View Full Version : Thread for the "brave" ones. Act #2

08-25-2013, 02:04 AM
Still too early to tell on the other thread. But it looks like partial dressers who "go out" may actually outnumber full dressers.

What if the pot is stirred just a wee bit? How many who don't go all out, still try to do your best on the OTHER 3 parts of trying to "pass as a woman"? Disguise your voice, do your best to change your mannerisms, and also change the way you walk? Did I miss anything else?

It's very possible is it not, that for some, it is, JUST the clothes? Obviously there will be some who just can't wrap their heads around that.

I wonder if it is WRONG to NOT worry about what others will think?

Or say?

08-25-2013, 02:47 AM
I do not disguise my voice (though I might speak more softly.) I do not consciously change my mannerisms or walk (well, other than as due to restrictions imposed by flow of fabric such as pencil skirts.) Thinking a bit, I guess I might stroll more than when I was a guy -- less in a hurry.

Phrasing it as "just the clothes" would be misleading, though. I'm just going ahead and living my life. Which never was all that "male".

08-25-2013, 03:53 AM
I'm very much in the experimental stage. Ideally I'd like to dress publicly, my personality changes slightly (which is a shock to me) like i get jealous of other girls with similar dress senses, i even judge dates by emotional connectivity before looks or gender too where my male counterpart while still goes for personality puts looks and gender consideration a lot higher, again a shock for me. I don't try and disguise my voice at least not at the moment because I feel that I'd be pretending to be a woman rather than being one and being myself. Although again i must admit my voice is slightly softer, but naturally rather than putting anything on.

I guess the conclusion to what I'm saying is i won't change who i am, any changes that occur are 100% natural and involuntary. I'm rather excited to see what else changes in my journey of self discovery :)

Druscilla Supernovae
08-25-2013, 05:04 AM
I may take smaller steps when walking but that's about it.

Sometimes Steffi
08-25-2013, 05:16 AM
One of the first things I found is that I have to get in and out of the car differently, particularly with a longer skirt. Boy mode - feet first; girl mode, feet last.

Jenny CD
08-25-2013, 05:29 AM
OH no... I try to walk and talk all the time. Even in guy mode. I just got promoted to sales, and I still walk and talk female in guy mode. I don't want to shock anybody when the time comes, you know? Everybody knows I'm bi-gay-whatever....no big deal. Except for my daughter and her mother's family. That is something I'm not looking forward to.

08-26-2013, 08:15 AM
Good question Wild!
I've been dressing for a little over 2 years.
When I first began, it was all about the proper female presentation, makeup, hair, well fitting clothes, walking, and talking too.
Last summer it was too miserable to dress, and I just stayed boy mode until the weather broke, and then I was fully into dressing and presenting well.
HOWEVER, this year I discovered these lovely sundresses at Walmart and have bought one of every color and design, I practically live in them! I do lipstick, mascara, and a little eyeliner, and thats it. Of course bra, forms and panties go without saying.
So instead of wearing what would be considered going out to work or more formal clothing, I have adopted the casual female mode. I'm still dressier than my wife, but I love to be able to be comfortable and feel pretty w/o hours of prep work.
The cooler weather is coming and those longer evenings, so I am looking forward to panty hose and more time to wear all the beautiful long dresses than fill my closet.
Life is just wonderful!

08-26-2013, 08:24 AM
Going "all out", is fun, but, doesn't quite work for the grocery store. I'm finding that keeping it simple, and quick, actually works well--maybe better, for everyday things. The clothes are part of it, but, how you're thinking, and feeling count more---at least to me. Ideally, I'm keeping those thoughts, and walk,and talk, all the time.

Jenny CD
08-26-2013, 08:33 AM
Yeah, but a cute top and jean skirt, sandals, painted nails, goes a long way in my book. I won't go all smokey eye and stuff for everyday stuff. But some makeup to clear up the imperfections and lip gloss or lipstick is fine for me.

08-26-2013, 03:22 PM
How many who don't go all out, still try to do your best on the OTHER 3 parts of trying to "pass as a woman"? Disguise your voice, do your best to change your mannerisms, and also change the way you walk? It's very possible is it not, that for some, it is, JUST the clothes? I wonder if it is WRONG to NOT worry about what others will think?

I dress-up pretty much head to toe, the whole nine yards, without much (if any) breast augmentation. Rather than disguise my voice, I avoid getting myself into a situation where I would have to talk to someone – I do this in male mode, too (I’m rather shy). I may unconsciously change my mannerisms, or fall into certain gestures, based on the feel of the clothes. I can’t say I change the way I walk (I’m in a kind of dream state en femme), but, once again, I would avoid situations where my mode of ambulatory locomotion would be observed and challenged. You are correct to say that, for many of us, it is JUST the clothes, but other CD delights spring from that well of hope – before you know it, you’re a full-fledged MtF crossdresser, walking along a very twisted path (and liking it)…

It is not wrong to NOT worry about what others think – I do it all the time, in fact, since I’ve been on this site, my CD worries have ceased. You have to do things YOUR way, you know…

Beverley Sims
08-27-2013, 07:57 AM
I have it paramount in my mind not to give others out there the opportunity to make adverse comments about me.
The clothes go a long way and I brush up on mannerisms and voice.