View Full Version : Telling my mom...

Hannah Gotta
08-17-2013, 08:54 PM
Okay girls, my dress up night is usually Saturday night.
My wife has been encouraging me to talk to my mom about Hannah. I promised I would on the next Saturday night that I am not able to dress up...

Well, Saturday night, the 24th I will not be able to dress up...

Now, I am a man, and girl of my word. I am going to follow through on my promise to my wife. I know what I am going to say, I am pretty sure the reaction will be positive.

My dilemma is that she will likely google "crossdressers" the next day and will be hit with lots of porn websites and fetish stuff. Icky.

Do you girls know of any online resources I can direct my mom to? Resources for parents that talk about our wonderful hobby? There are many websites (thank goodness!) for parents who have young children who may be transgendered, but I am married, and almost 40.

Any help would be appreciated!

Love, Hannah

08-17-2013, 09:39 PM
Lol. That's why we have the Loved Ones area HERE! Good luck gf. Hugs, Tonya

08-17-2013, 11:25 PM
Hannah, how about you sit her down at your computer and have her log in to crossdressers.com just as rocketscientist suggested. That way you can answer any questions as they come up as they relate to you specifically. Keeps the dialog open and flowing and helps avoid confusion.

bridget thronton
08-18-2013, 01:21 AM
Let her see your site - nothing but nice words and pics there

Beverley Sims
08-18-2013, 01:53 AM
I agree with Bridget, there is a good website at
Bye. :)

08-18-2013, 02:32 AM
PFLAG has good resources: http://community.pflag.org/transgender. It's one of the sites I recommended to my mom and sister. Unless your mom lives in the boonies, there's probably a PFLAG chapter in her town with people she can talk to.

When I came out to my mom, she was surprised and had a million questions, but there was no doubt about her love and support. I hope you have a similarly positive experience. Good luck, and let us know how it goes. Just remember, you've been dealing with this for years while it's all new to her, so it will take her a while to digest and take a while for her to even formulate questions. It's a conversation that will go on for some time.

08-18-2013, 06:55 AM
Well advise here against the google search and explain why. Then, forward some selected links. I like your blog, that would introduce here to you! Also femulate.org. It's a positive view.

08-18-2013, 07:01 AM
You can always direct her to this site, I don't see any nrop here.

08-18-2013, 07:17 AM
Hi Hannah, Plenty of great advise so far please keep us posted as to how things go with your Mom.

08-18-2013, 08:16 AM
I think your own site would be a good place to start. You share your feelings well there and your pics are tasteful and beautiful.

08-18-2013, 08:23 AM
I think you will do fine, good luck Hannah!

08-18-2013, 08:32 AM
I dont get why your wife wants you to talk to your mom? Does she think if you talk to your mom she will make you straight? think your wife wants to do tough love on you just a hunch. be careful.

Hannah Gotta
08-18-2013, 08:39 AM
I dont get why your wife wants you to talk to your mom? Does she think if you talk to your mom she will make you straight? think your wife wants to do tough love on you just a hunch. be careful.

My mom is 100% supportive of my crossdressing. She thinks it would bring my mom and I closer, and she sees how happy crossdressing makes me. After telling my sisters, she saw how much better my relationships with them became. I am a pretty guarded person, but opening up to people makes me more relaxed and happier.

She also knows my mom will be super supportive of it. There's no ulterior motive in this.

Love, Hannah

08-18-2013, 08:47 AM
I think you mixed up the words mom and wife in that first sentence there lol >_<

Good luck though, I told my parents recently and it went well and it sounds like you're in a good position also. I think as well as showing her the websites suggested I'd mention that lots of people have a different relationship with their crossdressing and that not every website she might come across later will represent what it means to you.

Hannah Gotta
08-18-2013, 08:57 AM
I think you mixed up the words mom and wife in that first sentence there lol >_<

Good luck though, I told my parents recently and it went well and it sounds like you're in a good position also. I think as well as showing her the websites suggested I'd mention that lots of people have a different relationship with their crossdressing and that not every website she might come across later will represent what it means to you.

LOL, I totally did mix up those words. I am glad your parents are supportive!

Love, Hannah

08-18-2013, 09:02 AM
I'm anxious to hear how it goes. One question: is there any chance your sisters have already told her?

08-18-2013, 09:09 AM
My mom is 100% supportive of my crossdressing. She thinks it would bring my mom and I closer, and she sees how happy crossdressing makes me. After telling my sisters, she saw how much better my relationships with them became. I am a pretty guarded person, but opening up to people makes me more relaxed and happier.

She also knows my mom will be super supportive of it. There's no ulterior motive in this.

Love, Hannah

Then great! happy for you, just I guess the guy inside me was catious/protecting you didnt want you to get hurt.

08-18-2013, 10:56 AM
I like using your site as it shows her what your thoughts are. The danger of using this site initially, is that everybody of every variation posts here. I think it would be great for you Mom to come here if you think she is someone who would spend some time hanging around. But before she goes anywhere other than your site, she needs to understand what feelings apply to you. Otherwise, everything she reads will apply to you in her mind. That is why I love the idea of her reading your blog as it can set that tone. Moms always love us for who they are, so I would wish you the best of luck, but I bet you don't need any.

Bree Wagner
08-18-2013, 11:59 AM
Good luck Hannah! That's a challenge I probably need to face sometime soon myself.

I'll agree with the others that your website is a great place to start. You really do a great job capturing the tender, sweet, and loving aspects of everything that you do.


08-18-2013, 12:17 PM
I think you mixed up the words mom and wife in that first sentence there lol >_<

Thanks sweetie, I think I reread that 6 times, just to make sure:heehee:

Hi Hannah

You'll be fine. Take a change of clothes, write down some good websites and get some pamphlets or something or even a book, talk w/ her about it, give her the info, and let her know that you brought a change of clothes, just in case she might want too see you done up. And prepare yourself for a wonderful evening in bonding w/ Mom.:hugs:

Leah Lynn
08-18-2013, 12:47 PM
Hannah, it's a big step, but I'm sure it will go well. After all, she's the lady that gave you life and raised you.


08-18-2013, 12:55 PM
All the best with telling your mum Hannah.

I am also struggling with this issue, and the thing is I know my mum would be totally ok with it but saying those few words i just find so hard to say.

Hannah Gotta
08-18-2013, 08:35 PM
Thank you girls for all the advice and suggestions. I will take them all to heart and remember your encouraging words when I speak to her. I'll update, of course! ;)

Love, Hannah

Tara D. Rose
08-18-2013, 09:23 PM
I agree with most of the responses thus far. Have your Mother get on here to learn more about cross dressing. This site is the very best, bar none. I never came out to my Mother, she passed away suddenly about 5 years ago and I still miss her today. But knowing her as well as I did, and as close as we were, I know she would have accepted me, maybe not understood, but would have at least accepted and judged not.

But remember, once you tell her, you can never un-tell her. Maybe you need to ask yourself, does she need to know? Or is it that you want her to know? Both are okay and good. We love our Mother's more than anything. We would all love to know how it all went when you tell her this coming Saturday. I hope it will all turn out good and maybe bring you so much closer to your Mother, well, like how can you get closer to your Mom? Mom is Mom. The one that we loved more than anything all of our lives. And if I know Mother's, she will love you all the same and will not judge you at all. A Mother's love is one of the most powerful things in the world. I never got the chance to tell my Mother, but knowing her as well as I did, she would have been perfectly okay with it. And she was elderly, grew up in a different time. Born in 1930. I know all will be well after you tell her.
Peace my friend,

Tara D. Rose