View Full Version : My Bill of Rights.

Amanda M
10-28-2013, 04:17 AM
This Bill of Rights was one of the tools used by Virginia Satir, a well-known family therapist. Containing some really basic psychological rights belonging to every person, it really helps to identify and deal with areas in which we have problems.

I have taken the liberty of adding a few points of my own, with particular reference to transgendered people.

Read the statements. Note down any immediate thoughts or feelings that come to you and analyse them later.

Look at yourself in a mirror and read it out loud to yourself. Listen to your voice grow in strength and volume so that you can really start to feel it inside. In the beginning, you may feel silly or embarrassed. You may hear the inner voice say, "That's not the truth". Just hang in there and keep doing it - you'll notice the change within six weeks, if you do it regularly.

1. I do not have to feel guilty just because someone else does not like what I
do, say, think or feel.
2. It is OK for me to feel angry and to express it in responsible ways.
3. I do not have to assume full responsibility for making decisions, particularly where others share responsibility for making the decisions.
4. I have the right to say "I don't understand" without feeling stupid or guilty.
5. I have the right to say NO.
6. I have the right to say No without feeling guilty.
7. I do not have to apologize or give reasons when I say NO.
8. I have the right to refuse requests which others make of me.
9. I have the right to tell others when I think they are manipulating, conning, or treating me unfairly.
10. I have the right to refuse additional responsibilities without feeling guilty.
11. I have a right to tell others when their behaviour annoys me.
12. I do not have to compromise my personal integrity.
13. I have a right to make mistakes and be responsible for them. I have a right to be wrong.
14. I do not have to be liked, admired, or respected by everyone for everything I do.
15. I have the right to present myself in the gender of my choice.

16. I do not have to keep apologising for mistakes I may have made in the past.

17. I do not have to meet other peoples’ standards.

18. I do not have to live a lie.

19. I have the right to be proud of who and what I am.

20. I have the right to decide what is right for me and to choose my future.

Hope someone finds this useful.

10-28-2013, 07:14 AM
Great list Amanda, not only for us but for anyone I think. Megan

10-28-2013, 02:28 PM
I agree that is a great list. Fortunately, I already follow most of it.

Rachel Smith
10-29-2013, 10:41 AM
I still struggle with quite a few of these but with this excersize hopefully I can improve those. Thank you.


Laurie Ann
10-29-2013, 02:31 PM
Well thought thru containing ideas I will now try to incorporate into my life. Thank you for sharing.

10-29-2013, 03:05 PM
I like the list, but it made me think of a couple of additions for the SOs:

I can accept that this is something my partner didn't choose, and ALSO accept that I'm not attracted to my partner any more.
I have the right to decide what is right for me and to choose my future.