View Full Version : Looking for guidance

Nelliel K
08-30-2013, 02:24 PM
So I recently came across this forum earlier this morning and after reading a number of posts, I could see how open and accepting everyone is; thus giving me enough courage to at least open up for some thoughts and guidance.
To start off I really realized my feminine side because when I was young me sister would force me to dress up, and when I say force she said she would beat me up D: ( we were like 4 and 5, myself being younger. Nothings more horrifying then a angry older sister.) I would always fight it but when doing so I also had tons of fun, it was different and felt exiting. From then on I would cross-dress on my own (Always on my own) with the doors locked and while no one was home, normally using my sisters clothing. This continued through my teen years, but now as a young adult ( 19, turning 20 soon.) for a while I shut down that side of me but now it’s coming back, It’s not that I hate that side of me, it’s the fact that I want more then to just be a cross dresser. I’ve always felt more in place with my feminine side I guess.
What I would really like to do is actually become a girl honestly but, I’m scared. I go to college full time and have a job I absolutely love…what would become of my job if I decide I really am committing to becoming a girl. Maybe it’s just a fear of confidence, everyone I work with are the nicest group of people I’ve ever known in a workplace. College is a Meh; because I honestly know NO ONE, seeing as I just moved to northern California from where I lived before, only person I know really is my roommate and some people I talk to online. I’m very close to my father mostly, I don’t think he knows I used to cross dress in the house (though I think he might ._.) but I’m unsure how he would act about the situation, it’s not that he was a bad person or anything I absolutely look up to him as a role model so it would be devastating for him to think any different of me. I feel like I have a somewhat clean slate because I don’t have friends to worry about judging me but none the less work and family worry me.
Sorry to turn this into a long rant but I've actually never spoke about this once at all, and still got more :D. While Cross-dressing is fun, what I really want is to become a girl, like I mentioned before. No wigs, stuffing and so on; I love my own hair (despite when I clean it is super thin and it drives me insane!) my perfect look I guess would be a pixie cut since my hairs long enough to do that (and tomboys drive me insane because they’re so hot!) Which is why I constantly find myself comparing to tomboys on my feminine side but yet casual. Along with the fact that I’ve been a literate role player for …jeesh has it been over 9 years? But on that note the reason I bring it up is I always make my characters female, which is how I express my feminine side most :x. OK enough rambling now. I really could use advice or something, I’m not sure what to do, another concern is that if I wait too long I’m going to destroy my youth years over this issue and never actually become who i honestly think I want to be. I've heard many people mention hormones and counseling but, won’t that cost a lot of money also?
If you at least read this or didn't, it means a lot! Just the act of getting this off my chest is a relief at the moment!~
Nelliel \^-^/

08-30-2013, 02:37 PM
Hi Nellie,
First welcome to this site. There are many here who can share their experiences with you and I'm sure you will find some good help and advice. Just take it one step at a time and look at the experiences of others.
I too was dressed by my sisters at a very young age but without the aggression, so I don't know how that changes one's outlook.
You are not alone and many here have had similar experiences and even feel the way you do.
Hang in there and keep "talking" to your friends here.

08-30-2013, 07:16 PM
Hi Nellie. You have your whole life ahead of you so go slow and take your time. Think things out slowly. You say you 'want' to become a girl. Over time you may well decide you 'need and must' become female in order to get through life with some sense of order in your life , some form of happiness and normality. meanwhile, explore your femininity, make friends with 'like' people, and let things fall in place naturally. If a women is in your future, you will discover it when the time is right. Welcome to the cell block.

08-30-2013, 09:59 PM
I agree with the take it slow method. However, that really depends on how bad the GD is. Start saving every penny you can find. This is not cheap(my last total was somewhere around $80,000). Read and learn everything you can find on transition, FFS, and GRS. Know exactly what you are getting into before you start. Locate a good gender therapist with experience. Go out and actually meet post-op women. They can give you more information than you thought possible. I would recommend you read every page of this site http://www.tsroadmap.com/index.html there is some very good information there.

I wish you the best on your journey. If you would like to talk, just PM me.

08-30-2013, 11:21 PM
Assuming your sister is still living, you should call her up and ask her to pay for your transition...or therapy. lol

Honestly, that "forced feminization" as a child probably did cause part of your interest and I know that first-hand. I had a similar experience.
But on a more serious note -- ask yourself ...

... if you "want to be" a girl because... they have it easier ....they get nicer clothes ... they can get away with stuff ... and their social life is better
and perhaps yours is not (? )


... you "are" a girl. There is a big difference.

There are lots of online tests you can take to "kinda sorta" guide your decisions of whether or not to seek real face to face counseling,
Just look for "online gender test" or "online transgender test" or search this forum - I'm sure links have been posted,
but the trend they ( doctors, clinics ) usually seek is

"Consistent and Persistent Insistence on identifying as a female." There are lots of us "in-betweens" ... we're kinda like "ghosts" trapped
between two realms. Some days I want nothing more than to be a chick .... but ... some days I'm glad I'm a dude .... and that means
I am not qualified to transition. Also ... I am far too lazy to be a female -- too much maintenance.

09-02-2013, 09:45 PM
Follow Jorja's advice. Next get your hair cut in a pixie cut. Start dressing androgynously. Take it slow and explore different things. See which ones make you comfortable which ones cause you distress. Only by doing and exploration can you find a way. All of what has been mentioned is reversable. Start to live your life now the way you would like.
It will most likely be difficult. Only way you can find out if it us what you truly need, need not want.