AM
After years of trying, I have been accepted as a member by the VA. I have also been going to a transgender support group, run by a really great woman. She contacted the LBGT coordinator, on my behalf, who contacted a doctor to be my prime, had an appointment for initial consult for the following day.

Had the consult yesterday, also had my blood work done, and a referral to the mental health department for evaluation, all in one day. Amazing, one call from someone who knew someone, and I'm on my way.

At 70 years young, I have no unrealistic expectations ( will be happy, no matter what, knowing I have tried my best.)

All this for me just because I made a comment to a person, who contacted someone I have yet to meet or speak with. All willing to assist me on my journey, I am truly blessed. Prayers really do get answered, if you are willing to wait.

Thanks for listening,

Ann Louise
08-16-2013, 07:47 AM
I'm very happy for you Bobbi! I hope your evaluations with the gatekeepers work out for you. Just taking the initial steps had such an affirmingly powerful, positive influence on my day to day attitude that it was like the clearing of dark clouds from overhead. That serendipitous combination of people and events can't be assembled, but when it happens it's sure obvious that something remarkable is taking place, no?

Good for you sweetie - you've got a great 20+ years ahead of you (if you lay off of the fat, sugar and salt! LOL) Hugs, Ann x0*-*0x

I Am Paula
08-16-2013, 07:58 AM
That's some great news. I hope the rest of your journey goes as smoothly.
I too had a similar sequence of events, that just fell into place. My GP called an endo, who called a therapist, who gave my endo my letter, all seamlessly, and quickly.
Sometimes getting the ball rolling is easy, and sometimes us girls are made to jump thru' hoops for months, or even years. Luck of the draw about who you contact first I guess.

08-17-2013, 04:58 AM
Ann and Celeste,
Thanks for the response.

The clouds cleared so fast I now feel a little sunburned on the top of my head, but oh, what a feeling. All the obvious support I am getting and to not so obvious really is a blessing. People I know I can thank them constantly and look them in the eyes while doing it. But to those of you who I will likely never meet, THANK YOU.


09-08-2013, 05:32 AM
I had a little detour with the mental health department. The Dr. I had my appointment with, had no training or experience with the transgender female. I now have an appointment for this Tuesday, with a person who specializes. Got to see more of the Hospital hallways with this detour.

More on the continuing saga of Bobbi to follow.


Rianna Humble
09-08-2013, 06:02 AM
Sorry for the set-back but glad you have a follow-up appointment with someone who can understand what they are there for.

09-08-2013, 09:59 AM
Hi Bobbi,
Your post brought tears to me, I am so HAPPY for you, sorry for the setback but you will make it, I know. Never underestimate a primary doctor, I have had health issues for several years, now thanks to Medicare I had to see a primary last week. Well long story short had more specialists then fingers, they are great and have had me on various hormones for several months, well within one hour of my meet and greet with the primary and his review I left with instructions to pick up my Estrogen on the way home and come back for further tests. I am sure you will enjoy the trip once you get off the on ramp, I know I am and I am just a few years younger then you.
Feel free to contact me hope we can chat in the future. Hugs

09-08-2013, 03:26 PM
Sometimes things fall into place.

Good luck on your way.


09-11-2013, 06:01 AM
The appointment went better that I expected. We have discovered a few things to delve deeper into, already. Main topic on my list is the feeling of vulnerability in public, and the fear of wearing skirts and dresses in a social situation. Amazed me, I thought I was a pretty secure and confident person. She's good. Knows how to lead, I like her. More of the mini series will follow in a couple of weeks.
Thanks for all your support, I really appreciate it.


09-27-2013, 04:23 AM
I had my second appointment with the psychologist at the VA. We talked about my feelings of vulnerability and other insecurity issues, and she asked me my age and I told her 70. She asked if I could remember the first time I truly felt that I should be a woman. I told her somewhere around 20 or 25. She then said, "I think you have waited long enough. I'm recommending you for HRT." Now, not so patiently waiting for the call to set up my appointment with the Endo to review the blood work and get my meds started.

I will be continuing to see the psychologist and, together we will try and figure my vulnerability and insecurity issues and probably a million other things as they pop up on the radar. What a glorious road trip this is starting to be. Happiness and contentment are words easily used, and I am now on the fringes of both. This journey from girlhood to womanhood is quite complex, but I'm so glad to be on it.

Till next time, I am

Bobbi G.

Ann Louise
09-27-2013, 06:38 AM
Gosh Bobbi, that's so great! HRT! It is a glorious road trip, and complex, too. You are complex. A glorious, complex woman. You were inside your caretaker-shell for all those years, but now you're coming out into your own real, genuine life. I can't tell you the number of times that I've quietly cried tears of happiness, many times sitting right here on this forum, as I reflect upon that, and on where I find myself at any particular time compared to the years past. What hell that was, and what joy, now. Some might comment that you're going "too fast." Pfffft! This is too much fun to hold back any longer. Go for it.

Peace and joy in your heart honey.

All the best,

)0( Ann )0(

Rianna Humble
09-27-2013, 02:27 PM
That is a great response from the psychologist! I'll bet that once you start to come out of the shell that has held the real you in check for so long, you will also begin making meaningful progress on the other issues.

Good luck with the waiting, I hope you get your appointment with the Endo quickly.

Barbara Ella
09-27-2013, 11:12 PM
Bobbi, I am so very happy for you and how this has developed. One never knows what will get the ball rolling so to speak. So, the important thing is for more to realize that there are wonderful people out there who truly care, and only want what is best. At 67, I am just beginning to recognize the necessity of support groups, other TS women to associate with and learn from, and even a therapist now. I am going to be kicking my ball (s) - pun intended - and hopefully they will go down the road.

Enjoy what is developing, you deserve it girl.


09-28-2013, 04:23 AM
Thanks for the responses and the encouragement. No call yet, but as my head crusher said, I have waited so a couple more days can be done standing on my head. I intend to continue meeting with her, probably for quite a while.

I am very lucky to live where I do. The town of Lake Worth, Fl. has a community center for the LGBT family and they have a lot of resources. I started with a counselor there a couple months ago, but am now using my VA benefits for this. They also have a transgender support group, and I have met some really great people at various stages in their transition. I am learning a lot from each of them. I have my own network in place, and they have never let me down. My biggest support comes from the Big Guy way up there.

Enough of that. I refuse to get in the pulpit More on my continuing journey another time. Once again, I thank all you tremendous people for being here and for being you.

Bobbi G.

10-11-2013, 05:56 AM
Had session #3 with my counselor yesterday, and at the start she asked how my endo visit went. I told her they hadn't contacted me for an appointment yet. She said when we are finished today (yesterday) to go right upstairs to my prime Dr's. office and find out why. They tried three times to reach them as I sat there, but no luck.They gave me the number to call and when I got home, got on the phone. Found out my appt. had been made for Nov. 5 but no one had called. So now the meds will start on the 5th.

During my session we started dealing with the vulnerability problem. I now have a head game to play every time I feel this anxiety coming on. Should be interesting to see if it will work Things are really falling into position better than I expected. Left the VA a pretty happy camper, and I think I will emphasize( sp?) pretty. Went directly to my local Macy's and bought a new dress to celebrate everything.

So now my GPS has me on the road again. I can see a happy ending to this story in the future.


Bunny Girl Zoe
10-11-2013, 11:28 AM
All the best hope all go well.

10-12-2013, 10:46 AM
Glad to hear things are on track. Be careful with the buying a new dress in celebration thingy. It can get really expensive for each new level you achieve.