View Full Version : Why do older women tend to have short hair?

08-27-2013, 04:18 PM
Inspired by Freddie's thread, and written to encourage all the GGs who read this forum, to respond, I have often wondered why women wear their hair shorter as they grow older.

Am I being cynical in thinking that the effort required to look after long hair just becomes too much? Or that the urge to look sexy diminishes?

Or are there other reasons of which I simply have no idea?

(Sorry that my posts tend to be succinct ... perhaps my thoughts are not deep ...)

08-27-2013, 04:30 PM
There are several reasons that I know of: 1) really long hair is seldom flattering to an older woman; 2) many do not want to be "bothered" by having to maintain a nice hair style (I know many in this category); it costs more to maintain a pretty hair style

08-27-2013, 04:31 PM
There are a number of reasons, but the main one is that it is supposed to make you look younger and perkier. My spouse still has keeps her hair long and I think she looks as young and perky as ever, but she often wears it up with the result that it looks shorter.

My hair used to be a few inches down my back but is now pretty much shoulder length. I think it works for me and would not want to shorten it further and I am well passed the 50-year old point when most women start to believe the "shorter is better" formula.

Also, keep in mind that shorter can be easier to care for, that many women do lose hair as they age, just like men do except not generally to the point of obvious baldness, and that older women may have arthritis or other conditions that make long hair harder to deal with.


Kelly DeWinter
08-27-2013, 04:38 PM
OK , I see where this is going , the next thread will be "Why do women have any Hair at all ?"

Sarah Beth
08-27-2013, 04:46 PM
When we first met my wife had hair down to her hips. As the years went by she kept making it shorter and shorter because it was a lot easier to care for was what she told me. A couple of years ago I asked her if she would let it grow out because I always liked her with long hair. So she did, its still fairly long but when our daughter go married recently she cut it.

08-27-2013, 05:12 PM
OK , I see where this is going , the next thread will be "Why do women have any Hair at all ?"

Brazilians know the answer to that one, Kelly, so there's no need to ask!

08-27-2013, 05:26 PM
Several reasons:

As we age, our jowls sag, the skin below our chins sag, etc, and hair down below the chin tends to visually draw the face downward as well, which makes everything look even saggier. So chin length or shorter is an attempt to "lift" the face and draw the attention to the cheekbones and eyes.

Also, hair becomes more brittle, less shiny as we age, not to mention gray. Some women don't mind having a headful of gray hair, but others do.

I'm in my 50s and I still have very straight long hair to below my bra band. I'm fortunate in that I only have a few odd gray hairs. My mother didn't gray until her mid 60s. Also, my face is just beginning to sag a little but it's not that bad yet. So I feel as if I can still wear my hair long. I have not used detergent on my hair for some years (I use Wen) and so my hair is shiny. But, I often pull it back and up into a high pony tail especially in the summer time and with makeup on, it looks rather well-groomed.

I imagine that when my face ages to the point where the sag is noticeable, and my hair is 50% gray, I will get it cut shorter.

I actually think that shorter hair styles are more difficult to maintain than long, straight hair.

Ineke Vashon
08-27-2013, 06:44 PM
I think long, shiny hair is a strong female sexual attraction. Like "she tossed her hair" or the type dances where long hair is 'flung' back and forth. Always made my lip curl. But, as Reine points out, we get older, stuff goes south and.......:sad:

Even so, I think personality has something to do with it. I recall a couple I was friends with, he 85, she early 70's (he called her his 'child bride'). She was not pretty by any means. But she wore her grey hair in two long braids. It was that and her exuberant personality that made her femininity shine :wave:.


Kelly DeWinter
08-27-2013, 08:17 PM
Brazilians know the answer to that one, Kelly, so there's no need to ask!

OMG, I forgot about THAT !

08-27-2013, 08:55 PM
Hi Gale, I guess because it's a lot easier to take care of.

08-28-2013, 12:35 AM
Its because their hairdresser told them it would look good... it usually doesn't in my opinion! ...actually, I think it has a lot to do with maintenance and not feeling the needing to be sought after. My grandmother has long hair and she looks great....its the generation in between that's messed it up.

Kati F
08-28-2013, 01:44 AM
I think it is because it's just plain easier to care for, especially for people that work. I don't think they want to be bothered by taking care of long hair (men and women).

My hair is very long (almost waist length) and it's a pain to care for sometimes. My wife wears her hair very short just because it's easier to maintain, wash it, towel it off and comb it... done.

08-28-2013, 05:58 AM
Right it's not because I can't be bothered, it's because I happen to like the style and I'm still sexy.

It amazes me that cders are here answering as to why, ok some have SO's that they may have spoken to. Others IMHO just want to have a bloody dig at the GGS again and they way they appear!

Karren H
08-28-2013, 06:50 AM
Less hair to color!

Kate Simmons
08-28-2013, 06:52 AM
Usually because they are less maintenance and sometimes more stylish. I have several shorter wigs that are like that.:)

08-28-2013, 07:49 AM
I am Shoshone.

My hair is very long, past my hips.

It's very dark with lots of silver which I think is very distinctive and I am proud of.

I wear it up most of the time, twirled in a bun with claw clips.

08-28-2013, 09:25 AM
I commented on this subject on the Paula Young website a few days ago. As women age, a lot of them adopt shorter styles because they're easier to take care of. Another group you'll see who do this are working mothers with a lot of pressures on their time. Nothing wrong with that approach - problem is, it doesn't "work" for everyone and in some cases, it ends up giving them a "butch" look and detracts from their femininity.

We have a local news reporter who was doing the 5 AM show a number of years ago and had two girls under 10 at the time - one morning, she appeared with a short, cropped style. The girls are now off to college and she's retired, but she's kept the style because it works well with her overall appearance. Bottom line - it's not for everyone.

bridget thronton
08-28-2013, 09:30 AM
People wear their hair in a style that makes them feel good about themselves - I like short hair on women as well as longer styles

08-28-2013, 07:09 PM
Inspired by Freddie's thread, and written to encourage all the GGs who read this forum, to respond, I have often wondered why women wear their hair shorter as they grow older. Am I being cynical in thinking that the effort required to look after long hair just becomes too much? Or that the urge to look sexy diminishes? Or are there other reasons of which I simply have no idea?

I would think that long hair would definitely get in the way during everyday activities (I know it does, actually, so I prefer a ponytail whilst dressed), so older women gravitate towards a more practical, and manageable, hairstyle. Long hair may be more attractive to some males, but, once the male is in the “bag” (so to say), the female can safely dispense with the fetching locks…

Here in Kansas I notice a lot of older women with shorter hair, i.e. off the shoulders and/or away from the ears, but their remaining hair has plenty of VOLUME, something that male hairstyles don’t have in common. The hair has plenty of feminine styling, once again pointing out to all concerned that the person in question is definitely a woman…

The hairdressers in this town are overworked, believe me… :whew!:

Seana Summer
08-28-2013, 08:43 PM
[COLOR="black"] once the male is in the “bag” (so to say), the female can safely dispense with the fetching locks…

With my male hat firmly on.......

The above has been my primary hypothesis for years.

Sorry Ladies

But I have been in a bit of a sour mood lately

and I was just told tonight I need a hair cut!! Mine is now at the bottom of my shirt collar

I have for years marveled at how the length of my hair is of her concern but not the inverse. hmmm:heehee:

08-28-2013, 09:17 PM
Long hair may be more attractive to some males, but, once the male is in the “bag” (so to say), the female can safely dispense with the fetching locks…
Or they may "dispense with the fetching locks" because they have decided that they aren't interested in attracting men any more.

A number of divorced or widowed women my age (~60) and older have told me that they are a lot freer without a man in their lives. They can do what they want now that they no longer have to structure their lives around a man's needs and desires. They are very nice about it, but I definitely feel put in my place!

08-28-2013, 09:19 PM
It amazes me that cders are here answering as to why, ok some have SO's that they may have spoken to. Others IMHO just want to have a bloody dig at the GGS again and they way they appear!

Agree with Sandra....for petes sake you do not hear us making a big deal how you all wear your hair. Wear it how you want.:D

As far as short hair easier.....totally NOT true:eek:
I just cut my hair in a bob cause I wanted something different.....it takes a h of alot more time and product than my long hair.
My long hair I washed it and went.
I wear it long for a while....get bored....cut it,,,,grow it out again.
It's My Prerogative:tongueout

Sometimes Steffi
08-28-2013, 10:48 PM
There's an underlying assumption that long hair is sexy and short hair is not.

I think the right short cut or a short cut on the right person can look sexy. Think about Anne Hatheway. She's sexy with long hair or her latest pixie cut.

08-28-2013, 11:06 PM
It's definitely a matter of style, and the style works for some, not for others.

On the advice of a friend I decided to try a short wig. I wore it out to dinner with friends and halfway through the evening decided that I looked as if a small furry animal was perched upon my head. I received quite a few looks from other diners and none of them made me feel very comfortable with my presentation. Luckily, it was just a wig so it went back in exchange for some longer locks.

08-29-2013, 12:28 AM
As far as short hair easier.....totally NOT true:eek:
I just cut my hair in a bob cause I wanted something different.....it takes a h of alot more time and product than my long hair.

Yep, so true. I had my hair short for years and years, and I had to wash and blow dry it every morning so it could take shape and frame my face nicely. But with long hair, I get out of the shower, comb, and let it dry naturally. It's much easier. I only wash my hair every 5 days or so now.

Beverley Sims
08-29-2013, 08:55 AM
I wonder whether it is a been there done that attitude.

08-29-2013, 09:16 AM
My wife had her hair "Buzz cut" for Saint Baldricks Day - a charity that raises money for children's cancer. She donated the hair to Locks of Love - who makes wigs for cancer patients. She quickly found that she loved that it only took her 30 seconds to wash her hair, and 15 seconds to dry it. She grew it out for another year, but it wasn't long enough for locks of love. This year, she has just decided to keep it shorter, getting touch-ups every 3-4 months.

Sometimes, just to give her a hard time, I'll call her "Sarge" (she was a sergeant in the US Army 3 decades ago), but she knows I'm crazy about her. This is probably one of the reasons she likes her hair short. She knows I love her, regardless of how short her hair is, how much she weighs, and how she dresses.

She also loves me for who I am, and actually loves me as Debbie - sometimes more than she likes Rex. Lately, she has been trying to get me to bring out Debbie's personality at family and church events where I have to maintain the appearance of Rex. It's so wonderful not to have to try and be Rex all the time, and she is being supportive of my transition, though a bit reluctant about the SRS.

Often, when a woman feels secure in the relationship, she will tend to be less concerned about being physically attractive all the time. Most of my lovers, after a few months, start wearing pants more often, cutting their hair shorter, and wearing less make-up. They are comfortable with me, and even like that I like to get dolled up.

I've also learned that when a lover starts getting dressed up and pretty, it's generally a red flag that something is not right about the relationship, usually that she is trying to attract other men, or is dating someone else. At minimum, she is feeling insecure in our relationship and doesn't want to lose me. In general, it's not a good sign.