View Full Version : 'Feeling good' versus 'not feeling bad'

09-04-2013, 03:18 AM
For those who's sex assigned at birth is 'male'*, does cross-dressing, presenting as a woman, physically expressing your female gender et al. make you feel good, or does it make you not feel bad?

Imagine your state of being on a scale ranging from -10 to 10, where -10 stands for "feeling very bad" and 10 stands for "feeling very good", do you jump from a negative number to zero or a positive number, or are you almost always zero or in the positive range and does the number simply increase?

How do you think this relates to the control you have over your cross-dressing urges and/or other aspects of your life?

* this isn't meant as a 'specific posting request', I appreciate everybody's input.

Beverley Sims
09-04-2013, 04:03 AM
I just feel good.
I am going to have to crunch numbers and overthink in order to give you a detailed answer.
Maybe next week. :)

Princess Chantal
09-04-2013, 07:00 AM
I am stumped on the term "male sex assignment".

09-04-2013, 07:08 AM
Hi Zylia (BTW love the name),

I am neither happier or sadder dressed as Isha. Her girly girl feminine side is very much a part of me. As her and I integrate more, we both have sad and happy days but we always share them. :) :sad:



09-04-2013, 07:13 AM
With "male sex assignment" I meant that your sex assigned at birth is male. I'm not sure if that's a stumping concept by itself or if it's not the correct term. English still is a second language for me.

Christina Kay
09-04-2013, 07:16 AM
I would say just slightly happier, maybe for the 1st time as the closet door is open a crack.I would have to agree with Isha,about integrating. Aretha is a factor now.

09-04-2013, 07:21 AM
I identify as a male, one who likes to dress up occasionally. It makes me feel good. When the desire hits but I can't dress, I don't feel bad, just frustrated.
The question reminds me of a quit-smoking product TV advertisement, in which a woman says she honestly enjoyed smoking. As a former smoker, I understand what she is saying, but I don't think we really enjoy smoking, we enjoy the fix - the cigarette - not craving any more, at least for a while. It's our bodies/brain fooling us into thinking we enjoy it. So I wonder if dressing is like that for me.

09-04-2013, 08:09 AM
I would say that overall I'm a very happy person, if I'm in guy mode I feel fine, slightly envious of all the girls styles, but I still feel good about myself. So maybe guy mode is like an 8. Then when I get to dress or add something feminine to my attire I would say the feeling bumps up to about a 9 or 10... So I like to keep it in the high numbers most of the time!

Princess Chantal
09-04-2013, 08:18 AM
I'd have to say that I am in the same mindset as Paulaloha.
The steady happiness with life with not much variance between the modes could be the reason why I have a comfortable balance with not letting my crossdressing overwhelm my life

09-04-2013, 08:31 AM
I really can't put a number on my cd. Sometimes I get in a female mode and I go dress. I love my male modes also. In female mode I feel good sometimes just playing with my makeup (practicing) or just dressing with the make up, sometimes I just put my heels on and wear them till the urge passes. Urge and mode to me seem to be the same word in definition. When I'm in either urge mode I am happy at that time. Sometimes the urge to dress mode will last an hour or a few times it lasted all the day. I know when it is over though the urge just vanishes, and I can't get out of the makeup and clothing fast enough. I guess I'm more of a Mr. Jeckle and Mrs. Hyde type of person. It seems since I have been letting myself get into the the female mode when it hits that my male mode times are more satisfying to me. I know you want a number on happiness and if I had to put a number out there I'd say a 10 on both modes. I have always believed and practice that a person is only as happy as one lets themselves be. I choose to be my happy self in both modes.

09-04-2013, 08:41 AM
As a closet case I'd say that I can feel uneasy when I think about dressing but must stay in male mode until I get home... alone. The remedy is to be distracted enough to forget about dressing for the time being.

Lynn Marie
09-04-2013, 08:56 AM
I never feel "not bad". I've never used that term. In boy mode I'm guessing maybe a +3 or 4. Dressed, I feel even better, maybe a +6 or 7. When dressed I feel erotic and exotic. Probably how a woman feels when well dressed in fine lingerie, stockings, heels, and a form fitting dress.

09-04-2013, 09:10 AM
I feel good all the time. I'm a positive kind of person and a realist. Everything is an opportunity. When I dress I feel, good about an 8 and when I mountain bike I feel good, about a 10. When I am just in guy mode, I'm a 6. I am never in minus territory.

Life is challenging and I embrace the opportunity to overcome any challenge. When I fail, and I do fail on occasion, it is both my fault and a learning experience.

09-04-2013, 09:57 AM
hmmm, thought provoking thread here.... Dressing brings me a comfort, a relaxed feeling. Being able to let go at home and let my feminine side (dressed or not) be free makes me feel comfortable and relaxed. Now that I am doing this, overall I feel better. My wife has told me that my stress level has reduced considerably in everyday situations. IDK if I can put a number on it but I know that the more I accept myself, the more I feel relaxed, calm and just more of a complete person.

Dianne S
09-04-2013, 10:24 AM
Dressing makes me feel good, and I do feel more of an urge to dress when I feel bad.

Suzanne F
09-04-2013, 10:52 AM
When I am busy with my family in male mode I am happy. However, many times when I am alone I miss being Suzanne. It helps me to be able to look forward to going out when I have an outing planned. I am elated when I am dressed and on the way to the city (San Francisco ). So I would say I am generally happy in male mode but I am always looking forward to being Suzanne!

Cheryl T
09-04-2013, 05:40 PM
If -10 = x and 10 = y, then y + (-1*x)/3.14 = z

I think that about sums it up for me....I'm HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY (salute to Si on Duck Dynasty).