View Full Version : guide me

08-25-2013, 01:33 PM
hello out there ,

other than my doc. i need help .
i am just 22 and on hormones since last 8 months . i have been asked to take medicines twice a day. gradually i eat them i feel like i will never be a father now , i feel scared of my own self . On the other hand if i bunk my dose i again feel like i am committing a mistake and i should take the medicines continuously to achieve my ultimate wish . so far my 8 months of medicines are concerned i have taken only 5 months of them rest 3 months are bunked by me .

after this duration i can easily justify changes in me . the fat distribution is awesome. muscles gone :D , upper part not that healthy , lower part is now bulky and yes workout helps the most . most important i can find beautiful buds on my chest with lost of flesh , usually they dont pain just there is burning sensation out at nipple area . my old male clothes doesnt fit at all .

this is my current status . i am heading towards my wish , but sudden deviation in mind effects me , i dont cry but yes i have started thinking a lot . i know there are ladies out here with more experience to share and guide me .

badly waiting .

08-25-2013, 03:10 PM
I say that every age has its ups and downs. Transitioning so early could be "fun" (your body answers well, and I can sense your grin when you say "muscle gone") but I can understand also the fear. As we say quite often here: "BE AFRAID if you are NOT afraid of transitioning"! It is a hard, difficult, scary path. But if you are TS it's the ONLY choice, you could quit the medicines now, live in denial for 15 maybe 20 years and the same problem will come again, usually worse, with career, family, etc... so know yourself and go.

One last advice: I am not a doctor... but I suppose that taking hormones is NOT light, you cannot do what you wish, your body is being altered in a very profound way so please follow STRICTLY the dosage which is written. They can be dangerous, either too much or too little if your body is used to a certain dose every X hours TAKE IT.

08-25-2013, 03:32 PM
If having children is important to you . You will want to bank your sperm. After a period on hrt you will most likely be sterile.

I Am Paula
08-25-2013, 04:48 PM
Sounds to me like A) you need to bank some sperm B) a trip back to your therapist might be a good idea. C) you have descisions to make. You can't yo yo on the meds, you will end up one sorry specimen .
Every TS woman has doubts, some times little back of the brain 'what ifs' and sometimes big ass 'WTF' moments. If these doubts hinder your ability to make sound choices where you health is concerned, then it becomes a matter for professional intervention. Good luck, I hope this is something that just talking it through will fix.

08-25-2013, 05:59 PM
First, know that you are at a good age to expect some fabulous results from HRT. Second, you are correct in thinking you will never be a father if you continue HRT. It would be smart to bank your sperm now if you still want to have children. Third, You need to really consider all of your options before starting HRT and then deciding you made a mistake.

At this point, if you really truly want to be a girl, continue on down that path. If your are not sure, STOP at once. I do suggest finding a gender therapist with experience in gender issues. I also recommend finding some trans women who have gone through transition and talk to them live and in person.