View Full Version : Men Getting Pedicures

12-30-2005, 01:32 AM
Check out this article in a Modesto California Newspaper about men getting pedicures with colored nail polish. I have been doing this for several years and proudly displaying my red toenails while in DRAB mode. I get so many compliments from women on my red toenails. If you have ever wanted to do this, now is the time. It is a verly girly thing that I can do in my drab life. Whenever I am feeling stressed or having a bad day, I look down at my pretty red toenails and I feel so feminine and relaxed.



12-30-2005, 09:41 AM
great article. I enjoy a pedicure, but usually do my own, spending the money instead on lingerie.

12-30-2005, 09:44 AM
Great article - but a LOT depends on where you live. This is a lot more accepted in some places than others. I get pedicures every few weeks, and have polish constantly on my toes, but never show it in public.....

12-30-2005, 09:53 AM
I get one every month and go to my nail salon about every 2 weeks for my nails. First time I went was for my grand-neices wedding. We all went one saturday and been hooked ever since.

12-30-2005, 09:57 AM
Looking forward to having one done at the new salon I frequent here in Lakeland. I used to go periodically for manicures and pedicures when I lived in Michigan. I established a rapport with several of the girls who worked at the salon I frequented there and they knew I was both a CD and TG so it worked out very well for me. It was always a pleasant and relaxing experience for me. As Dana said...it depends a lot on where you live and the salon you go to. I always make sure now to either at least call first or, better still if possible, visit the place first and inquire as to how CD friendly they are and make sure that my presence there would not be a problem for either the staff or the clientelle. I think if you do a little advance "screening", it can only improve upon your chances of finding a salon and atmosphere that will be best suitable for you. It seems to work for me...and I have always done this en drab I might add...not dressed!;):)

12-30-2005, 10:06 AM
Christine is right, good advice for any of you thinking of dong this. You may go in first and just get a male manicure, and inquire as to how they feel about men getting female services. I always go en drab too.....

Remember, these people are professionals doing a job, conduct yourself with dignity and treat them well, they are there to make money and don't waste their time with weird requests or unwelcome advances.

Some salons are very welcoming, some are not and some will just do it because it is their job. I have experienced all three types. One, I was going in for pedicures, started out as male pedicures, and the girl then started polishing my toes at my request. I went about 4 or 5 times, and she dropped that the other girls there knew that she was polishing my toes. When I asked her what their reaction was, she just said (very matter-of-factly too) "Oh, they think you are a freak!"... well, I was hurt by that, and did not go back. And that made it harder to look for another place to get it done.

But I did find a great new place, and was told that everyone thinks I am cool for doing this,m it is a lot of fun, etc. So, they are out there, don't be discouraged if you don't find a great one.

My advice is usually, stay away from on-every-corner-discount-assembly line-all in one room- nail salons. You will get much better service and personal attention in a day spa or general salon.

12-30-2005, 10:33 AM
I have never gone to a salon for a pedicure.....would enjoy it I'm sure....

I do enjoy having a pedicure and the look and "feel" of polish on my toes... It is sensual... I love looking at my toes when I'm just floating around the house in something pretty....



12-30-2005, 10:58 AM
Within the past several years, I have been to about 20 different nail salons. All have been very positive experiences. I usually talk to the nail techs and women that are also getting their toes done and have made some new friends. It is really no different then when men started wearing earrings. I practically live in women's open toe sandals 24/7 and always have red polish on my toes. I go from dark muted reds to hooker red. It is kind of fun because everyone wants to see what color I have on my girly toes. I have traveled to many places and even to other countries with my red toes and never had a problem. I read various internet forums like tomscafe.com where many men wear skirts publically even in redneckville without problems.

In order to wear feminine items, you must present a positive self-confident image. Do not go around looking like you are doing something wrong or you will be perceived badly regardless of what you are wearing. It is a free country and your toes can be any color that you like. It is really important to remember that the 95 percent of the fear is the monster that we create in our own minds.

Jamie :-)

Sandra Edwards
12-30-2005, 11:35 AM
I have my nails done once in a while when the wife and I can go together or we sometimes have the girl come to our studio, I have my toes done then... But I think more men will start doing it. When I started to carry a bag some folks gave me a hard time but now most of them have seen how nice it is to have a place to put everything, although mine is prettier than theirs:)


12-30-2005, 03:04 PM
My wife and I got pedicures yesterday. It was my third one at the same nail salon. I really enjoy it everytime, although I was a bit apprehensive the first time even though my wife kept insisting that lot's of men were getting them there. The salon staff are all Vietnamese and who knows what they're saying to each other as they work. And, who cares furthermore. I had just shaved my legs before we went so that the leg massage would feel even better. Well, I've never been there without my legs shaved anyway-heck, I guess they're shaved all the time when I think about it, lol.

Anyway, I do love getting pedicures. Yesterday afternoon, the salon wasn't very busy but the first time I went, it was teeming with women getting manicures and pedicures. I got some strange looks at first but it was very exciting being surrounded by all those trappings of femininity. I loved it. If you haven't indulged yourself yet, by all means go soon. Oh, and I always get my toenails done in a very pale, almost clear, pink. Lol, you should see how they glow under UV light-very cool! Olivia

Emma Chase
12-30-2005, 08:54 PM

Thanks for sharing the article .... very interesting


12-30-2005, 09:24 PM
I'm spoiled now. Have had three pedicures en drab at a local salon/spa by the owner who I was referred to by my gg friend at my cosmetics store. The first two times I got pink polish put on. The last time I had a bright red done. The owner kept asking me if I didn't like the darker colors which I do like, but thought were too noticeable. She saw pics of me the first visit. I dropped in dressed once after a makeover (she had two customers at the time and she engaged me in conversation). I modeled my Halloween outfit for her and I'm going back for a fourth pedicure in January! Hopefully, en femme this time.

12-30-2005, 11:45 PM
No thanks, Not for my ugly feet. I do polish my toe nails. I got vericose viens,my feet are very dark and ugly. So when dressed, I usually wear black nylons, sometime suntan, but not too often. I wish they looked better, but there isn't anything that can be done. Atleast they didn't cut it off...BJ

renee k
12-31-2005, 09:40 AM
I agree with all the other posts. A pedicure is very relaxing and refreshing! Not to mention how nice your feet look afterwards. Just top it all off with a facial and your in heaven. Oh how I love the pampering!

Huggs, Renee

12-31-2005, 09:48 AM
I just got back (well about 12 hours ago) from a manacure... what a feeling!

12-31-2005, 12:54 PM
I too love getting a pedicure...sometimes i find myself stopping in the salon just for a polish color change if its too soon for the pedicure again...i love reds... purples... and now just tryed pink...

12-31-2005, 02:08 PM
For those who have read this thread but haven't ever got a salon pedicure before, here is an illustrated thread of a pedicure being done :)


12-31-2005, 02:57 PM
Always took care of my toes, never colored as I am new to this. I love the feeling of a pedicure and how good it looks. I guess its life as a "Metrosexual". Nice.

Rachel Morley
12-31-2005, 04:03 PM
Very very interesting :) Well, as some of you might know Modesto is about 50 miles north of where I live. However, I won't be driving all that way for a boys night out nails session :D

I've often wondered about what it might be like to have a professional manicure and pedicure. I'm sure it feels fantastic and also it sounds like a lot of fun. Marla has mentioned plenty of times that she thinks it might be fun to take me to a women's salon and have my nails done en drab :eek:

As far as wearing nail polish in a general sense is concerned, I always keep my toenails done and I change the color once a week or so. In the summer I wear women's saltwater sandals and so I switch to either clear or a very pale cream color. As far my hands go, my finger nails are pretty long for a guy and I always keep them painted with clear nail polish. Sometimes people notice but they've never say anything yet.

I don't think I'm as brave as you Jamie to wear red as a guy:o

Rikki Elisabeth
12-31-2005, 08:04 PM
Having a complete body wax, manicure, pedicure, and brow shaping done this Thursday. Looking forward to a very relaxing afternoon.

12-31-2005, 09:03 PM
Oooooh Rikki! Please give us an update girl! Let us know how it goes. Olivia

12-31-2005, 09:19 PM
Got my nails filled and a pedicure this afternoon. I just love the pampering!

12-31-2005, 09:43 PM
Rikki... please if I might ask how much does a complete body wax cost?? I had just my calfs waxed and it cost me 35 dollars...if felt nice for a day or so but stuble came back too soon for my liking.... i wish it would stay away for longer...

12-31-2005, 11:02 PM
Rikki... please if I might ask how much does a complete body wax cost?? I had just my calfs waxed and it cost me 35 dollars...if felt nice for a day or so but stuble came back too soon for my liking.... i wish it would stay away for longer...If your waxing only lasted a few days, and you had stubble, I suggest you find a better waxer. This usually means that the hairs were broken off and not yanked out. Inexperienced or quickie waxers will usually do this.

I have been waxed many times, from just legs to total body waxes. A lot depends on the waxers skill....

Rachel Morley
01-01-2006, 12:31 AM
I concurr with DanaJ. I used to have my legs, chest, and abdomen waxed on a regualar basis at a professional salon and it used to last 2-4 weeks depending on what time of year it was. For some reason my hair grew faster in the summer.

Rikki Elisabeth
01-01-2006, 08:46 AM
Some of the other girls are spot on. A really good waxer can make your hair disappear for 4-6 weeks. During the last two weeks, there is some hair but it is finer and not black. The salon I use will end up charging me about $250 but I am also going to have the hand and foot parafin treatment. [I am getting excited writing about it.]

01-01-2006, 09:03 AM
Rikki - how did the brow waxing go? Can you tell us about it, and even better, please show a photo of your new brows? I would love to see a nice photo of a nice newly waxed set of femme brows, in my opinion that makes all the difference in a femme look...

Rikki Elisabeth
01-01-2006, 09:31 AM
Not only does it make a tremendous difference, it feels wonderful. I take a couple of pictures from magazines with me to show the cosmetician how I want them done. Most are reluctant to give me the arch that I want but eventually, I "brow" beat them into submission.

I will get some pictures.