View Full Version : Cats or Dogs

Rachael Leigh
11-23-2013, 10:14 AM
Here's a strange thought I had, do we as CDs prefer a cat or dog as a pet. Now for me I've always thought the perception is cats are girls pets and real men have a dog like one for hunting.

Me I've got 2 cats and love them, not that I don't like dogs but I think as a pet I do love my kitties

bridget thronton
11-23-2013, 10:17 AM
Dogs for me (I owned a cat once and ended up allergic to cats)

11-23-2013, 10:46 AM
I have always had a dog (large breed).

I Am Paula
11-23-2013, 10:54 AM
Always had cats. My sister has the nicest dog I have ever met, so now I'm looking for a poodle. I guess I jumped the fence.

Karren H
11-23-2013, 10:56 AM
Cats................. mainly because I don't like cleaning up dog poo! loo

Tamara Croft
11-23-2013, 10:56 AM
Don't know where you get that logic from, I don't particularly like cats even though I've got 3, I prefer dogs.

Rachael Leigh
11-23-2013, 11:17 AM
Maybe my perception comes from the old tv character Cat women so my association with cats as girls pets is from that who knows. To me dogs are manly and cats are girly unless they are those small puny dogs.

Tamara Croft
11-23-2013, 11:20 AM
Do you realise how sexist that is? That's like saying women should only have small pets. I had a doberman and when he stood on his hind legs he was bigger than me, he was amazing, friendly and protective, not like cats who try and kill you :D

Deedee Skyblue
11-23-2013, 11:20 AM
I prefer dogs - but cats have their own attractions. 2 cats these days and no dogs...


11-23-2013, 11:27 AM
I have both two dogs and two cats. Owned a series of rabbits and fish at one time as well.



Rachael Leigh
11-23-2013, 11:34 AM
Oh Tamara I guess my male side is on display than if that's sexist better go put my panties on to calm it down lol. But your right and I wonder sometimes if that's why we CD in the first place we get so much manly perceptions for some it's to much to handle do we dress to compensate

11-23-2013, 11:44 AM
*The following is totally generalization, nothing is in stone here and the reasons vary just like reasons for cross dressing)

From a professional point of view. Cats are seen as feminine because several languages actually make them feminine (latin). In general men "want" pets but often it is more a control issue...something to "own" and when they get pets it often reflects their internal ideal of what they are(ie macho, cool, strong) or what they think they should own (similar to cars...what is in right now...especially the Pitbull type breeds). Women tend to choose a pet as a companion, something they can care for and who will return care. Dogs, being pack animals, fit this nicely.

What most vets "see" is that men want dogs and women want cats (learned behavior because of the many reasons they are given to own a pet to start with...just like your clothing is taught). But in reality cats like men more (usually) because they don't expect tons of attention whereas dogs want that attention and tend to gravitate to the female in the household (usually the one who feeds, grooms, lavishes attention on them). Also as such males tend to be large, loud and hulking and thus many dogs show a fear reaction to them, but less frequently to the quieter, smaller female.

More than gender the choice of a pet is based on lifestyle. As I said men really tend to choose because of a perceived or true life style.

I am a cat person, not because I am TS-MtF. But because they do fit my lifestyle and reflect many of my personality attributes. (to be fair though, I love dogs, just have not found the right one since the perfect dog died 25 years ago). Each of my cats has a different personality, just like kids.

In my job, I see mostly women. It sounds sexist but the reality is that women are the ones who usually give the care, especially in middle aged households. My mechanic will probably say he sees more males because they are the ones "responsible" for the mechanical things in the house. Cats now out number dogs as pets (lifestyle again, less maintenance, you don't need to be there to let them out, you don't need a yard, cats can be inconspicuous). So, if I had to say which gender owned which species...I would say women for both. There are variances on this, as men age, I see them getting smaller dogs (they spend more time holding and nurturing).

As noted, all this is generalization, there are surely men who are the care givers in the family and there are women who don't pay much attention to the care giving.

Lexi Moralas
11-23-2013, 11:47 AM
I have both , love both , but do prefer the dog

Sarah Beth
11-23-2013, 11:50 AM
I have had both over the years and never really preferred on over the other. The cats did stay in the house and I never had a dog in the house. Don't have any pets now, we like to get away and don't really have anyone to take care of them if we go.

11-23-2013, 11:51 AM
I have both , love both , but do prefer the dog
Just don't let the cat know the dog is your favorite!

11-23-2013, 11:51 AM
My parents always had dogs, but after my then partner and I got cats I was pretty much sold. I have two (neutered) tomcats (I prefer them over mollies).

I'm not sure if cats are feminine, they don't always smell feminine, that's for sure :heehee: As for dogs being masculine, my parents have Cavalier King Charles Spaniels right now (and please don't get me started on all the health issues) and there's nothing particularly masculine about those dogs :D

Beverley Sims
11-23-2013, 12:53 PM
I have no preference, whatever the pet is that shows affection always get's it back.I have a cockatiel that shows lots of affection, but when he chews the soft bits off my computer I could brick him. :)

Yvonne York
11-23-2013, 01:45 PM
I'll always be a cat girl!

Alice Torn
11-23-2013, 01:47 PM
2 cats here, but if i had my own big place, i would have a dog, too.

Alice Torn
11-23-2013, 01:57 PM
Lorileah, You mentioned middle age men and smaller dogs. I see this trend, also. Radio talk show host Michael Savage is a vocal dog owner and lover. His small gray poodle Teddy, is with him all the time, agree with his views or not.

Tracii G
11-23-2013, 01:59 PM
I've always had a cat.Why IDK just like cats.

11-23-2013, 02:07 PM
I like both dogs and cats, large and small, as long as they're gentle breeds. No pitbulls or other aggressive breeds. Size of the dog or cat has nothing to do with if they're aggressive or gentle.

Liking dogs or cats has absolutely nothing to do with gender. I see GGs walking their dogs on my street every day, some of the dogs are huge. I personally know plenty of GGs that have dogs and cats, and plenty of GMs that have dogs and cats. Liking dogs and cats is simply a personal preference, and has absolutely nothing to do with gender or CDing.

11-23-2013, 02:23 PM
I usually have somewhere between 10-20 cats living around the farm. None, except one, are pets. They keep the rats and mice in check. They're also good at alerting me to the presence of rattlesnakes. None of the barn cats are very friendly because the friendly ones get eaten by coyotes. Sometimes they get eaten anyway. I try not to get too attached for that reason but there are a few long time survivors that I'm fond of. I can get close to them but if I try to pick one up it's like walking into a buzz saw or a tornado of razor blades. Maybe that's why people think of them as feminine since they remind me of some of my exes. In reality, I only have 1-2 females at a given time because otherwise I'd be overrun by cats. Most of the litter is given away when they're weaned.

The one cat that we keep as a pet is an accidental red point Siamese (https://www.google.com/search?q=red+point+siamese&rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS507US508&espv=210&es_sm=93&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=0vGQUrbYCtLjoATUoIHgDQ&ved=0CCwQsAQ&biw=1517&bih=713&dpr=0.9) that appeared in a litter. He wouldn't survive 5 minutes outside because he's mostly white and white cats glow in the dark for coyotes. He's also super friendly and fearless. Friendly and fearless are bad qualities in this environment.

I have a couple of dogs, too. But I'm not really a dog person so I refer to them as my wife's dogs.

11-23-2013, 02:24 PM
Real men have dogs?
Real men don't need big dogs,
Real men are tough enough to hunt on their own
Real men aren't scared of the dark
Real men can do their own fighting

so cats are best :)
My dog is cute, thought he would grow bigger than the cats - maybe in his next life he will be as big as his bark

11-23-2013, 02:28 PM
Oh rite and this dog is really manly


Geez first in another thread (not by you) we're the weaker sex now we have cats and not manly dogs, wish I stayed logged off.

Linda E. Woodworth
11-23-2013, 02:52 PM
I'm a dog person and always have been.

Like cats but Love dogs.

Ineke Vashon
11-23-2013, 03:07 PM
Just remember - dogs have owners. Cats have staff. :devil:


Barbara Dugan
11-23-2013, 03:17 PM
I prefer dogs but I don't dislike cats, I even feed the strays from the neighborhood

11-23-2013, 03:28 PM
Just remember - dogs have owners. Cats have staff. :devil:


lol very true

11-23-2013, 03:59 PM
I love them both, we have two dogs now one large and one small. A few years back we had three cats and they were great but the wife allergies got to bad. I really don't prefer one over the other.

11-23-2013, 04:04 PM
Neither, I have Jack Russells that refuse to acknowlege that they are not human.

11-23-2013, 04:33 PM
must love dogs!

11-23-2013, 05:16 PM
Dogs here, large dogs.


11-23-2013, 05:18 PM
Being a manly man Dogs !

Alice Torn
11-23-2013, 05:56 PM
Litttle Sissy Stevie, Sad but true. In 2008, my three cored cat, that had bright white patches, was lost to coyotes a day before i was going to get my own apartment, and keep her inside. They got two of my housemates kitties too.

Stephanie Morgan
11-23-2013, 06:30 PM
Love both. Have 2 dogs, 1 inside cat, 2 outside barn cats. And I totally agree with Ineke....cats certainly have staff...lol

11-23-2013, 06:34 PM
I've always preferred cats to dogs. One reason is exemplified by our current cat: when a cat loves you, you really know it. :)

- Amy

11-23-2013, 06:41 PM
I have 4 dogs of my own and we are fostering a rescue,so we have 5 dogs in the house. We used to have cats also, Until they got so old and senile they quit using the litter box. That was the last of the cats.

Roberta Roberts
11-23-2013, 06:44 PM

Tally my vote for cats.....I have always had a cat in my life. when growing up at home ,father did not want a dog...too much trouble and at times smelly. Cats on the other hand are largely self sufficient...provide them the litter box, show them whaere it s at and they will take care of the rest.....but...one must keep the box clean and fresh smelling or kitty will seek alternative locations. My forst cat lived to be 22 years old; my most recent friend was 18+ years old.....I miss their compansionship...most dogs will accept almost everyone as their friend, while a cat, friend ship unst be earned and once earned will last a lifetime.

These are just my feelings.....I do not presently have a cat now...my friend passed away last year at this time...I miss her...perhaps I am still grieving. I have recently relocated to the mid west....will I ever have a pet cat again.....not sure at this time in my life....maybe

Roberta R.

11-23-2013, 07:02 PM
Dogs, cant stand cats.

Diane Smith
11-23-2013, 08:21 PM
I like just about anything with fur, but I'm solidly a dog person. I've never gone more than a couple of months without a dog or two in the house. All my dogs since I graduated from high school have been retriever mixes of some kind; I like the medium-large breeds and their intelligent though sometimes goofy personalities. I prefer to rescue pets from the local shelter, although there have been some exceptions.

I like cats just fine and would probably have some as well, but I'm fiercely allergic to them and can't spend more than a few minutes in a house where they live. I did have a friend a few years ago whose two Siamese cats didn't seem to make my eyes and nose water, so maybe there is hope for me yet.

I've also had a variety of small rodents over the years -- mice, rats, guinea pigs. I just lost a wonderful, lovable rat a couple of months ago and will probably be filling that cage again soon. (I'm aware many people have a "yuck" reaction to these animals, so I have to know you pretty well before I'll introduce you to my littlest friends. But they're really very cute, intelligent and fascinating.)

- Diane

Julie Gaum
11-23-2013, 08:55 PM
Have gone the whole nine yards from fish to finches to breeding Boxers for conformation and obedience and finally to 13 feral cats. But can't leave this thread
without a strong comment: There are about 55 million wild (feral) cats in the U.S.. Caused mainly by not neutering kittens in the first place. Sickening seeing boxes of kittens being dropped off in vacant lots to starve to death or lunch for coyotes. PLUS letting un-neutered toms to wander at night PLUS letting that loveable cat out to do their business and wander off to add to the feral population or, based on the experts, kill millions - really- of wild birds! Have a good friend ER nurse who spends 4 days a week catching, caging for months before finding homes for ferals - she's a saint! There are new shelters springing up devoted to doing what my nurse friend does but it hardly solves the serious, ugly problem making people aware.
Have been the Master and the Servant to both

11-23-2013, 10:06 PM
I've had them both. While I was raising my family we had dogs. Not the macho hunting dogs but a couple little lap dogs. The male was a lahsa shih tzu mix, and the female was a shih tzu. Both dogs eventually had to be put down, the male first then the female a few years later. Then came the cats, both felmale tabbys. All the pets are gone now and I'm an empty nester and I think I'll stay that way.

11-23-2013, 10:10 PM
I love cats

11-23-2013, 10:33 PM
have always been a dog person, medium and rescued, kind of like being here, lab mixes, like the intelligence and goofy personality and willingness to seek your affection, but the best attribute of any pet would be its ability to not judge you by the clothes you wear, they're just glad your home.

11-23-2013, 10:36 PM
they're always secretly judging you...

with their silent eyes!

11-23-2013, 10:43 PM
beagles never judge...................just want to know when meal time is. ;)

11-23-2013, 10:44 PM
I prefer cats....my wife and daughter prefer dogs.

11-23-2013, 10:48 PM
beagles never judge...................just want to know when meal time is. ;)


i had a beagle and she was just the biggest food hound!

all she ever wanted to do was eat!

esp. meat!

Dianne S
11-23-2013, 10:51 PM
I like them both, but cats are easier and cheaper to take care of so... we have a cat.

11-23-2013, 10:59 PM
I like cats. I even have one, a gigantic black cat named "Wicked". He is correctly named, too.

11-23-2013, 11:09 PM
beagles never judge...................just want to know when meal time is. ;)

You got that right. I grew up with a beagle.

11-23-2013, 11:17 PM
beagles really are the best!

sometimes i feel like i am trapped in beegHELL!

11-23-2013, 11:20 PM
The women in my family are dog people. the men in my family are cat people.....don't know why.
My dad's cat, when he was a kid back in the early 1940's , was named Minnehaha.

11-23-2013, 11:40 PM
i have two litter box trained rabbits. dont like cats or dogs.

11-24-2013, 02:24 AM
A. I am alleric. B. I just do not like cats anyway. Dogs, for some reason I connect with dogs, All dogs. pit bulls, labs, or chihuahuas it does't seem to matter, all dog breeds seem to gravitate to me.

Lady Panda
11-24-2013, 05:24 AM
I am a big dog lover ...none of those wimpy fru fru dogs for me ...Cats are ok as long as they belong to someone else !lol I can't deal with kitty BOX and the smells associated with them . I want a pet that comes when i call it or greets me at the door ... i don't want an animal that sticks its behind in my face and walk off with an attitude like screw you or tries to get on the tables and counter ...grosss especially when they run around sraying all over the place marking everything saying its all theirs. yuk!

Lynn Marie
11-24-2013, 05:32 AM
I like them both and love having neither. I'm happily unattached, live in a comfortable apartment, and come and go as I please. I have plenty of friends I can pet whenever I like and they don't bring home fleas or pee on the floor!

11-24-2013, 05:54 AM
Love both but always have a cat or two. Indoor/outdoor, no liter box in house (PU). They last about 9 years til they slow down and something eats them, very sad but let them be free their cats for gods sake. Rodent control and lap warmers great combo.
Love Kristy

11-24-2013, 07:05 AM
Dogs here. And, a number of real girls I dated had dogs, only one had a cat.

11-24-2013, 07:45 AM
Hi Lee, I've always been a dog person.

11-24-2013, 08:15 AM
Cat person here. Dogs are okay as long as they belong to someone else.

11-24-2013, 08:22 AM
Women don't exclusively like cats and men don't exclusively like dogs, I don't know why some people would think otherwise. I am a cat person, I love my cat - she is very independent but loves attention and she is very clean.

Time for my own stupid statement: I think dogs are very needy, dumb, smelly and messy animals. I don't understand why people like them. I didn't make that statement to offend dog owners, I just don't like dogs and that's my reason why.

11-24-2013, 08:35 AM
dogs, dogs and dogs, so it is dogs for me, love them (not all) I adore my kooikerhondje (breed unknown in the usa)

Tina B.
11-24-2013, 11:56 AM
Tried cat's, didn't get along. Had a great dog, it died. After that never could find another as good as that Shepard was. Always said when I retired I would get another, but turns out, I don't like the cost of kennels if you want to go somewhere, and you can't always take it with you. So I gave up on pets, and went with a good camera instead, it can go anywhere I go, brings back memories with it, and in the long run, much cheaper than a pet.

11-24-2013, 12:07 PM
I disagree that cats are for women and dogs are for men. I have had both and currently have 2 dogs, a greyhound and a Jack Russell mix. Neither are docile lapdogs. My very alpha male ex-husband has always been a cat person and currently has 2 cats. My son is more of a cat person, but he can go either way.

Then, of course, there are the bird people. I have two friends who have always had birds. One is a single female and one is a married woman whose husband (also alpha male type), daughter, and son are all into birds.

It's kind of hypocritical that people on this board make preference generalizations based on gender, don't you think?

Karen kc
11-24-2013, 01:42 PM
1 cat, a main coon named Garfield, I love all animals! Well almost all.

11-24-2013, 03:13 PM
Dogs terrify me, so it would have to be cats. But I like fish the best personally, I have a big tropical tank, ultra relaxing to watch after a hard day

11-24-2013, 03:27 PM
I had/have both cats and dogs love them both. Very allergic to cats, almost killed me. So i'll stick with my dog! Well truth be told, i love dogs better.

11-24-2013, 03:38 PM
I've had both. Sometimes at the same time. But if I had to select only one, I'd pick a dog.

11-24-2013, 04:07 PM
I have a dog, but it's a girly dog!

11-24-2013, 07:06 PM
"It's kind of hypocritical that people on this board make preference generalizations based on gender, don't you think? "


I do not think that it is a matter of being hypocritical, but more of voicing an opinion based on personal experiences. That type of thinking may come from thinking of the bigger friskier dogs like hunting dogs, border collies, Dobermans, et al. Plus, cats always look so cute and cuddly until one tries to enjoy that cuteness and pick that sleeping cat up to put in your warm lap to pet them. Men sometimes see women as cute and cuddly too until they rudely interrupt them at the wrong time, sharp nails and a sharp tongue kinda fit in those situations. I have had both along with rabbits, turtles, gerbils, mice, rats and a parrot. I currently prefer the cat just because of their independence and relatively low maintenance requirements. I really love my cat ..... when she lets me!

I have always wondered why so many middle aged and older women had those cute little dogs that they always seem to be lavishing so much attention and love on. Then it dawned on me that once the kids had reached that magical age of so called independence where they think that they know everything and start to get embarrassed by Mom's continual hugs and attention and want nothing more to do with all that "stuff", Mom just replaces the kids with those cute dogs who actually appreciate all the attention. The same seems to happen as their once attentive husbands settle into that middle age and older "life is wonderful" mode and stop returning the attentions that the wife continues to give them as the current big game takes center stage, and as we all know there always seems to be that big game in some sport, live or as a rerun! Now my observation is just that, though I have voiced it several times to those ladies with those little dogs, and several have actually agreed with me.

All in all, I really like our resident vet's (Lorileah's) explanation.

11-25-2013, 06:40 AM
Have 9 dogs...from 5 lbs. to 80 lbs. and love 'em all! I also have a calico/tiger mix cat who is the keeper of my shop (an excellent mouser BTW) and love her just as much.

Allison Quinn
11-25-2013, 09:48 AM
I've had both over the years and con say that I sort of prefer dogs but at the same time prefer cats ^^;; I've had one dog who I absolutely adored as it grew up with me and was always fun to play with and cuddle with and was always there for that sort of thing too! She died of health problems though and we got a few cats! Now I didn't like them before I owned one but ohmygosh this cat we got was adorable c: I had a tabby persian kitty and I slept with her nearby every day ever since she was a kitten owo When she came of age she would sit in my chair waiting for me to get home from school and would jump out and follow me EVERYWHERE meowing and purring and cuddling up against me. I loved her so much and if I had a cat like her again I would absolutely prefer that over the dog. But then again dogs are hyper and playful and protecting so hmm I can't pick c: It would depend on the animal itself!

But I don't really think there are girly animals. I think it's silly to look at them like that. They are companions who love you dearly if you raise them right :) that's all that matters to me ^^

Jenny Doolittle
11-25-2013, 10:02 AM
Got an Airdale named Jack, He is as ornery as the day is long and my wife says he is me in a "Dog Suit"

5150 Girl
11-25-2013, 10:47 AM
Here's a strange thought I had, do we as CDs prefer a cat or dog as a pet. Now for me I've always thought the perception is cats are girls pets and real men have a dog like one for hunting.
Yea, well, it depends on the dog to.... One is not going to get a lot of hunting out of a chihuahua.... How-some-ever,,,, we more often than not see Paris Hilton caring one those rat wanna-bees around in her purse!

I used to be a cat person, but this current crop of cats (3) has been rather destructive, as a result, I have developed a strong diastase for cats.
The dogs on the other hand (2 chiweenies, a chihuahua, a wiener dog, and a Pomeranian) love to love, and mind very well. I've become a small dog fan.

11-26-2013, 06:59 PM
Never viewed cats as girls only and dogs as boys only. I grew up loving two special dogs, a rabbit, and three hamsters(not all at one time). Once I moved out on my own I wanted a dog but decided I wasn't around enough to love it properly. Both of my cats were given begrudgingly to me at first and now I can't live without them. My wife had two cats when we met who are no longer with us and would love to have a dog but agrees we aren't home enough for one. We both love our cats and will always have them in our home not because were a pair of ladies but a pair of animal lovers. If our lifestyle changes and we can have a dog , we will but until then the kitties rule the roost.

We do have many other "pets" living in a rural area-deer, raccoons, skunks, squirrels, birds-all making our property their home. Love having them around us, just get tired of the deer mowing down our plants!

jodie k
11-26-2013, 07:20 PM
ive had both cats and dog. like them both, but becase the city has a scopit law, i dropped the dogs several years ago. I have had a few cats lately, but all have disappered except for pumkin, who likes to stand on my stomach. Guess i should say that pumkin is large, even thought he's supposed to be one-year old,

Maryesther M.
11-26-2013, 07:20 PM
Both. I do not attach any gender-identity to preferences.

Currently we have 3 cats, 6 dogs and 2 donkeys. Also lots of poultry and doves. I cannot relate to the birds at all, but the dogs are my favourites, particularly a 7-stone male German Shepherd (Alsatian) who relates to ME exactly as to my male persona. No difference.


S. Lisa Smith
11-26-2013, 10:27 PM
I have basenjis which are very catlike dogs...don't bark, are pretty independent and wash themselves in a catlike manner.

11-26-2013, 10:32 PM
Cats loves cats. We had a cat for 16 years. She pased away 3 years ago.:(
Trying to talk the wife into a Norwegian Forest Cat.
That's a big cat :)

Julie S

11-27-2013, 01:56 PM
We have three cats, Calvin, Callie, and Crystal, and a choc lab named Gracie.
The cats stay inside, the dog stays outside, except when extremely cold weather.. The cats and dog get along great.

11-27-2013, 02:00 PM
I've never had cats, only big dogs. It's been awhile since I have had a pet though...it's just way too hard when they die.

11-27-2013, 09:52 PM
I've always mostly known cats and their behaviour, at home or occasionally elsewhere. I especially like black cats. Dogs only very rarely, they can appear nice enough. Really an unknown quantity though.

11-29-2013, 10:29 PM

I have a "vicious" pit bull...lol guess that's going to knock my femininity down a peg :heehee:

11-30-2013, 01:09 PM
I have two indoor cats and an outdoor garage cat. when I'm on the laptop or watching TV a have a cat on my lap most of the time. putting on a corset the other indoor cat thinks its playtime.

the garage cat, climbs up ladders and has been 25 foot in the air with me on the house roof. (right up the ladder)

I'm a horse person too. (its long haired cat's and horses for me)

Requal Jo
11-30-2013, 01:32 PM
Both for me. Cat at home; dog to walk.

11-30-2013, 03:42 PM
Just lost my cat of 14 years,but I really love my dogs......
I do all the grooming of my male and female loves....real dogs must at least 65 lb....

11-30-2013, 03:54 PM
I like both dogs and cats and had a dog when I was a kid. I now have 4 cats (had 5 but had to put it to sleep almost 2 weeks ago) and I love them. They are pretty easy to take care of and with me working 3 till 11pm and my wife working different hours it would much more difficult to have a dog. In my opinion I think dogs are better suited for people who have children and work normal hours and such and we are both in our late 40's married 21 years and never had children and I don't think we are going to have children at our age now so its cats for us.

11-30-2013, 04:04 PM
I really don't think it has anything to do with gender, but I've had a dog when I was young and loved her. As an adult I shared a cat with a long term gf, but when we broke up she left him with me, and he eventually became an outdoor cat, and came back less and less, and then eventually never came back.... But it's not too sad, bc he would pee on my clothes.

11-30-2013, 07:35 PM
Well how would you interpret me. I really dislike both cats and dogs as pets for me. Somehow I don't think either would be a good fit for my birds. I take my blue & gold macaw to cat adoption day and he scare's most of them.

11-30-2013, 08:58 PM
rescue dog for me

Rachael Leigh
11-30-2013, 10:06 PM
When I started this thread I never thought it would bring on so much conversation. So anyway my take is I still consider cats feminine to the point you have never heard of a guard cat or police cat. Those tough jobs are reserved for dogs.

However I recognize we girls all have different taste in our pets as much as we do our clothes.
Thanks all for your continued responses

11-30-2013, 10:14 PM
rescue dog for me

Good for you! I have 4 rescues of my own and a foster. All Cocker spaniels.

Tina June
11-30-2013, 11:05 PM
I have both a cat and a dog (Basset hound)

12-01-2013, 12:12 AM
Dog lover.

12-01-2013, 12:15 AM
Dogs all the way.

12-01-2013, 04:42 AM
Just as a craving for things the color pink, I've gotta wonder how many who profess their preference for cats have a subconscious desire to do so based on the concept that cats are considered a more feminine pet by so much of the population. Same with tiny dogs.

12-01-2013, 10:27 AM
Love dogs. Hate cats.

01-01-2014, 11:17 AM
I prefer dogs. We have 7, 3 rescue terriers and 4 show and race whippets. I've never been particularly fond of cats, but we did have a Maine Coon stray that adopted me and permitted us to live with her for nearly 17 years. Of course, she was pretty convinced she was a dog as well.

01-01-2014, 11:31 AM
I Like Both the cat wants to be in charge and the dog eats everything Except Cat

01-01-2014, 11:31 AM
We have both 2 cats and a dog. The cats are easier to take care of but the dog can be more fun to play with.

01-01-2014, 12:00 PM
Had dogs and cats, cant say I prefer one over the other, I do have horse I would say I prefer horses to dog or cat, wife won't let me bring her in on cold nights.
I had to put down one of my horses In October one of the hardest thing I have had to do she was the mother to the one I have left. She was almost 30 had her almost half my life.

01-01-2014, 12:43 PM
Where do I start.... I have had dogs, cats, ducks, rabbits, horses, cattle, goats, sheep, a parrot, parakeets, and my kids even raised hogs for their spending money and county fairs..... Lol......I love hunting and the great outdoors. I levitated naturally to hunting dogs especially Labrador retrievers. Something about a chocolate Lab laying beside your chair on a cold winters night watching the fire in the fireplace glow. Almost as good as my wife... Lol I'll tell her that if I want her to know. Really I love animals. I believe God put them here to relieve stress and be our partners when times are tough. I guess of all the above mentioned my favorite is my dogs that I have had. I don't believe there is any gender association to pets because I forgot I had a pet turtle once and how can you put a gender association to an water turtle.... Ummm maybe that's why I think I was a mermaid in a former life.? ..... Lol. Domestic Pets are just great for all ages of humans. We can learn a great deal from studying them in our own lives but they are not why we are gendered one way or another....

S. Lisa Smith
01-01-2014, 02:48 PM
Mickey or Mikayla, do you lure course your whippys? I lure coursed my previous basenjis, but the two I have now just hang out...

Jessica giovanna
01-01-2014, 03:29 PM
I love all animals, as being vegan demands it,lol...but at home I have had many animals. As a breeder of herps, that reads reptiles and amphibians, I was at one time a very large breeder of king snakes and poison darts. At the time I had four different color morphs of cal kings and mountain kings. Did the Jackson's chameleons as well. After the birth of my youngest, the herp breeding took a back seat. Family was first and regardless of what some breeders say, the 12' albino Burmese had to go to another breeder...miss my Monty! I had also breed Pomeranians as well.

Years later, I am the proud parent of a few beautiful creatures. An African grey of a grand two years old named "sterling", and if anyone has one you know my plight,lol...he is a card and a sport model! Then there is "Toby", my rescue Maltese pup...a 4 yo that has the life force of a puppy! And finally my tux kitty, Tillman, another rescue...see a pattern? I am a believer in rescue animals! Only weird thing is that all of the beings in my home are male...lol...I am the only girly girl here...and when I say anything at sterling he says, "that's what she says!" Ummmmm, did I do that? Tends to get funny looks from the family...
He knows his mommy!
Ms. G

01-01-2014, 03:42 PM
I have 6 cats...

Daphne Renee
01-01-2014, 05:40 PM
I like cats probably more.. like dogs too though. I care about animals in general though so I am not sure I am the right person to ask this question.

Cheryl T
01-01-2014, 06:16 PM
Cats for me please. Over the last 20 years I've had 6 and can't dream of being without one.

01-01-2014, 06:33 PM
Cats x2 :)

01-01-2014, 07:25 PM
Horrendously allergic to both; but, if I had to choose it would be dogs 10 times out of 10

01-01-2014, 07:33 PM
Dogs, for sure. They always seem much happier. Plus I never know what to do with cats and they seem to hate me.

01-01-2014, 08:36 PM
I've been around cats since I was a baby. I like dogs too, I just like other people's dogs. Took care of neighbors' dogs when I was little, and I think cats are much easier to care for.

01-02-2014, 10:54 AM
I have two amazing dogs!

01-02-2014, 11:02 AM
I love my dogs, currently have two jack russels, love em to bits.
Never been much of a cat person.

01-02-2014, 06:15 PM
Cats for now, because I'm at work too long to take care of a dog. I personally think it is kinda cruel to leave a dog alone for more than 6 or 7 hours at a time. They're more emotionally needy. Cats will just sleep that whole time anyway.

Ideally, I'd have both.

On the other hand...cats have claws, and my forms are vulnerable! Have to be extra careful sometimes.