View Full Version : My Update

Barbara Ella
08-30-2013, 12:32 AM
I had made the decision to keep my transexual nature from my wife. We have been on this ride together for less than two years, and she completely freaked out with just the concept of a cross dresser. Even one year ago she would not consider transgender, much less acknowledge transexual. My judgement at the time was that with time, she would become more aware and accepting. Thus, i began my slow inexorably slow journey of HRT around last November, in silence. First she decided she wanted to discuss things, that was positive. Last month she allowed that if I was female she understood, and would not leave (a previous condition), but could not see me dressed.

Last week we had another talk after I had a particularly hard day, because of something really trivial, except for our situation. I needed a new nightshirt. My male nightshirt was in shreds. I went on the interned and looked for them, but as I sat there, I became very scared...There was no way i was going to wear a male nightshirt ever again. I was going to violate one of our agreements, it might hurt her, but I must do it. So I beat myself up for a day.

When she came home, she saw my condition, and we had a talk about it. I related to her that as a man i never wear shorts because of my birth defect, but i would have no qualm about going out right now in a skirt (at or above the knee no less), and broke down. After some time and discourse she stated that she knows i am a woman, and she can now accept that, and has no negative feelings. She agreed that a therapist should be started. She went further and said that if HRT would help alleviate the GD feelings and the beating up on myself, that I should start them as soon as possible, and I should attend local support group meetings. Further she was now willing to have me dress in jeans/slacks, blouse, and flats. She will work up to makeup, wigs, skirts etc over time. i did go out and buy a nice Vera Wang nightgown.

She allowed that if I have the need to go 24/7 we will sell the house and move to a new town, and start over from day one there with our new life, but never in our hometown.

She did notice my breasts (38B), which I feel is exceptional for a 67 year old. We marked them off to my low testosterone, and prostate problems and medications.

I know i always talk about honesty, and many here do not approve of doing it this way. I can only hope and pray that in a short time we will both be on the same page and moving forward together. Where we are going, I don't know, and we are both on a journey, but we are together at last. I am at least hopeful it will last because we have both said neither of us is going away.

Your support and friendship has meant a great deal to me as i begin to become the woman i know i am inside.


08-30-2013, 12:42 AM
It sounds like you and your wife have a super relationship, Barbara. May your journey continue from strength to strength.


08-30-2013, 12:58 AM
nobody understands your situation better than you. i think the majority of us are good people and try to be honest, but sometimes too much honesty
all at once can be very dangerous, especially to your relationship. i can agree that small doses at a time can make things go smoother for you.
so it now sounds like you and your wife are finally on the same page.
you have a wonderful and supportive wife now, and i wish you continued success! :)

08-30-2013, 01:04 AM
You lucky b**ch!

JK. :-) I'm very happy for you Barbara.

Things will likely get tough on your journey. Above all, remember to be true to yourself.


08-30-2013, 03:32 AM
Yours is just one example of good coming from bad. I will not comment on the pros and cons of tell or don't tell, but at least your SO has accepted that you are a woman and is willing to work with you to achieve that goal. There is still a long way to go but you have taken the right direction and as long as you both are honest and open there should be no reason why the changes that have taken place cannot be improved upon for both of you :love:

08-30-2013, 09:01 AM
Barbara – two years ago you joined this forum not quite knowing where you were on the spectrum, but knowing you were experiencing a rekindled interest in female clothing and happy to find a place where you could find support during your journey. It must be confusing even to you sometimes with how quickly the clarity of who you are has shown itself. It’s obvious that you love your wife, I think you’ve tried to be as honest with her about your feeling as you’ve grown to understand those feelings yourself. You have a wonderful life partner and you’ve shared many happy years. I wish you many more.


Leah Lynn
08-30-2013, 09:24 AM
Barbara, I hope now the waters have calmed you and your SO have smooth sailing. Good luck!


08-30-2013, 09:28 AM
This is certainly good news Barbara. I pray this tiny spark grows into something that brings you the warmth you seek.

btw...I think I understand your situation.

08-30-2013, 10:08 AM
Barbara I'm so happy for you. I know how hard it is to now that being who you are can cost so much. It sounds like your wife loves you very much. I second your wife thought about you starting therapy it can be a really good tool. I wish the best for both of you. Janelle

08-30-2013, 10:33 AM
Barb, I'm glad that you're heading in a positive direction, in terms of your self expression and your relationship. I hope that therapy, in all forms, and communications with your wife will continue to ease the stresses of this journey for both of you.

08-30-2013, 04:20 PM
That's really great news, Barbara!

I imagine this takes a pretty big weight off your shoulders.

I'm very happy for you and wish you both the best in this new chapter of your journey.