View Full Version : Laser hair removal is back on the table

10-25-2013, 05:32 AM
Hi everyone,

Just wanted to share a move forward between my wife and I. When I first started down this road and we were negotiating what we could both live with, my wife was not a big fan of laser beard removal. It was something I could live with so I let it go and continued close shaves and make-up to cover the beard.

Last night while we were discussing my work trip and how it went she noticed the extensive razor burn around my upper lip and chin (a side effect of too close of a shave) and asked what happened. I told her it is not always like that only when I get bit too overzealous with the razor. So I was surprised when she suggested that I should look into a consult with a laser clinic to have the beard reduced or removed. :eek:

I asked her why the change as she was quite adamant before and to be honest it is not a big issue. She said it's not that she was against it but she just wasn't sure if this was a passing thing (dressing and presenting) or more permanent. She is quite sure that Isha is a permanent part of my identity and sees no issue with me removing facial hair if that is what I want. Did I mention I have a great wife :)

So today I will be phoning a local clinic to book an consult appointment :battingeyelashes:



Beverley Sims
10-25-2013, 06:08 AM
A pleasant step forward for you. :)

10-25-2013, 07:18 AM
A pleasent step forward I agree...
But not so pleasent getting zapped with a gizillion watt laser, lol.
I just had my second laser session today, very uncomfortable but the results should be good.
After my first session, there was a huge reduction in hair, shaving was much easier and much less shadow! Except for two small patches on my chin, which still kinda grew fast and dark, but I dont have to slap on tones of foundation or concealer to cover up anymore.
Go spoil yourself hon.

10-25-2013, 08:50 AM
There really really is no stopping you, is there? :D You started to take this whole dressing thing seriously, like, a couple months ago and you're already considering semi-permanent procedures?

I wouldn't mind having to shave less even as a guy, but to me it does feel like I would cross a line somewhere if I really started laser hair removal. It's not all that cheap either and when it comes to my 'presentation' there are more obvious problems than a (camouflaged) five o'clock shadow. In that regard it's definitely a case of diminishing returns for me. Anyway, good for you!

Aly Cat
10-25-2013, 09:06 AM
To completely remove the beard with laser, how much are we talking? Do groupons ever cover that? Also, I notice a lot of you taking about going somewhere to get it done. Is there no home system that works?

10-25-2013, 09:29 AM
To completely remove the beard with laser, how much are we talking? Do groupons ever cover that? Also, I notice a lot of you taking about going somewhere to get it done. Is there no home system that works?

Hi Eva. I don't think it is possible to remove the entire beard solely with laser as you will most likely need to end with electrolysis to get it all. My intent is more to reduce as my beard is very heavy and hard to camouflage. Not sure what it runs down in the US but the clinic I am seeing pricing indicates full face (including neck) at $120 per session with approximately 8 - 10 sessions required (8 week time lag between sessions).



10-25-2013, 10:03 AM
Good for you Isha. It sounds like a lot of $$$ though. Glad I am blessed with a very light beard because this would be way beyond the budget.

Hugs, Robin

10-25-2013, 10:13 AM
Best of luck with it

10-25-2013, 11:14 AM
isn't it nice when people really understand each other and support each other. You've got a great life and a great wife!

10-26-2013, 05:32 AM
That's great news Isha! I am also interested in laser hair removal for my face. Going forward please keep us posted on how it goes!

10-26-2013, 06:14 AM
Hi SandraSerene,

I had my consult yesterday and will be having my first session today at 10 AM so I will update when I get back. I am going to start with reduction vice complete removal to see if that lessens the need for three layers of foundation (would be nice to get it down to two) and save my face from extreme shaving.



10-26-2013, 06:32 AM
Just thought you might want to explore this as option. I was posted on here and my be a more cheaper alternative to laser.


So far only approved in Canada, and Australia, I'm trying Inhibitif between laser appointments. To those not in Canada, and being bombarded by commercials for it, it's the first drug of it's type. It is a hair growth inhibitor, that claims within two months will stop a male beard (or any other hair) from growing.
If this was an internet only offer, I wouldn't waste my money, but, being sold thru' shoppers drug mart (Walgreens of Canada) I was willing to spend $25 for a months supply.
They claim results similar to laser, at 10% the cost, and 20% the time. They also claim visible results starting in two weeks. As I said, gotta at least try it.
Well, just over two weeks in. I've followed the directions, and low and behold, I just realized, I don't have to shave today!!! I have a very light beard, Nordic heritage, but this is definite. I'm as smooth as freshly shaved 25 hours later.
Inhibitif claims hundreds of clinical trials, but since man has been trying to rid himself of beard since he first tried on a dress, so far with only modest results (short of electro) I will continue the whole two months, and report back. I have delayed my next laser session just to give it a fair shot. Even a reduction would make this easily worth the money.
FDA approval for U.S.A. is expected next year.
I'll keep y'all informed whether this is the real thing, or more snake oil.

Karren H
10-26-2013, 07:48 AM
That's awesome! I wish my wife would negotiate some..... even moving off Hell No to just No would be a pleasant change... lol

10-26-2013, 09:57 AM
A great example of not just communicating, but I think we sometimes need to take it deeper. I always communicated well with my wife. One of the early things we agreed on was that my mustache would not come off. I would bring it up once in a while and it didn't change. Once we got deeper into the details and she said she didn't care, but the reason she didn't want it off was that she didn't want to feel stubble. Sometimes we need to communicate a little more.

You should love the effect of laser after a while. The bigger question on it is how long will it last when you stop treatments. When I was done, I hardly had any dark hairs left and was able to move from foundation to tinted moisturizer, which is much lighter on the looks.

10-26-2013, 11:03 AM
Hi all,

I finished my first laser treatment. Let's say on a discomfort level of 1-10, it was a 5 - 6 until she got to the chin and upper lip where it shot to a 8-9 (I guess it has to do with the density of the hair follicles). :eek:

So now I will wait for the hairs that got zapped to start pushing themselves out (anywhere from 3 - 10 days). She indicated I should notice a difference once the hairs have exfoliated out but it will take a few more sessions to truly notice a difference as my beard is very heavy. I have a beard that most mountain men would envy. I have decided to go with a reduction (about 70%) vice full removal as my wife would still like to see a bit of stubble for those periods when I am male me. :)



10-26-2013, 02:14 PM
Wow, that was fast!!! You don't waste any time do you?.
Im glad for you, hope it works out alright.
How do they do the reduction vs complete removal?

10-26-2013, 02:59 PM
Sounds like a start. Let us know how it turns out!

10-26-2013, 02:59 PM
Hi Alexis,

We are just going to go session to session and gauge the results before continuing. When I get to a point where I am happy, we will stop. She did say it is likely that areas of face and neck will most likely be void of hair before I get there but the chin and upper lip will most likely be at about 70% reduction.



10-26-2013, 04:36 PM
Realize that once you get to where you want, you will probably need more sessions. Playing it by ear is okay, but you may have a mix of hairs bouncing back plus hair grows in cycles, so what looks good today could be heavier then you want in a few weeks.

10-26-2013, 04:41 PM
Thanks Sue,

That is what the technician told me as well. So I'll keep my options open for now. My wife and I talked about this and in the end if it ends up completely gone due to hair growth cycles she can live with it but she would still prefer a bit of guy stubble.



10-26-2013, 06:46 PM
Thats great news Isha! Good luck on the laser sessions. I hope everything goes well and as expected. Remember to be patient while results start to show...

10-26-2013, 06:59 PM
Ain't that the truth. It's a long process, it definitely takes commitment!!!

Kandy Barr
10-26-2013, 07:53 PM
Thanks for keeping us posted on your progress Isha, I'll be following this very close as It's something I would like to do. Except I want the beard and neck hair completely gone.

10-27-2013, 06:03 AM
Wow Isha, as others have said, you don't mess around! Question for you - did you have an acute or lingering effects on your skin after the treatment? Redness, red bumps, that sort of thing? If so how long did it last?

10-27-2013, 06:05 AM
Hi Sandra,

No lasting effects. My face was a bit flushed but not red or bumpy. I just shaved this morning and there was no discomfort.



10-30-2013, 03:44 PM
Just came back from Shoppers Drug Mart. "inhibitif" is the name of the product. 9.99 for the under arm, 24.99 for the face and 24.99 for the body. Plus tax (you know we Canadians love to pay tax) 3.25 for a total of 68.22 dollars. It is in the Deodorant isle, so no prescription needed. The under arm was with the deodorants and the face and body were behind me on the same isle. It say that it take a week to work and then every 2 to 3 days to maintain. I will try it in some small areas first to see if there are any adverse reactions. Just thought I would try this first. Hope your laser works for you Isha.

10-30-2013, 07:58 PM
Hi Isha, That's great that your wife has had a change of heart.

11-01-2013, 04:09 AM
Hi all, it has been a few days and some of the dead hairs have pushed out with more following. No real big difference although I do note by the end of the day my five o'clock shadow is not as pronounced as it was before. Before this treatment if I wanted to go out somewhere and needed to shave, it would be a razor and intense shave. Now, a quick run with an electric and things are smooth again. Of course I realize I am between hair growth cycles and next week who knows . . . full five o'clock shadow again.

