View Full Version : flying pretty?

11-13-2013, 07:17 AM
For those girls who fly pretty.
Does doing that help to relieve some of the terror of hurtling through space at 20,000 feet and 500mph in that long silver tube?

Rhonda Darling
11-13-2013, 07:24 AM
Probably not. I've never felt that terror flying -- in either mode -- so I can't imagine. A little claustrophobia here and there, but not terror. Consider the train long distance en femme. Lots of time to interact with passengers and staff, out there for all to admire with no escape until it's over. Fun awaits.


11-13-2013, 07:40 AM
To be honest, no. But.... you look damn good while hurling through space! ;)

linda allen
11-13-2013, 07:45 AM
They say flying in commercial aircraft is safer than traveling by car. I suppose when driving you think you are in control but the reality is, it's the other drivers you have to worry about.

Me, I would worry about going through security "pretty" and having to sit so close to other people for an extended time.

Nikki A.
11-13-2013, 11:26 AM
If flying stresses you out, would you need the added anxiety of flying dressed. Unless you're completely comfortable dressing I would say it's not a great idea. I'm pretty comfortable dressing and if the opportunity arises that's still on the bucket list.

Beverley Sims
11-13-2013, 10:50 PM
I don't like A 380's, they worry me a bit.
The one I flew in lost an engine flying out of Singaporejust after my flight
I sit in the back of a 747 in row 61a & 61C. The first of the two seats at the back.
I get a longer ride this way.
O'Hare is the only airport that has a competent de icing programme.
Heathrow has a lot to learn, do not fly on the first day of th snow season... They are not prepared for it.
When flying over the Atlantic, Indian or South Specific oceans I think of how far it is to swim to land.
At 40,000 feet you get to live longer if the engines fail. No time to write a will at 20,00 feet.
500mph is better than 250, less chance of stalling.
Did the refuellers make a mistake when refueling in Hawaii?
It is a long way to San Hose from there.
Most aircraft are painted white these days.
Much easier to see in the ocean than a silver tube.
Remember United Airlines leaving Hawaii without a door and a roof over the cockpit?
If one percent of the passengers on a 747 are psychopaths, then there four in ivery aircraft.

Why add to the worry by flying pretty.
Think positive you are more likely to be snuffed out on the San Diego freeway.
After all there are no life vests or rubber rafts under the seat.
Only a bag that explodes in your face as you go careering off the bridge.

"Have a nice day." :)

11-13-2013, 11:00 PM
I've always preferred flying over ground travel for anything over 3 states in distance away.. as far as flying "pretty" goes... For me I'd say no to it anytime. It's not society that rules this out for me either its functionality and security, and also doing my best NOT to alarm others while traveling. If there is ANYTIME one should NOT go ahead and dress up as a CD it IS for air travel.
I am usually a zany being full of comedy.. and I enjoy the adventure of traveling a great deal even if I seldom get to.. only thing is I personally feel that it would be somewhat disrespectful and selfish FOR ME, not pointing any fingers at others.. I am only saying what is true FOR ME... loves.. For me It would be disrespectful of TSA and their job they MUST do. ... and it could be construed as a possible misdirect or distraction and one COULD argue that if you HAPPEN to dress and there just HAPPENS to be person of interest on that flight with you.. you could VERY well be indicated as an accomplice and EVEN by the said evil-doer JUST because... so I take air travel VERY seriously and for me I will always have to travel as a man.

11-13-2013, 11:41 PM
I fly a Cessna 152 or 172. No need to be terrorized in a big plane!

Beverley Sims
11-13-2013, 11:49 PM
I have flown a Tiger Moth and an Auster. They have cables connecting all the controls to the flaps.
No internet connections between the pilot and the tail fin.:)

I LOVE flying, just not pretty. :)

11-14-2013, 01:06 AM
I would love to fly as a passenger in an airliner. Walking through the terminal, sitting at the gate, boarding the aircraft, sitting in first class watching all the coach passengers walk past me to their seats, walking off the aircraft telling the captain "great landing". It would be wonderful but I'm stuck flying the dam thing in a regular old pilot uniform. I just not going to non rev ( fly for free ) with my real name on the ticket and record. I'm sure the word would spend like wildfire among the company. I'm sure not going to pay for a ticket either. Cheap ass. If it wasn't for the coworkers it sounds great.

Rhonda Darling
11-15-2013, 08:24 AM
For me It would be disrespectful of TSA and their job they MUST do. ... and it could be construed as a possible misdirect or distraction and one COULD argue that if you HAPPEN to dress and there just HAPPENS to be person of interest on that flight with you.. you could VERY well be indicated as an accomplice and EVEN by the said evil-doer JUST because... so I take air travel VERY seriously and for me I will always have to travel as a man.

Alaina, I think you have a misplaced fear, dear. Many of us girls have flown pretty w/o incident. In the early days of TSA there were issues. Now they have a policy for dealing with the TS/CD community and it is very favorable to us and it works. See: TSA here http://www.tsa.gov/traveler-information/transgender-travelers and read Texas Kimberly's "how to" here http://kimberlyhuddle.blogspot.com/2012/08/how-to-fly-pretty.html.

Most of the airlines are fully on board, too.

If other passengers notice, they usually either ignore or engage with a smile. If someone gets belligerent, it's likely they'll be the one leaving the plane, not you.

In other words, try it . . . . You'll like it.


linda allen
11-15-2013, 08:38 AM
I remember a story about a GG being forced to remove a prosthetic breast for inspection by the TSA. I'm not going to make it harder than it already is to get through and on the plane.

11-15-2013, 08:49 AM
Personally, I prefer flying pretty to flying DRAB. I especially loved it when I showed the TSA ID Checker my old drivers license, and he did a triple take and said "There's NO WAY you're a guy!". I LOVED IT!

I took ground school and got some flying lessons, so I know how safe flying is, but I still get a bit anxious about the landing - which is the hardest part of the entire flight and the main reason they need such well trained pilots. On a few occaisions we've been on final approach to O'Hare and suddenly went into nearly vertical climb because the plane in front of us hadn't cleared the runway. But I also remember that most of these pilots have landed big jet fighters on aircraft carriers, so landing on solid ground is relatively easy for them.

What is most fun is when I have some woman who wants to talk 'girl talk', and we start chatting each other up for 2 hours and she never figures out that I'm not entirely a girl.

The only time I got nervious was when an executive from my company was on the same flight and used my male name even though I was flying pretty. THAT was awkward.
I have been on flights where my coworkers were in the airport and didn't even notice me, let alone recognize me.

11-15-2013, 09:06 AM
I remember a story about a GG being forced to remove a prosthetic breast for inspection by the TSA. I'm not going to make it harder than it already is to get through and on the plane.
Doesn't happen anymore at all, check the TSA site - they have a Transgender section.