View Full Version : Rocky Horror!

10-29-2013, 08:28 AM
Last night my wife and I took our 18 year old son to his first viewing of Rocky Horror Picture Show. I went as a french maid and my wife as a butler while my son dressed as a biker. While in line I overheard a young lady trying to convince her male companion that the person in front of them was "a guy". I guess I'm doing something right lol. I had a couple people who wanted pictures with us while getting a beverage for the wife and I and happily obliged. I think this time of year people seem to be more open to us gender benders. Some at work have seen my halloween and french maid pics and commented that maybe I like being the girl too much. Oddly enough, in one of these conversations a coworker came to my defense, asking what was wrong with dressing as a girl as it was probably a lot more fun and so many more choices. She went on to say that maybe more guys should try it. I almost hugged her right there! Halloween is getting closer and Tiffany isn't done getting out and about this year, not by a long shot! Hugs, everyone!

Beverley Sims
10-29-2013, 08:35 AM
Tiffany, dressing as a maid or something else other than Frank N Furter is always a winner for me.
Frank is a bit overdone. I do love the arguments that mess with other peoples minds when you look good enough to almost pass. :)

10-29-2013, 08:46 AM
I like to be Janet in all her girly glory.

10-29-2013, 10:41 PM
Tiffany, at the Black Crown's "Haunted Cabaret" a week or so ago, the performers, including our own Lori, performed selections from Rocky Horror. I got to do the Time Warp in stiletto heels! (Now, I'm sure some would argue that that's the really proper way to do the Time Warp... :D )

And Lori did the vocals for "Sweet Transvestite"...yeah, she went there. ;)

- Amy

10-30-2013, 05:36 AM
Hi Tiffany,

Sounds like you and your family had a great time. It is awesome that you got to share this with your family.



10-30-2013, 08:46 AM
I am going this Saturday. I love this show, but hope it is going to be special as its the last night of the fortieth anniversary tour.

Phillipa XX