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View Full Version : Are you happy?

Kate Simmons
08-30-2013, 07:34 AM
Many talk on here of the trials and tribulations of crossdressing and the dynamics of their personal relationships with regard to this. In spite of all that I have one simple question: "Are you happy?" If not, what has to happen for you to be happy? I'm pretty happy myself and pretty much just go with the flow as at this point in my life there is not much more anyone can do to make me not happy. My point is that this life is relatively short so we may as well do what we can to be happy and enjoy it.:)

08-30-2013, 07:54 AM
I have to say that for the first time in a very long time,
I am truly happy. Life certainly has its ups and downs, and the finances are certainly down
at the moment. But money isn't everything. Raychel has come out of the closet at home.
Now I am free to dress. no longer hiding behind closed doors.

This is a HUGE relief to me, this has been something that has been bothering me and truly
has caused my life to be hidden and somewhat depressed.

Now I feel complete and more at ease with life overall. So YES I am happy and
life is good, for today anyways. :daydreaming:

linda allen
08-30-2013, 08:10 AM
I am happy. You eventually learn in life that you can't have it all and to be happy with what you have. I have my health (back), a loving wife, a nice home, and some nice "toys". My wife tolerates my dressing as long as the neighbors don't see me and that's fine with me.

08-30-2013, 08:12 AM
Oddly enough, yes I am happy. But then I am normally a happy person.

Right now I have a wife who loves me but has serious health problems and I may loose her.. I am unemployed for the second time in a year due to layoffs and plant closings and there are not many jobs for 60 year olds. I am almost broke due to medical bills and some really crazy insurance standards. I have a handicapped daughter that also has health issues and is not doing very well and I am all she has (the ex wife bailed on her years ago). My other daughter and her husband got involved in drugs and became homeless last winter.

So what do I have to be happy about? Well lets see. I have a very loving wife that accepts me with all of my quirks and faults and I treasure each day I have her with me. My daughter and husband are clean and working and have their own place. My handicap daughter is very precious and has taught me so much about patience and courage. God has always provided for us and I have faith that he will continue to do so. A job will come along and we will be fine. There are many people in our lives, friends, family, church members, that love us and pray for us.

Happiness is all about how you choose to see things and react to them. It is a choice and I feel truly blessed.

Ellen Jo

08-30-2013, 08:12 AM
Hi Kate , If I was any happier I would have to go out and come back in again.

You should have to buy a ticket to be this happy.

At my age if I'm not happy by now I probably wouldn't ever be happy.

08-30-2013, 08:56 AM
I am separated and I am happy when I am in the presence of my young daughter who I love most in this world. My ex never knew I slipped on her clothes from time to time, as she always left for work before me hehe, but who knows :P! I enjoy Cding it's a hobby for me and it gives me a certain amount of satisfaction, and I got spare time :)

Leah Lynn
08-30-2013, 09:13 AM
Being a widower, I'm dressed almost every minute I'm home. I'm trying to get on HRT. My children still love me, and thankfully live in different towns. Upside things.

Being a widower, I'm alone. When my wife's health turned for the worse, I took a job that allowed me to be home to care for her. That job sucks, and pays half of what I was making. Downside.

Maybe not happy, but for now, Getting by.



Linda Leigh
08-30-2013, 09:15 AM
If I was any happier... I would have to be twins LOL Yes I am happy only wish we would had the internet 40 years ago. Then I would have realized that I was't the only person going though crossdressing.

Ina Girdle
08-30-2013, 09:32 AM
I am generally a happy person. I am very lucky to have a partner who is very kind and accepting and after 12 years of marriage I told her about being a CDer. I can now experience my fem side by under dressing and it keeps things (in limits) for my wife and I am able to own & wear what I have only dreamed about most of my life. Life is about balance and compromise and my wife and I are achieving that together! I enjoy each year more than the last, even though there are always ups and downs. I have found a group of friends who share an interest (this site), and are a great source of support and advice, (for the most part, some threads are a little divisive in my opinion, but that is what makes this place great, we do not need to be stuffed into a box with a label on it, we are all doing our thing whatever it is that completes us). I am very happy and enjoy the chance to share with all of you and hear your experiences.


Alice Torn
08-30-2013, 09:47 AM
I find myself in many moods and emotions, and having a nervous disorder, and bipolar, and lifetime family of origin abuse, does not make it easyu to be happy. But, i have alweays been content with less than others have. Old car, old bicycles, used clothes, no need for my own house. I can live without crossdressing, more now too, as i am often just too tired and worn out for it, and i can see my days are fewer ahead, than behind, at age 59, and worn out from emotional illness. I used to want a wife so badly, but, now, am realizing marriage may not be for everyone, and I am just to worn out for a woman to want, and, too poor. I see the world rushing towards economic depression, and the historical solution, war. Yet, i am relatively happy, for all i struggle with. There will be a better day soon.

Deanna B
08-30-2013, 09:56 AM
hi . i am very happy as my wife knows and so do my kids that i desses and on friday nights i go out dresses and meet up with t girls for a drink at a club . if anyone said to me 3 years ago that i can dress in front of my family i would of not belive them . and i am so glad that there are so many happy girls here . enjoy life . take care all . love deanna xx

Cheryl T
08-30-2013, 10:01 AM
I'm happier than I have been in years. That being said, I could be happier if I could just win the darn lottery and retire already...LOL

Karren H
08-30-2013, 10:15 AM
My happiness is independent of the clothes I wear... and I'm always happy......

Tina B.
08-30-2013, 10:18 AM
Yes I'm happy, I choose to be. I spent many years looking for happiness, stopped looking, outside for it, and found it deep with in. Things may not always go my way, but why let that get you down, after all, some days everything seems to go my way, life is just what you make it.

08-30-2013, 10:31 AM
At the moment, or 15 minutes from now? Happiness isn't really an emotional state, so much as a self assessment that we must make from time to time. If I was in Houston traffic, I assure you I would not in that moment be happy, but if I look at my life as it is now, and from the perspective of several decades, well, then, I'd say, "yes, I am happy with my life"

I have a wonderful, understanding wife. I'm proud of my children and enthralled with my grandkids. I have meaningful work and time and money enough to engage in activities I enjoy. I have a great circle of friends, business associates and a huge extended family that still stays connected. And I live as the person I choose to be.

That's my standard for happiness. But its pretty interesting to consider the concept of happiness. Clearly, happiness isn't the result of possessions or personal accomplishments or status. There are lots of happy people who have little or none of these. In fact, there's eviidence to suggest that modern societties measures of success and status are actually making it harder for people to be satisfied with life. For example, the mental condition we call "depression" is non-existent in subsistence based cultures. Curious, isn't it? The condition isn't found in cultures where everone must work each day to eek out an existence. These studies suggest that affluence comes along with the notion of relative deprivation, and that in turn leads to depression.

Tracii G
08-30-2013, 10:58 AM
I'm very happy.

08-30-2013, 11:27 AM
Extremely happy! If your happiness relies on external factors, it will always be unstable. Thats why Im always happy, because it comes from inside, no matter what is happening on my life.

Druscilla Supernovae
08-30-2013, 11:37 AM
In most part I'm happy. Just wish I had that special someone in my life. Driving an 18 wheeler makes it hard to meet someone.

franny lin
08-30-2013, 11:41 AM
I'm just here. My wife doesn't understand she tries but just can't deal with my dressing. So here I am just hoping things will get better. I know she loves me but we need to deal with this in order to move on. Is been ten years scents I told her .

08-30-2013, 11:43 AM
Oddly enough, yes I am happy....Right now I have a wife who loves me but has serious health problems and I may loose her.. I am unemployed for the second time in a year due to layoffs and plant closings and there are not many jobs for 60 year olds. I am almost broke due to medical bills...So what do I have to be happy about? Well lets see. I have a very loving wife that accepts me with all of my quirks and faults and I treasure each day I have her with me. My daughter and husband are clean and working and have their own place. My handicap daughter is very precious and has taught me so much about patience and courage. God has always provided for us and I have faith that he will continue to do so. A job will come along and we will be fine. There are many people in our lives, friends, family, church members, that love us and pray for us....Happiness is all about how you choose to see things and react to them. It is a choice and I feel truly blessed. Love Ellen Jo

I love this site for things like this post. My quick answer is that usually I am unhappy but now I am happy. I am happy to read that post.

What I am taking time to learn is a Buddhist tradition from Thich Nhat Hahn that suffering is part of man's life. It is up to man to make joy from that suffering. Watching a person die can be made into a joy by appreciating that at this point in time that person is alive. Ellen Jo's handicapped daughter is alive and very precious.

This kind of thinking gives me hope and that makes me happy. Huggs to all.

08-30-2013, 11:44 AM
Happy as can be, cause I live my life the way that I want to live and I try not to bother others with anything.

08-30-2013, 11:53 AM
Kate you asked a very good question. Am i happy. Yes I am happy. I am retired from education. I was not happy with the way our younger generation is being raised and the direction some are headed. ( talking about that makes me sad more than unhappy though). I retired at age 52. I am lucky I have a lovely understanding wife who is still thinking she can make a difference in young kids life. She is retired but was rehired back into education. We are not financially cash wise sound, but are worth a lot cash wise in assets. We love the outdoors and travel more than we should in our fifth wheel seeing the wonders of America. We have found that people are about as happy as they make up their mind to be. We choose to be happy. We have a deep religious belief and that makes it easy to be happy knowing even if the worse should ever happen to us we will be happy knowing we will be in a better place. We enjoy life. We stay active together. We have tried just about every thing once and some things twice. This life has made us wiser and taken its toll on our bodies. Would we do any thing different? My answer is no.... Because of four wonderful kids we raised and now eight even more wonderful grand kids life is good. We have learned to count one richness in life by the moments that we hold special. We tried the big bank accounts. What good is cash in he bank if one can't enjoy life? We invested in assets and I call them life assets. Examples are a family farm, a great deer lease, a beautiful fishing lake, an outdoor cooking area with a large back porch where we sat and watch the sun set, while the family sings as we play our guitars, a horseshoe pitching court, or just a leisure stroll around the place with my honey, arm and arm usually not talking just watching the wildlife starting to move as the evening sun sets and cools the earth. This is my happiness. My only stress is hoping I never have to snap back to the grind of having to be somewhere at a certain time. I love life. I dress when I am feeling feminine and don't when I'm not in the mood. Folks need to just be themselves and find their own place in life that make them happy. Oh one other thing I quit listening to the news, watching TV ( except for some old shows of reruns i grew up with) or reading a newspaper. If i want to know the weather i walk outside.... I hate negativity and disassociate myself from it.

08-30-2013, 12:15 PM
Hi Kate,

I have only been out with my wife for three weeks and yes I can say I am very happy.

Things were very bad in my personal/work life for the past five years because I could not be honest with who I was. Since I have embraced my femme side, Isha, and made her part of my life with the support of my loving wife, I don't find myself in angry mode anymore. Before that, just dropping as screw and having it roll under the workbench would set me into a fit of rage . . . you know what, I was working on my car the other day (male mode) and I broke a very expensive component and I had to laugh and think, so what I can always buy another one . . . I can't buy the love of a wonderful caring woman or the satisfaction of being complete.

So although we are still very new in our discovery of Isha and I am sure we will have some setbacks . . . for the first time in a long time, I am very, very happy :battingeyelashes: :)


Dianne S
08-30-2013, 12:43 PM
I am basically happy because I'm a basically happy person. My marriage is somewhat rocky; my wife and I have a lot of tension between us but we also do have some happy times as well.

08-30-2013, 01:23 PM
YES, I'm happier now than I've ever been!! I heard on the radio that they did a survey of what ages people are the happiest and it was age 23 and 69. Well I can't remember 23 that well, but now I'm looking forward to turning 69 this December. The theory was that by 69 you realize this is it and it's not too bad. Hugs Jaymee

Lynn Marie
08-30-2013, 01:29 PM
The hardest part of finding true happiness for me was learning to accept not having a lady friend. My goal since Junior High was to have a "steady" girlfriend. Since that time I've had my share. Some better than others. My cousin never got married. He likes to play and he doesn't like any hinderences. I realized a year or so ago that he's smarter than I gave him credit for.

Now I'm happy indeed. No attachments, retired, financially secure, minimum amount of stuff that needs to be cared for, a couple of hobbies that I'm good at, a bunch of CD girlfriends, and two killer wardrobes!

Kate Simmons
08-30-2013, 02:16 PM
All good responses. One thing Robbin said that struck me was that what we need to do is use all experiences either negative or positive as learning opportunities. The real skill is to take even negative experiences and turn them around and make them work for us. That kind of mastery certainly makes us happy. :battingeyelashes::)

08-30-2013, 07:24 PM
I'm happier than I have been in years. That being said, I could be happier if I could just win the darn lottery and retire already...LOL

.and of course when I win I will call my very best friend in the world, Jillleanne, to come and help me spend the rest of our lives blowing it all. lol

Ok, really now, yes, I am happy. No I am not fulfilled within. Good, but not perfect. I'm assuming we are talking in reference to our gender issues. What would make me absolutely perfectly 100% happy 24/7 for the rest of my life? Not sure really but never ever having to deal with GID would be a really, really, really, great start.

08-30-2013, 07:42 PM
I don't want to say I'm not happy, because things could always be worse.
I do unfortunately have a headache today, but this too shall pass, right?

I will say I am happy to read this thread and everyone's input on it.

Also I will make happy faces: :) :battingeyelashes::heehee::angel: (A little sense of humor takes the edge off) :)

08-30-2013, 07:51 PM
<snip>Happiness is all about how you choose to see things and react to them. It is a choice and I feel truly blessed.
Ellen Jo
Exactly. Some wise person once wrote that we are generally as happy as we want to be. While I can't always manage that, I try to be content with my life, and that's how I feel most of the time, as I've learned to extract joy from sometimes the tiniest things. For example, I'm eating a delicious pizza right now, and revel in the texture and flavour of it with every bite.

08-30-2013, 08:24 PM
Kate, my happiness came when I decided I did not want to be en femme but rather wanted to admire and share a girls company. For the longest time something was missing, that was to be with the ladies. Admire those who achieved what I coudl not

08-30-2013, 08:49 PM
Are you happy? My point is that this life is relatively short so we may as well do what we can to be happy and enjoy it.

I’m happy, but I could just as easily be sad. I'm responsible for my own happiness. The way I see it, I won’t be here forever, so I might as well do everything I can, try everything I can (within reason), and make the most of it. In that context, I’m glad I tried crossdressing. I created happiness out of thin air, using just a change of clothes to make the world seem perpetually magical. How amazing!

09-01-2013, 04:26 PM
Quite happy, involved with a serious relationship with a man that loves and accepts me as a woman. During my journey to womanhood, I always wondered if I could ever be truly happy............yes, most definitely! The one and only down side to my life is that I want to dress as a woman every day, not just at night and on the weekend. My fondest dream is to wear a dress, heels and hose to work and be the woman I really am.

09-02-2013, 12:26 AM
Crossdressing is one of the biggest rays of sunshine in my life. I feel happier and better when en femme, especially after my car accident. It seems to relax me, which is a huge help for my back. I mean my little Chiweenie is a huge help too. Miss Peaches is the little princess who practically runs my life.

09-02-2013, 03:02 AM

To be content is to be happy.

years ago age from age 4 = 7 , i was known as the happy smiling kid. now age 66, yes 'v i grown a bit & still known as the happy smiling bigger kid, so as a person a few things have changed around myself, though its not in what i have

, its in knowing who i am, & what i can offer to others wether its through my work or just being there for them or just a helping hand.

As youll see im very happy . though being content has more meaning .


Beverley Sims
09-02-2013, 06:05 AM
What, me happy? You betcha, Kate.
Turn all the negatives into positives, that's the secret.