View Full Version : Rude SA Question?

11-01-2013, 10:08 AM
I was reading the sales associate thread and having been in sales at Macys and other retailers it seem weird to me that SA are rude. however it does happen. My question is why doesn't anyone say anything? If a managers knows that a sales associate is being rude the problem can be corrected. In this economy no retailer can afford to be selective in thier customers.

11-01-2013, 10:12 AM
I think a lot of girls don't say anything on the spot out of fear. "Not caring" comes in time and for a lot of us, that time is still a bit off. I do believe however that an email to the stores and such do take place at a later time, or I would at least hope so. Like you said, the economy isn't getting any better and if these stores want to make it, they better get their acts together when it comes to the TG community and others.

Of coarse with Christmas right around the corner, I am sure they have a "I don't care" attitude which I see they take on right around this time of year.

Amy Lynn3
11-01-2013, 10:33 AM
I love to shop at Macy or any other store. I think rude people are in every store, because I get it in Goodwill, belks, Dillards, Pennys and Sears. I was at Sears a few days ago, looking in the womens section and the lady SA came over and ask if she could help. I said no, as I was just looking. Her follow up comment was...you can find the mens section on the other side of the wall. I said thanks, I'll look over there if I want.

Most of the time I set the SA straight or talk to the manager, but I was meeting someone that day and I was actually leaving the store when she ask me if she could help. Just never had time to follow up on her rude assumption of I needed to shop in the mens section, because I was dressed as a guy. How did she not know I was shopping for a wife or GF ? Think I'll send a letter to Sears HQ.

11-01-2013, 10:46 AM
I've worked in retail, so I know that plenty of customers do speak to managers about inappropriate behavior from employees. I've personally seen people receive "official" warnings and get the "this is not what our company is about" speech. The unfortunate part is that some people will complain to a manager about anything and everything. Our manager was asked for repeatedly every single day, and 90% of the time it was a matter of a customer misreading a sales ad or just being rude themselves. (more than once myself and my friends were brought to tears by the incredibly mean behavior of customers who then proceeded to "complain" about us.) The complaints are there, but the legitimate ones often get smothered out by the other nonsense.

I personally think that if you really do have a bad experierience, it's best to ask for a corporate phone number and call them once your initial frustration has died down a bit. You can calmly tell them where you were, the employees names, and give a detailed explanation of what happened. Most corp offices will follow up with the managers and expect to be notified of how it was handled.

It's also worth noting that a lot of the "managers" you might speak to in-store might not even really be the general manager. The MOD aka manager on duty could be pretty much anyone.

Beverley Sims
11-01-2013, 11:05 AM
I got a new lawn mower for fifty Dollars after a sales assistant was rude and accused me of mishandling a faulty one I returned.
I was given a two hundred and fifty dollar refund off a mower that cost three hundred.
The SA was sent for retraining??????

11-01-2013, 11:07 AM
The tact my wife and I take on customer service, whether it is retail or otherwise, is to go out of our way and WRITE a letter to the corporate officer when a sales associate goes above and beyond expectations in providing customer service. That also means if and when there is exceptionally rude or poor service a letter is written. I've never had a letter not receive a reply. On occasion my wife will telephone our local transit agency when a driver is exceptionally helpful.

Sometimes the corporate office needs to be made aware of the exceptional employees. Sometimes that complimentary letter will be the determining factor in whether an employee gets a raise or not.

11-01-2013, 11:21 AM
People don't complain because it takes effort and it can be a scary experience. Suppose the manager is just as rude and who wants to be delayed and have more attention drawn to themselves? I many ways, it is better to say something to the SA that makes them rethink what they said... a lot of times the SA makes an assumption, so you can respond by playing dumb, but it only works if you do it in a polite way. Say, 'that's great, do they sell panties and bras over there too?!' ... or 'oh, where is it?, I was looking for it. Which way? Can you bring me over there?' or ask a lot of questions about where it is, and then just continue shopping where you are without saying anything, then go ask her again where it is, in front of her co-workers...so they wonder what's up.

Nicole Erin
11-01-2013, 11:27 AM
Never take it personal if an SA is rude. SA hate their jobs. "Get a different one". Well, if someone is working retail, it isn't a choice. They could probably wash dishes at some greasy dump but yeah lack of choice.

Another thing - often times complaints are seen as, "Someone was probably just having a bad day, either the customer or the SA." If an SA starts racking up complaints then yeah something will be done. One or two every so often and the SA probably won't even hear about it.

Where I work we have about 100 employees at any given time, I have seen at least twice that many come and go. Only once have I heard of anyone getting fired over their bad customer service and trust me, this guy was a real prick.

So basically, if the SA is rude once in a while, it happens. If it is a habit, they do eventually get the boot.

11-01-2013, 11:53 AM
Never take it personal if an SA is rude. SA hate their jobs. "Get a different one". Well, if someone is working retail, it isn't a choice. They could probably wash dishes at some greasy dump but yeah lack of choice.

Another thing - often times complaints are seen as, "Someone was probably just having a bad day, either the customer or the SA." If an SA starts racking up complaints then yeah something will be done. One or two every so often and the SA probably won't even hear about it.

Where I work we have about 100 employees at any given time, I have seen at least twice that many come and go. Only once have I heard of anyone getting fired over their bad customer service and trust me, this guy was a real prick.

So basically, if the SA is rude once in a while, it happens. If it is a habit, they do eventually get the boot.

Well being rude is the exact opposite of the meaning of customer service. So don't you think you should tell thier manager? After all we are customers regardless of our outward appearance. Not to mention that we are paying their salaries.

11-01-2013, 01:25 PM
Rude SA's - not a CDing thing, as they can be rude to all kinds of customers (and, some customers are real jerks, too). But if a customer is an obvious CD (en femme) or says an article of women's wear is for himself, the SA may think rudeness won't be reported, instead thinking the customer would prefer to maintain privacy and let the rudeness slide. In the long run, SA's will be rude one time too many for management to tolerate. Hopefully, anyway.

11-01-2013, 01:45 PM
Some SA's can be rude no matter how you're dressed and what section you are shopping in. Its just their nature. Would probably been better suited to flipping burgers but that is not the job they have.

My opinion has been reflected by others time and again. Just smile and ignore them. It is not likely anything personal, they just can't help themselves.

Stay positive girl.

Hugs, Robin

Allison Chaynes
11-01-2013, 02:37 PM
I personally don't make a scene. I always worry about the unwanted attention it might bring from local law enforcement if the SA decides to really be a jerk about it, especially where I live, as law enforcement has a reputation for not liking our community very much. I will wait until I get home and call or email corporate offices. I even do this at the grocery store, like last week when I got home and found a bunch of strawberries has already gone bad the day after purchase.

Cheryl T
11-01-2013, 02:45 PM
Unless you have been out in public for some time then most of us would just cringe and slip away. Others, myself included, have reached the stage where not saying anything to management hurts more than the rude comment. I feel no obligation to let the SA feel she has the upper hand. I've never encountered anyone in retail who has been that way to me, but if I did I would surely not back down and I would bring it to managements attention. Not only because of my age and I sort of "just don't give a #$$% anymore", but also because if those of us who can say something remain quiet we will never gain the public acceptance we seek and rightly deserve.

11-01-2013, 06:32 PM
Unless you have been out in public for some time then most of us would just cringe and slip away. Others, myself included, have reached the stage where not saying anything to management hurts more than the rude comment. I feel no obligation to let the SA feel she has the upper hand. I've never encountered anyone in retail who has been that way to me, but if I did I would surely not back down and I would bring it to managements attention. Not only because of my age and I sort of "just don't give a #$$% anymore", but also because if those of us who can say something remain quiet we will never gain the public acceptance we seek and rightly deserve.

Thank you. I totally agree. The more they walk on us and we don't say anything, the more our community sends a message that it's ok to be rude to us.

Thank I have faith in my sisters again. :)

11-01-2013, 07:51 PM
My question is why doesn't anyone say anything?

Well if I was younger I would probably say something to the SA like excuse me but where did you get what your wearing? If she fell for it and said JC Penny or whatever then I would say looks great as is but it makes you look fat. I just thought I would let you know...

Now I'm older and try to take the high road.

11-01-2013, 10:10 PM
Best way to handle a rude SA is to say I'm sorry what was your name? Then take out a pen or ask for one and write it down. If asked what the SA's name was for tell them it is so you are sure who they are when you contact management. This works both ways it is great when management gets a good letter.

11-02-2013, 12:14 AM
Ask them SA if they knew that 'Corporate' was using secret shoppers to evaluate the customer of their SAs and walk away. Make them sweat.

11-02-2013, 05:55 AM
HI Briana. I think this comes down a couple of potential reasons (1) choice; or (2) vulnerability.

Some people regardless of the circumstances prefer not to make a scene and just move on. This has nothing to do with CDing but personal choice of not wanting to stand out. I have a close friend of mine who stands 6'7" weighs 230 pounds and has hands like shovels (not a CDer). We were out buying a chainsaw and the SA was plain rude. Now my friend could have driven him into the ground like a tent peg but didn't say boo, demand an apology or even ask to speak to the manager. I was of the opposite mindset and asked to speak to the manager. We got an apology and $100 off the price of the chainsaw. I asked my friend why he didn't speak up and he said "I don't like to make a scene".

I think for a lot of CDers, it is vulnerability. If you open up and let loose on the SA, you run the risk of attracting attention and if you are not truly comfortable with being in public, attention is the last thing you want.

