View Full Version : Out to a friend, what a relief...

12-03-2013, 08:43 AM
I just told a real good female friend of my transgenderism. Due to things she has said in the past I thought she would not be able to handle it or be supportive at all but I felt it was time and it was a chance I had to take.

She is like 100% supportive and ensured me would help me in any way on this journey! :)That was a big overdue relief!:) ...I always heard that if people know you well that they are usually supportive...but I also do know we can loose people forever in the process...:sad:

12-03-2013, 08:52 AM
Wow that is a big step. I guess I'm out to everyone on here I have as my friends and my special wife...... I still feel locked away though. I am proud that you have someone to talk to now that will understand. I hope that she is a true friend and can keep her mouth shut. I know if anyone knew around my small town it would be in the newspaper the next day as a special edition.... Hope you have a great journey.

Amy Lynn3
12-03-2013, 09:16 AM
Jamie, great for you. I envy you now, because you have a female FRIEND to talk with and share yourself. I have female friends, but none I would want to share Amy with, so I consider you very fortunate.

Beverley Sims
12-03-2013, 12:35 PM
Some of our friends do surprise us with their level of tolerance sometimes.

Cynthia Anne
12-04-2013, 01:23 AM
I'm glad to hear that it went so well for you! True we do lose some so-called friends! But I do believe that true friends seem closer and friendlier then before!

12-04-2013, 01:46 AM
My wife and I have two female friends who are partners. I have told them about my side business of selling lingerie on ebay and jokingly said I'd cut them in if they would model...ok there was lots of alcohol involved and lots of laughing.

I have since told my wife that I would like to tell these two friends that if I pass over to the other side that they come over and help my wife dispose of all my inventory. I've been gathering inventory for 40 plus years and have an attic full of vintage lingerie. I don't know what will happen but I am slowly but surely disposign of my inventory. LOL.. inventory...