View Full Version : Girl in need

09-18-2013, 02:59 PM
HI everyone.
So i could use alot of help.
i want to become more passable. i have the wig and all that. im missing some shoes. but those should be here soon!
but what i want to know. ways to get around not having to shave my legs and arms to get the female look.
any other tips are welcome.


09-18-2013, 03:02 PM
mmmm ways not to shave ur legs.... try looking for leggings..... they fit snuggly along ur legs. (doesnt show any hair and looks girly

Karren H
09-18-2013, 03:04 PM
but what i want to know. ways to get around not having to shave my legs and arms to get the female look.
any other tips are welcome.


Let me go ask my wife! :D

09-18-2013, 03:05 PM
Wear panty hose under stockings and a long sleeve blouse and your ready to go

Barbra P
09-18-2013, 03:21 PM
I used to buy suntan tights at a Capezio store – they sell dance tights and leotards. The Calezio tights hide the hair on your legs. I liked L’eggs Sheer Energy panty hose over tights but any pantyhose will do. If there isn’t a Capezio store near you they are avaiolable on the online, including from Amazon. Not that great in warm weather, but great in the fall, winter, and spring. Thankfully my legs are now devoid of hair, nothing required in the summer and pantyhose looks and feels fantastic during the cooler months.

09-18-2013, 03:37 PM
All I can suggest is what everyone else has . . . stocking, leggings or nylons for the legs and long sleeves for the arms. However, if you have hairy knuckles like me, you will need to either remove that hair or find a way to hide them.

Just curious . . . why not shave? Plenty of men do these days for various reasons. Just a question, not trying to be pushy. :battingeyelashes:



Beverley Sims
09-18-2013, 11:22 PM
I think that is a reality you will have to face, or else cover them up.
Heavy nylons do help the legs. Long sleeves for the arms.

09-18-2013, 11:26 PM
I don't know if this will help since it is technically shaving, but I use to lightly shave my arms and legs basically it cut down the bulk but there was still hair there so it didn't appear like I had completely shaved these areas.

09-19-2013, 12:49 AM
I use a trimmer on my arms just to reduce the hair length and lighten the area
legs is either leggings / panty hose or I get them waxed

09-19-2013, 01:40 AM
Wear a long skirt or dress. Or mid length with boots.

linda allen
09-19-2013, 07:36 AM
I use a trimmer on my arms just to reduce the hair length and lighten the area
legs is either leggings / panty hose or I get them waxed

I use an electric trimmer as well on arms, legs and back. I don't have as much body hair as some men, but it is noticable. Once trimmed, panty hose disguise it but black tights are better. You have to choose based on the rest of the outfit and climate. Long sleeved blouses are fine in colder weather, but if it's 90 degrees outside, they are not a viable option.

Jocelyn Quivers
09-19-2013, 09:32 AM
Go with the 60's-70's hippie, all natural/organic look, wear a long skirt, sandals, and you should have a chance. Make sure to have hairy arm pits to ad to the effect. Your refusing to shave is an example of being a green cross dresser. Razors equal waist.:2c: Or if not into the hippie look go with pants, leggings, and long sleeve shirts.

09-19-2013, 10:29 AM
Best advice i ever got was to wear sleeveless dresses with a cardigan or bolero to minimize my broad shoulders. With that kind of lattitude I have been able to find a lot of really great outfits.

09-19-2013, 09:22 PM
I shave my legs. Nobody has ever noticed or said anything (even those who have known me a long time). As for arms, I don't shave those. Unless you have really really dark hairy arms, it won't be noticeable. When you are in the bathtub, you can lightly run the razor across your arms a couple times. It will cut down on the thickness but you won't be able to tell the difference.