View Full Version : A whole new world for me :) My progress updated daily*

09-12-2013, 06:41 PM
If you read my previous thread it was about me coming out to my bestfriend that I really liked and how she accepted me and all to be her boyfriend and well girlfriend as well. A lot of thing have changed even though it's only been about a week. The biggest thing is she is so accepting and encouraging of my changes. So far we have went shopping a few times buying makeup,panties,socks, women's jeans and corset to help out my posture. I haven't went out in any makeup but I do have my nails and toes painted and I also wear the jeans we bought. I'm not confident going out in makeup and wig yet but that's just because I want my makeup to look really good. I plan in doing a drag queen look even though it is a bit dramatic for everyday but I do like it on how feminine it looks. As of today I called freelancer makeup artist that is coming on Tuesday to do makeup lessons and get me into look that I can do everyday. Im so excited and it's going so fast in these changes but I love it. I just hope this last forever. Well I'll update this thread daily just to show the progress that's happening. Thank you girls for reading and your support I love you all kisses <3

09-12-2013, 07:18 PM
April, I am glad you have found a GG SO who is understanding, accepting and wants to be with April.

But, a drag queen is not feminine, they are over the top caricutures of real feminine women, and unless you are clubbing, you will be totally out of place.

09-12-2013, 07:39 PM
Well the makeup transformations the drag queens do look very feminine to me. Like I said a bit dramatic but I don't mind it

09-12-2013, 07:50 PM
Personally, I think you're moving a little too fast, April. When I told an old GF about Sherry, she was very supportive. Apparently loved her photos.

Suddenly, out of the blue she decided Sherry was persona non grata! So, who was it to be? Sherry, or my old GF? After 30 years of staying in touch thru 2 marriage and divorces we haven't communicated in 3 years! Just an FYI.

09-12-2013, 08:37 PM
Well for me I technically been waiting 13 years. Also me and my now girlfriend have known eachother for over a year now before we started to be a couple. She knows my personality inside and out with now just an extra sentimental side to me. If for some reason we don't make it it'll hurt but im sure we can remain great girlfriends!

Beverley Sims
09-12-2013, 09:55 PM
I would go very slowly on this and I do not advise a drag queen look.
Use minimal makeup and only dress when your girlfriend requests it.
If it is to work you have to gain her full acceptance, not the novelty situation she is experiencing now.

09-13-2013, 01:23 AM
Hi April, ya just what the others say, Drag is like trying to land on the moon but hitting Mars instead.
As a female, we can still have the "everyone look at me!" attention in a pretty outfit etc, but don't be surprised if people respond negative if you go over the top

Anyhow, love to know how your get on