View Full Version : Female / Male - Understanding, gender roles, etc.

12-15-2013, 02:36 PM

How many of you whether F2M or M2F have sat back and said to yourself possibly that even though you have transitioned out of your born gender you can still understand that gender?

I know I am not wording this correctly so let me give some examples;
1. You can help another girl out by understanding how a man may feel about her.
2. You see the male gender role playing even though you have transitioned.
3. You say to yourself "that is so what a male/female would do".
4. You eat and behave respectfully while the other gender may not do so.
5. You see 2 men competing over the same girl? Or visa versa?
6. Anything Else

12-15-2013, 02:54 PM
Life gives you an education like no other when you are transsexual as would for anyone placed in our circumstances.

Transitioning in my opinion relaxes the mind but does not fundamentally change it in that you remain you but it does change you as how every next moment will now affect you from than on so you are being shaped differently while still working within your original shape.

It is like jumping from one path that you have been walking on which is a path between the path walked by men and women that allows you to see things from both their perspectives to the path now walked by women while keeping your history, so your perspective with you.

This can give you great empathy if you are not preoccupied with the self but instead stay in the moment where awareness lives.

I know the exact experience you are talking about and see it as one of the few blessings that come with being born transsexual.

12-15-2013, 03:40 PM
Thank You Kelly for your response,

In the beginning of my transition my "inner" genders fought constantly. I wanted to be a girl so bad that I wanted to "kill" my male self as much as I could. I am sure many have the same experience.

But with counseling I learned that I will "always" be both. Probably a lot more female and a little less male but I must learn to integrate the two and help understand that I must live in "harmony".

Once I did this, this part of my transition became less of a headache.

It is so interesting to see the things I did being a male that I can look back and see those "gender" roles being played out today.

When a guy opens the door for me or gives me a compliment or whatever else I may see as I live. I cannot help that though God gave me a confusing lifestyle, somehow he blessed me in this way.