View Full Version : New Theory on True Cause of Cross-dressing

12-18-2013, 11:03 AM
Here is a new theory on the true cause of why some men cross-dress. Basically, the field of psychology has not provided an accurate or helpful explanation for the cross-dressing community. This is because the model should not be based on psychology, but neurology.

For the most part cross-dressers are seen as normal, healthy, heterosexual men who gainfully function in society as doctors, pastors, and engineers, just as well as the general population. Their cross-dressing is not a result of childhood trauma as they do not exhibit any signs of being mentally disturbed, nor are they schizophrenic. The sensations they claim they feel from cross-dressing are not a result of a delusion or vivid imagination, rather they are a result of neurotransmitters, such as dopamine, which are activated in their cross-dressing experience.

This biological model says that cross-dressers have their brain hard-wired to interpret cross-dressing as actual contact with a female. When they feminize themselves their brain goes into action and releases a host of neurotransmitters, dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, etc. which produce the sensations of well-being, comfort, pleasure, sexual gratification and bonding. It affects the reward centers of the brain, instant gratification, and thus it mimics the addiction response. It cannot be "cured" because you cannot stop your brain from releasing neurotransmitters.

So exactly how this is small percentage of the male population (approximately 3%) get their brains wired this way??? The answer goes back to synaptogenesis and neural pruning. There are certain critical periods in brain development when your brain creates a myriad of neural connections. In fact, you have the most synaptic connections when you are 12 months old. Then through the learning process, these connections are either reinforced or pruned. There is another critical period of synaptogenesis and pruning during adolescence. (This correlated well with cross-dressers who say that their cross-dressing begin in early childhood (~75%), or during puberty (~25%), Occasionally this process maintains some unusual neural connection between sensory pathways. For instance a person may see colors associated with numbers. Or, a person may experience taste sensations associated with hearing certain words. When a person has a neurological condition where stimulation of one sensory pathway leads to automatic, involuntary experiences in a second sensory pathway it is called synesthesia.

So, compulsive cross-dressers may be seen as having a form of synesthesia. When 97% of the male population can wear a skirt they feel nothing but humiliation. However, 3% of them will experience actual contact with a female. Their brain will release neurotransmitters and they will experience all the sensations. These are real, not imagined. It is automatic, involuntary, and profoundly affects the person.

Psychology only comes in play when the person tries to cope with his form of synesthesia. He tries to make sense of his experience and may wonder if he feels contact with a female because he is a female. Or, it may be entirely sexual. He may adopt a female alter ego. Or, he may satisfy himself with one or two articles of clothing and not accept himself as female, at all. The entire spectrum of cross-dressing is explained by our personal interpretation of the synesthesia sensations. Because the neurotransmitters are real, and a part of our biology, it means that all the spectrum of cross-dressing is valid. The only persons living outside of reality are those who have this form of synesthesia and then deny this part of their person.

12-18-2013, 11:08 AM
Very well written and expressed 100% correct. At least my diagnostic results are right on about the feeling of well being, sexual gratitude and comfort!
Thank you great post!...Mykhelle

12-18-2013, 11:12 AM
Very interesting! For something as scientific as this there's a disturbing lack of sources :D Can you tell us where you got this from?

Karren H
12-18-2013, 11:21 AM
So at age 7 I craved contact with women?

Julie Gaum
12-18-2013, 11:25 AM
Very logical presentation --- good post! As Zylia requested, since we don't have the profesional background to evaluate, do you have backup material on this subject? Your hypothesis varies from what's out there but, nevertheless, there are so many unexplained (to date) flaws and unexplained segments of the CD spectrum that you may very well have plugged some holes. Will, hopefully, hear more from you.

12-18-2013, 11:32 AM
Very logical

12-18-2013, 11:36 AM
So at age 7 I craved contact with women?
Well, I can't speak for everyone, but sexual development normally begins at a very young age. Try Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_sexuality) for a Sexuality 101.

12-18-2013, 11:37 AM
I don't buy into the synesthesia as an explanation as the connection would be so random that cross dressing could not be the result to explain our numbers. Certainly, cross dressing is neurologically based.

And, as Karen pointed out, as a child, I would have gaged at the idea of "contact" with girls. This part of your explanation falls flat and would only make sense for adults, but you can not be selective in scientific explanations.

12-18-2013, 11:39 AM
Interesting post. I still do not understand why I have stronger urges to dress at certain times. I have racked my brain and could not figure anything in my childhood that can explain my desires. This makes as much sense as anything else.

mary something
12-18-2013, 11:40 AM
Dear Confucius you've spent a lot of time thinking about this and working on this it seems. There is one flaw to the theory, at least it seems to me. You're talking about things that don't change quickly over time such as our biology, dna, hormones etc. Every person who has ever lived in history has had similar biology, dna, hormones, their brains release oxytocin when they feel pleasure, etc.

The problem is that your theory ONLY fits if considering a culture such as the one we live in, a western postmodern culture with the definition of male social role being what it is today.

Do you think roman men were chemically addicted to wearing togas?

12-18-2013, 11:44 AM
I know this is more about the philosophy of science, but here goes -
The 'theory' that a certain behavior is related differences in 'wiring' and neurotransmitters is only worth something if you can point to specific differences and explain how those differences actually cause the behavior. Otherwise the 'theory' is not even that because it is completely untestable, and therefore not really science as it is practiced. Saying vaguely that 'wiring' and hormones/neurotransmitters is the 'cause' of a behavior is actually a completely meaningless statement and not an explanation of anything because, supposedly, all behavior is caused by brains doing what they do.

Also, and chew on this for a while, there is no 'scientific' proof that your brain is the 'cause' of your mind (self) !


bridget thronton
12-18-2013, 11:45 AM
Very nice post - much to consider

Amanda M
12-18-2013, 11:49 AM
Confucius - what you have posted is accurate. To a degree. You quote statistics without verifiable sources. There are broad generalities - "There are certain condition where your brain generates..." What conditions? When?

You say "Their cross-dressing is not a result of childhood trauma as they do not exhibit any signs of being mentally disturbed, nor are they schizophrenic." What on Earth has schizophrenia to do with childhood trauma? "They do not exhibit any signs of being mentally disturbed..." Source?

Good Heavens, how many posts on this forum alone are the direct result of the angst generated by crossdressing.

Does childhood trauma essentially precede mental disturbance - whatever that is? Just look at the suicide - and attempted suicide - rates among transgendered people, many of whom were crossdressers before they understood their own needs.

Are you seriously suggesting that someone who is genuinely suicidal is not mentally disturbed? Now let me make this crystal clear. There are probably very few people who have not, at some moment, considered suicide as a solution to their pain. It is sad that anyone should reach that level of desperation, but, when they do, I think you would agree that they are acting under severe psychological stress. Unless, of course, you have a credible alternative explanantion.

You tell us that through the learning process, synaptic process is altered. If that is the case, then nurture and environment do have a part to play, do they not?

Synaesthesia is hardly restricted to crossdressers, is it?

Frankly, you offer your opinion - not rigorous, peer reviewed research. To my mind, therefore, while you have the makings of a theory, it would be best debated in more academic circles, rather than being presented here as fact.

What is clear, though is that you have the commitment to finding out. Success on your journey.

12-18-2013, 11:51 AM
The problem is that your theory ONLY fits if considering a culture such as the one we live in, a western postmodern culture with the definition of male social role being what it is today.

Do you think roman men were chemically addicted to wearing togas?
So what you're saying is we need a couple of babies from Ancient Rome, raise them in our western postmodern society and see if a few of them turn into cross-dressers to test Confusius' theory?

12-18-2013, 12:01 PM
As soon as I read your third paragraph, I started to doubt it,, "biological model says that cross-dressers have their brain hard-wired to interpret cross-dressing as actual contact with a female" ...nonsense. However, I don't rule out that synesthesia (which has nothing to do with gender) could play a role. If you know anything about it, it is basically just a unique way your brain indexes thoughts... some people feel emotional connections, for example (although there are hundreds of forms of synesthesia), the numbers three, ten and twenty might feel like they belong with the color orange. The reason, I'll give this some more thought...my young daughter told me she feels temperatures for certain things...so I was learning about synesthesia in the past. It was a curiosity mostly because she is a normal kid. She is overly sensitive to sound and light, I was too as a kid...could be something to it. Where do you learn about this new theory?

12-18-2013, 12:03 PM
Thanks for your responses. I appreciate all comments and questions. In response to a few questions:

The majority of cross-dressers have their first memories of cross-dressing while they are in their early childhood. This would correspond with the period of synaptic pruning during our early learning processes. The brain would be associating cross-dressing with contact with a female, however it would NOT be sexual. At this juncture you lack the hormones to make cross-dressing a sexual experience. However you still crave contact with a female, and that contact is your mother.

As a baby, I was very clingy. My mother tells me that I insisted on being carried by her, all the time. (I don't recall this,) When I was six months old my mother was pregnant again. This time with my sister. Now my mother always wanted a daughter so when my sister was born, she was pampered. My sister was the center of my mother's attention. (My mother also tells me that she had to carry a baby in each arm, as I still insisted on her attention.) When I was 3-yrs old I developed a type of play, I called it playing "mommy" but all I was doing was raiding my mom's closet. Playing with my mom's clothes made me feel special, and I was fascinated with the fabrics, their colors, and textures. It was not sexual, but it was a sensory experience. (No my mother did not approve of my behavior.)

Synesthesia does not mean random neural connections. The process of neural pruning removes nonsense connections and the learning process reinforces other connections. So in your very early childhood you may have made associations between women's clothing and the contact with a woman, and that may have been the only thing you needed. Some researchers believe that some synesthesia between colors and numbers may have their origin in colored magnetic numbers on the refrigerator.

Karren H
12-18-2013, 12:13 PM
Well, I can't speak for everyone, but sexual development normally begins at a very young age. Try Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_sexuality) for a Sexuality 101.

Maybe now but 55 years ago..... we weren't allowed to know what sex was till we were 15! lol

mary something
12-18-2013, 12:19 PM
So what you're saying is we need a couple of babies from Ancient Rome, raise them in our western postmodern society and see if a few of them turn into cross-dressers to test Confusius' theory?

not really. What I'm saying is that a baby in ancient rome isn't that different from a baby in today's times. What is different is cultural perceptions towards the roles of women and men and how to express what that culture considers the ideal personality for each sex. This ideal personality structure differs from culture to culture but it adheres to some of the inherent temperament patterns that stereotypically describe male and female patterns of responding to the environment in which they live.

A culture with a very different view of sex and gender would still have the same people that are considered crossdressers as our modern culture does. They might look and act different though because the culture is different and the "acceptable" behaviors that each person strives to do would probably look different than in another culture like our own.

Any theory to describe cross gender expression should first be checked to see if it applies to any other culture than the one in which one lives to see if it describes a human behavior (a basic need, that when repressed feels like a compulsion to do, eating for a hungry person) or a cultural behavior (behaviors we do to fit into social groups and avoid criticism or embarrassment)

All societies have had individuals that feel the need for some degree of cross gender expression. However each society defines gender and sexuality slightly differently so the data has to be analyzed from the proper perspective to weed out cultural bias.

Imagine a hypothetical Amazonian society where women are expected to be warriors and men nurturers. I would expect in that society that the crossdressers would be the men who tend to fit the idealized version of masculinity that we have been taught to believe is only natural in western culture.
Those guys in the amazonian society would feel ashamed for not fitting into the social role that their society has taught them to aspire to, and would want to express their individual identity as the warriors they are to some degree.

In that society I would expect people would think they were crazy to want to go against nature. When their little boys wanted to play with sticks as weapons the parents would most likely be very ashamed that their children's personalities weren't congruent with the nurturing man stereotype that was considered valuable.

linda booth
12-18-2013, 12:39 PM
The only part I don't buy is "contact with a female". I love the clothes - even just looking at them. I love wearing them!

12-18-2013, 12:42 PM
Thanks Mary Something (I love your picture).

My theory does not only apply to western society. For instance cross-dressers growing up in India have an affinity for saris, and in Japan they may enjoy wearing a silk kimono. In western society a cross-dresser with a childhood in the 1950's may prefer to wear a petticoat. In each case the influences of his childhood have a distinct influence in his cross-dressing. However, in each case their brain continues to make the association between feminizing themselves and contact with a female. Their brain releases the neurotransmitters for contact with a female. In early childhood these neurotransmitter would be identified with contact with their mother, and once you reach puberty and have the appropriate hormones, then contact with a female means a sexual experience. Then later in life, when your testosterone levels diminish the sensations is more about comfort and less about sex.

There is even more... The way the brain works - doing the same sensory experience over, and over, and over, causes your brain to fatigue and you release less dopamine. So many cross-dressers feel a need to escalate their cross-dressing. At that point the urges are being driven by dopamine. It's just like the Coolidge Effect. For more information on neurotransmitters and the sensory effects on sex please see this link:

12-18-2013, 12:47 PM
ok people first: This is what they call a hypothesis. It will lead to theory and then either confirmation or discredit....this can take years. It may never be proven or disproven. So let's keep our knickers smooth here OK?

Next, why is it when someone mentions the opposite gender so many here immediately jump to sex? Being 7 (I don't give a damn who or what you say you were then) you knew the opposite sex. In our generation the difference was enhanced by society (clothing, games, toys) so the chasm is wider. When the op says @ age 7...and you all jump and say "NO! I hated girls then!" you are reciting what you were told by peers to say. You noticed that girls wore things that you didn't. It doesn't mean you were thinking of schtuping anyone. So get over that

Here is how I see the OP. We are born (and we are hard wired prior to that). We don't know where we will go or what will interest us but as time goes by we refine the neuro system to fit what we are and need. As the OP says we "prune" away dead wood so good growth can occur. What is trimmed away is part societal (you don't go around invading neighbors) and part is what we feel and enjoy.

Men in Rome liking Togas? Really? You went there as if to say "Hey Romans who wore togas had to be latent crossdressers"? Using the "things back in 0 AD were like so and nothing has changed in our biology shows an inherent lack of understanding evolution. While most evolutionary changes take thousands and millions of years, there have been a lot in the last even century. Talk to the people in England and ask how high the door frame is on a castle built in 1439. Look at the armor, if you are 15 years old and not started your puberty yet you may fit but those behemoth knights you have in Warcraft team? They would have been 5'6".

Take the OP for what it is, a new and novel way to maybe help explain why...nothing more. If it is true, then we will have an easier path to melding in. If it proven true, it will also be a path for some to try and "cure" use by rewiring (see Clockwork Orange).

12-18-2013, 12:48 PM
A culture with a very different view of sex and gender would still have the same people that are considered crossdressers as our modern culture does.
Are you sure? What's your source? Are these cultures really all that different in that case? Are you implying that there's a single cause for all forms of cross gender expression, e.g. (fetishistic) cross-dressing and transsexualism ? How do you see the difference between those two in a society that doesn't have the psychological and medical expertise our western society has? Not saying you're wrong, just wondering.

Beverley Sims
12-18-2013, 12:54 PM
Almost scientific mumbo jumbo, well written and a good score for English comprehension.
What are the sources of your diatribe, or is it all your own work ?

teri g
12-18-2013, 12:59 PM
Verifiable science aside, this theory rings true for me. I fall squarely in the middle of the bell curve as it pertains to both my history and my current activities, yet the only thing that comes close to explaining my path to crossdressing would be neurological in nature. Who in their right mind would choose a life of torment, discrimination, secrecy, conflicted self-image etc., all for what, the choice to wear socially unacceptable clothing?

12-18-2013, 01:09 PM
I can certainly buy a lot of this theory! One thing that is for sure is that for every aspect of any individuals crossdressing regardless to what extent theory seems very relevant. Everyone has a lot of questions as to why. Some answers apply to some and others do not. We all come to an acceptance of ourself, we might hide in denial, seek approval and acceptance of others, HRT, SRS, suicide and so on! No matter what road we as individuals chose we really come up with the path we chose as a means to our own end, something we can live with or not! UNDERSTANDING never really enters the picture on a scientific level. This of course is my opinion, I know what works for me from day to day without really knowing or understanding the why's specifically for me!

I would venture to say that the point in time that there became a distinction between what a male or female was wearing as clothing and it became gender specific. That is when crossdressing began. I can also appreciate Zylia's youthful, well informed, question the answers approach to this subject right up to and including the sense of humor. We do all know that when all else fails if you don't have a sense of humor you might be pretty much left with nothing. Ok, maybe a pair of panties Lol! I would not go as far as to resort to WIKI as a source for true and viable info though.

I do believe ithis is an excellent thread Confucius! Thanks for making us put our thinking caps on!

Gillian Gigs
12-18-2013, 01:48 PM
Lorileah quote; "ok people first: This is what they call a hypothesis".
This is an interesting thought, hence I like the idea of it being called a hypothesis. Hypothesis need to be proven, so let's get some government grant money and study it. What a nice job that would take years.

Ok, so this is my question, why is it that we spent some much time trying to justify why we crossdress? Is it easier to accept, if we can find something that will justify it? Now don't get me wrong, I enjoy reading all of these theories, but I can't help but think why are we so obsessed with wanting to know why! Why was I born left handed, why was I born with brown eyes, why do I crossdress, why, why, why... This is the time for someone to comment, "it's in our nature to ask why", so why is it in our nature, said with tongue planted firmly in cheek. Let's not go crazy trying to find out, let's just accept and move on, doing the best we can with the life that was dealt to us.

mary something
12-18-2013, 02:03 PM
In each case the influences of his childhood have a distinct influence in his cross-dressing. However, in each case their brain continues to make the association between feminizing themselves and contact with a female.

You are making an assumption here. The assumption is that the only reason that the chemical processes you describe could be happening are because it has to do with contact with a female. The chemical processes you describe here are basically what most people just call "feeling good" or "being happy".

Your assumption leaves out that some men simply LIKE feeling and expressing femininity at times for other reasons than the typical psychological stuff that simply doesn't fit. They don't have to be thinking about their mother either.

Lots of boys have younger siblings that take their mother's attention away. What happens then is an indication of that persons interests, very few of them wish to crossdress but all of them try to do something that makes them FEEL good.

Modern psychology is mostly written and designed from a heterosexual male with no desire for cross gender expression viewpoint. That is why it cannot accurately describe something that will never make sense to a person who has never enjoyed being or expressing femininity. That is also why we had the feminist revolution. Turns out that super straight heterosexual masculine white guys are only good at understanding who THEY are, even though they would tell you that you're wrong (because you're a crossdresser :bonk:).

see how it becomes a catch-22 where it makes it impossible to simply say that some men have a little bit more feminine essence that at times they want to express?

Their brain releases the neurotransmitters for contact with a female.
let's just say that they are feeling good, we can't know why for sure. To assume that there is only this one reason is basically writing an argument that says that you cannot be anything other than a heterosexual male and be a cross dresser, and we know that is simply not true

In early childhood these neurotransmitter would be identified with contact with their mother, and once you reach puberty and have the appropriate hormones, then contact with a female means a sexual experience. Then later in life, when your testosterone levels diminish the sensations is more about comfort and less about sex.
How about we say that in early childhood contact with the mother usually results in our needs being met, and a feeling of happiness. However during child development once the child can walk or crawl they are then learning their environment and their place in it, the mother becomes a VERY different force in their lives at that point. That is why one of the first words a child learns to say is "no" and it is usually said to their mother. That is also why children start to become much more independent once they can move freely about their environment.

as for sexual experience- that is you constructing an argument that only works if you're heterosexual. This is a big concern for crossdressers and so maybe there is a little bias here.

Later in life the crossdresser is STILL feeling good expressing some femininity even though there isn't a sexual pay off. Lets look at this with an outside the box perspective for a moment.
If a person does a behavior before they experience sexual feelings, continues doing that experience when they mature sexually (even though crossdressing can be a DISADVANTAGE to getting sexual partners), and then are still continuing doing that behavior later in life when sexual urges are much less and are doing it for other reasons. How can this be a sexually driven behavior? It didn't start from a sexual reason, nor does it help in any way to sole sexual problems like finding a partner.

There is even more... The way the brain works - doing the same sensory experience over, and over, and over, causes your brain to fatigue and you release less dopamine. So many cross-dressers feel a need to escalate their cross-dressing. At that point the urges are being driven by dopamine.

yes you are describing the normal process of what EVERYONE feels when they want to do something they like. However who is to say that the crossdressing doesn't escalate because what feels good is creating the most believable feminine image of themselves possible?

How many crossdressers would like to be able to do a professional photo shoot at one of those places that can make you look completely female and fabulous and not have ANY negative consequences? I'm guessing just about everyone, I'd totally be up for that!

Who's to say that what is happening is that simply as a person ages they care less and less what other people think? I observe that daily in people around me, with the example of the old grouchy man yelling at the kids to "stay off his yard" lol

As someone cares less what people think they allow themselves the freedom to feel even better (and go farther) doing something that they enjoy, creating a feminine image of themselves. It doesn't mean their not a man, nor does it mean they want to have sex with guys (although they might be curious if it feels feminine to experience that, or maybe they are bi, the point is that sexuality is different than gender but can interact with each other) or get divorced or anything like that. They just like seeing a feminine version of themselves sometimes.

12-18-2013, 02:04 PM
Your theory is obviously flawed because you make no mention of guitars. haha

Seriously, I'm on board with your explanation to the extent it explains (or helps explain) why we continue to crossdress. I'm still at a loss as to why I have a fetish for "certain things" and knew it around age 4-5 even before I had any idea what a fetish or sex was.

12-18-2013, 02:10 PM
Sounds reasonable to me... :)

12-18-2013, 02:50 PM
Gillian, we try so hard to justify because MtF crossdressing is a huge taboo in our culture. consequently it takes huge effort to flaunt it.

12-18-2013, 03:08 PM
I want to thank everyone for their comments and thoughtful questions. You are first persons in the world to hear about this theory, and I believe this is a great audience for it.

Yes, I am a biologist by training, and have done some brain research. However it was with studying Alzheimer's, and not cross-dressing. Nevertheless, I do believe that my theory is sound, and empirically verifiable. More research is needed. First of all we already have a great deal of information on the brain's response to sexual activity. We need to verify that a similar response (release of specific neurotransmitters) occurs with the cross-dresser. We also need to look for synaptic connections in the brain that are unique to cross-dressers, and which would be expected in synesthesia. This second part would be much more difficult but some researchers are doing some very fine work looking as neural pathways. So I am hopeful.

For those of you who question that your brain is interpreting cross-dressing as actual contact with a female. Please consider looking at studies which examine neurotransmitter response to sexual stimulus. This is a good resource: http://www.reuniting.info/science/sex_in_the_brain

Additionally, consider the times when you were a teenager and stimulated from cross-dressing and finding this a wonderful experience and that it sometimes led to masturbation. Following orgasm you might have noticed an immediate changed response to feminine clothing. The excitement you felt about cross-dressing would be greatly diminished following orgasm - Why? Once again the answer would be the neurotransmitters. Your brain is cutting back on dopamine and increasing levels of prolactin. http://www.reuniting.info/science/dopamine_separation_after_orgasm Once again, it is an identical response to contact with a female.

I am hopeful that there is someone on this forum who may have contact with researchers who would be interested in pursuing this theory and adding to our knowledge of cross-dressing.

Dianne S
12-18-2013, 03:12 PM
When they feminize themselves their brain goes into action and releases a host of neurotransmitters, dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, etc. which produce the sensations of well-being, comfort, pleasure, sexual gratification and bonding.

I buy that. Well, maybe not sexual gratification any more... there was that at the beginning, but it has lessened.

This biological model says that cross-dressers have their brain hard-wired to interpret cross-dressing as actual contact with a female.

That's the part I don't buy. There are lots of things that can "produce the sensations of well-being, comfort, pleasure" that are not actual contact with a female.

So, compulsive cross-dressers may be seen as having a form of synesthesia.

Actually, I think there's a simpler explanation. When something gives you "sensations of well-being, comfort, pleasure" you want to keep doing it! :)

12-18-2013, 03:16 PM
I have to agree with sexual gratification. I do have stronger urges to CD at times but not all the time.

12-18-2013, 03:16 PM
Good OP and I enjoyed reading it, but I am afraid that there isn't one situation to describe everyone. As much as I think that there are great similarities between the girls on this site, we are all individuals too, and there for have different reasons for being who we are. Some may be CDers more from their genetics, and some may be more from their life experiences.

mary something
12-18-2013, 03:19 PM
yes I have training in biology too, and I don't doubt that what you are saying is true in terms of the mechanics of it. However humans are capable of feeling a range of different emotions, and we lead our lives in a certain way usually to experience more good emotions and less bad emotions. We gravitate to what we like and we move away from what we don't.

The mechanism of how we experience those feelings biologically cannot explain WHY we choose to find those feelings pleasurable at the current time. We simply don't have a good enough understanding of biology at the current time.

But it doesn't take a rocket scientist to tell someone that people enjoy doing what makes them feel good. I really think that is the core of your argument. People like to do what feels good to them.

People like to associate with similar people to themselves. They like to drive a car that expresses something about WHO they are. People like to choose a wine or beer that has some inherent value to THEM.

Why is advertising so effective on humans?

It's all about identity. People have a NEED to express parts of their identity. Cross dressers have a little bit more feminine essence than non crossdressing men do and like to express that part of themselves sometimes. The only people who have a huge problem with it are masculine men who don't have that extra something that cross dressers do. It just so happens that those types of dudes are the ones who have traditionally controlled how society values things because they get to decide who is "crazy" or not.

It's a really good way to keep all the women to them isn't it?

Why do you think that the first thing a woman thinks when she finds out her man is a crossdresser is that he might be gay?

12-18-2013, 03:39 PM
I stand by my argument that contact with a female is not the 'known part' of the theory...I think it may be a symptom or result of something, maybe something in common. You can't build a viable theory based on assumptions. If you scour the real life data, many TG people get depressed, loose sexual attraction and yet they still desire to CD. Although one might enjoy CDing, it is not connected to the pleasure center in the way sexual pleasure is. I am convinced their is some other connection. I think also when you add in shame and guilt, the effect gets amplified...but to me it seems like a separate system. It doesn't feel the same as contact with a woman, and by the way there are some gay CDers and woman CDers so how does the theory hold up in those cases? For myself, the desire has changed over time, never related to any drug, it has changed based on self acceptance or by not repressing it. It is not a short term chemical reaction, there is something more to it.

Karren H
12-18-2013, 03:51 PM
Your theory is obviously flawed because you make no mention of guitars. haha

and where's Avogadro's number? Every good theory has to have Avogadro's number in it!

12-18-2013, 03:53 PM
The only people who have a huge problem with it are masculine men who don't have that extra something that cross dressers do. It just so happens that those types of dudes are the ones who have traditionally controlled how society values things because they get to decide who is "crazy" or not.

Yes, yes, yes! Mary S I think you have it! Look around at our world and society (western world, but the east is becoming not far different) and it's a story of the usual suspects (politicians, media, corporations, financiers...) - a tiny minority who control and largely determine what people watch, read and absorb and therefore what 95% of joe public eventually think and believe. If the media intimates CDers are bad - guess what: that's what most people will believe. There are people out there with far worse 'leanings' than CDers - more dangerous to us as individuals and the whole of society but rarely does anyone try to categorise them (whoever they are...) - I think it comes back to us as being easy targets again. Ignorant people find it easier to ridicule what they don't understand rather trying to accept without understanding (we have to accept even though we don't understand either).
I recall reading that the native Americans revered CDers as being 'special' - maybe we just need some strong PR along those lines. I also wouldn't mind betting we're all above average intelligence too :)
Interesting thread...

12-18-2013, 03:55 PM
so what I'm thinking is: pleasurable contact with items of female clothing as a child releases brain chemicals (dopamine) (i.e. it feels good) that reinforces this contact. So cross dressers dress because it's a self-reinforcing cycle of pleasurable feelings. Not sure this is a new theory.

12-18-2013, 04:03 PM
As a behaviorist I really enjoy reading and learning about things that are related to the brain and behavior. So I find this post very interesting. I can see that what you have written can hold a lot of water. But I would also like see links to the research you have found on this subject. As human beings we have that finite desire to seek out knowledge to explain how things are and what we don’t understand. As we do more research we end up having to do more research, until we millions of theories why something is and then we try to find the best solution everyone can agree on. The thing is that sometimes there is not just one solution there could a number of factors internally, environmentally,g past experiences, way the brain is wired, culture, race, social economical status, and so forth.

Now let’s look at this subject from a behaviorist point of view: Behavior is anything a person does, such as CDing that can be observed and measured. Behavior is learned, behavior has a purpose and function, behavior can be changed, behaviors are caused by triggers, and behavior gets us something; we behave because there is payoff to our actions. As I stated behavior has 4 functions: access, attention, escape, automatic reinforcement/sensory. Let’s look at a child at a store that screams and cries because they want something; they want access to a cookie. Or let’s look at all the actors that do things that get in the news; they get attention. Or a drug user/alcoholic that drinks or does drugs to escape their problems. Now what happens after the behavior that makes it more or less likely that the behavior will happen again. So for that child who scream and cries at the store because they want access to something; if a parent gives them what the child wants to stop the behavior, there is a high chance of it occurring again.

So if we consider why a person engages in the behavior of CDing; they could be doing it because it is a sensory issue and their brain release all these chemicals that automatically reinforce that behavior; they could do it because they want attention and when they go out in public, people look at them and that reinforces them to do it again; they could do it because it gives them the chance to escape reality and the problems they face in everyday life, whatever that may be, and CDing is reinforcing because they become a different person; Or they could do it because they want access to being a different gender that relates to who they feel inside and by having access to things that allow them to do this it reinforces that behavior. Lastly it can also be a combination of all 4 functions to the behavior each reinforcing the other.

Deedee Skyblue
12-18-2013, 04:14 PM
I don't buy into the synesthesia as an explanation as the connection would be so random that cross dressing could not be the result to explain our numbers. Certainly, cross dressing is neurologically based. [...]

I don't agree, Jennifer. At a very young age (less than 1) there is a LOT of contact between children and at least one woman - their mothers. Certainly the feeling of being safe and comforted when your mother holds you and feeds you is real, and it doesn't seem like a random correlation to me at all. In my case, I know my mother dressed me as a little dutch girl during the 18 months between my birth and my brother's birth - during that formative period. I'm not saying this had any effect on me - who knows?

In the long run, I don't think it matters what causes it (certainly not to me!). What matters is that the urge to crossdress is not unnatural, not sinister, not perverted, not sinful, and shouldn't harm other people. If only 3% of males are inclined to crossdress, that means that out of a population of 3 billion males in the world, there are about 100 million crossdressers. There are a lot of countries that don't have 100 million males - so it isn't even 'rare'.

Dawn said: "That's the part I don't buy {hard wired to equate crossdressing with touching a woman}. There are lots of things that can "produce the sensations of well-being, comfort, pleasure" that are not actual contact with a female." I agree!


12-18-2013, 04:29 PM
I like this theory, but let me toss a wrench in the works: I admit to being interested in the idea of wearing girls clothes as early as 5 years old. But, I never had the guts to try anything on until I was almost 13. I remember being really jealous of other boys who dressed up as girls for Halloween. But no matter how much I wanted to, I never could admit it.

So, assuming some contact with wearing female clothing would've been required to form those positive associations in my brain, where did my fascination come from? Unless my mom dressed me up when I was a baby and never told me, I was a "crossdresser" way before I actually tried on a dress. Something in my brain wanted to dress like a girl before I ever had any exposure to it

Elisa Lace
12-18-2013, 04:30 PM
Confucius - what you have posted is accurate. To a degree. You quote statistics without verifiable sources. There are broad generalities - "There are certain condition where your brain generates..." What conditions? When?

You say "Their cross-dressing is not a result of childhood trauma as they do not exhibit any signs of being mentally disturbed, nor are they schizophrenic." What on Earth has schizophrenia to do with childhood trauma? "They do not exhibit any signs of being mentally disturbed..." Source?

Good Heavens, how many posts on this forum alone are the direct result of the angst generated by crossdressing.

Does childhood trauma essentially precede mental disturbance - whatever that is? Just look at the suicide - and attempted suicide - rates among transgendered people, many of whom were crossdressers before they understood their own needs.

Are you seriously suggesting that someone who is genuinely suicidal is not mentally disturbed? Now let me make this crystal clear. There are probably very few people who have not, at some moment, considered suicide as a solution to their pain. It is sad that anyone should reach that level of desperation, but, when they do, I think you would agree that they are acting under severe psychological stress. Unless, of course, you have a credible alternative explanantion.

You tell us that through the learning process, synaptic process is altered. If that is the case, then nurture and environment do have a part to play, do they not?

Synaesthesia is hardly restricted to crossdressers, is it?

Frankly, you offer your opinion - not rigorous, peer reviewed research. To my mind, therefore, while you have the makings of a theory, it would be best debated in more academic circles, rather than being presented here as fact.

What is clear, though is that you have the commitment to finding out. Success on your journey.

I'll have to agree to this whole post.

While the hypothesis does have logical information, you cannot assure that anything is purely neurological. On the matter, there's sufficient evidence that the environment does affect the brain even long after "prune" and synaptogenesis, which is one of the principles of Eric Kandel's on neural science. It's right that dopamine and what not are related to pleasure, the question is, why are those neurotransmitters released. Then you jump straight into either: genetics (which is a deeply subject altogether) or environmental factors, be it attachment styles/parental behaviour, trauma, or what not (a long etcetera really). In the end both genetics and environmental factors do have a great part to play which end up in the "psychological" aspect which you're apparently kicking aside.

In essence, what I'm trying to say is, while correct and perfectly logical on some aspects, your theory is a reductionist one, and misleading as such.

As a psychologist myself, this is something I would love to study in more detail, but I know it will just end up in more and more theories, so I'd rather focus on ways of lightening the negative emotional load :)

mary something
12-18-2013, 04:33 PM
a tiny minority who control and largely determine what people watch, read and absorb and therefore what 95% of joe public eventually think and believe.
yes but I don't want to sound like a conspiracy theorist, however lets simply think about what does society NEED from it's men? Can you name a single generation of Americans that didn't experience armed conflict or a war? I can't.
Our country has always needed soldiers. Our culture tends to value the qualities of masculinity that make someone a good warrior. strong, doesn't express emotions other than anger, humor, or sexual, does not mind to use violence to solve problems, etc.

Our culture tends to reward the people born with the temperaments of what we perceive our need to be. This is also done by devaluing other types of personalities or temperaments that aren't deemed as necessary, however we allow our entertainers to be as free spirited as possible. I'm not sure it's possible for a rock star to crossdress for example, they are REWARDED by society for having different qualities than the perceived masculine ideal since they produce the art and music that is the soundtrack to our lives.

However the instance of how this affects sexual competition for females happens at school when we are kids. Kids in school know being "gay" is bad before they fully even understand what sex is. When multiple boys are interested in a cute girl (sometimes for different reasons) they compete with each other to earn her attention. Girls pick there cliques by a slightly different criteria than guys do, social status is most important for who gets to be in the cool girls group.

when a boy accuses another boy of being "gay" or a sissy or whatever he is appealing to her own fears that she will lose status with HER friends if she considers the boy that might be a crossdresser for example because he has a little bit more feminine essence in him than other boys.

that's why the jocks date the cheerleaders and such.

In all likelihood he would probably be a better match for her than the type a masculine boy because they will be better friends and understand each other better. However if that can be cancelled out by labeling the boy who is different in such a way that he loses confidence and social status it isn't a worry then.

This behavior works very well and like all behaviors that work there is no need to change it. Sometimes those boys grow up to be psychologists that get to decide what behaviors are normal and what behaviors are not. Everyone listens to them because they are "experts". they have been labeling other people their entire lives so they don't even question whether they have the right to or if they may be wrong.

It is very difficult to convince someone that a behavior that they engage in that gets them what they want should be changed because of someone elses feelings, especially if that person is in competition with them.

So the guys who have been labeled start to believe it is true, that it makes them less. They feel guilty and weird about themselves. People can't read minds but they can pick up on emotions and people who don't like themselves don't attract other people to them. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy until someone doesn't even want to leave their own house.

All it takes is accepting that sometimes you like to cross dress and look feminine and you aren't any less for it.


12-18-2013, 04:35 PM
First, I quote from the first sentence of Confucious' original post, "Here is a new theory on the true cause of why some men cross-dress." Some men. Since we never can agree on our various TG flavors, how is a "theory" that is only good for some men going to help us. Next, I don't think this really amounts to a theory is the formal sense. Other posts go into this. But, here's my main problem. There has to be learning involved to connect a stimulus with a dopamine reaction which implies a psychological process. "Some" men's reaction to woman's clothes is only one example of this process. Music, meditation, exercise and just about any fetish you can mention can cause release of pleasure inducing hormones. Meaning that there's still something a little special about the association "some" men have with women's clothes.

12-18-2013, 04:48 PM
Awww, threads like this always take all the fun out of dressing. If I were to study anything to death, as these threads try to do in explaining why, it would be time for a new pursuit.

If we didn't enjoy dressing and the things associated with it, then why do it at all. Perhaps what we learned at a ripe young age was things that pleased us we pursue. Things that do not please us get eliminated.

Rather than old Avogadro, I think Charles Law might be more applicable here. Lots of volume increase ;)

Hugs all. Robin

jodie k
12-18-2013, 05:13 PM
when i read confusion's post, i was waiting for all the cons from you cross-dressing pros---and I didnt need to wait too long for them.

personally, i dont think,..... i just do.....
.Maybe if i thought more about it, i'd come up with some sort of reason, but just doing is easier and happier for me.

not that i didnt enjoy confusion's post and the varied answers.

jodie :brolleyes::brolleyes::brolleyes:

mary something
12-18-2013, 05:16 PM
I agree that the simplest and most correct answer is because it feels good.

12-18-2013, 05:26 PM
This is my personal belief regarding the post as I have no information sufficient to develop an opinion.

It seems to me that the OP is describing crossdressing in the form of a fetish related to early childhood experiences. I remember, being around 6 or so, and rummaging through my mothers closet and finding my christening dress (and I do mean dress - it was gorgeous white satin). Around that time in my life there was a lot of gender confusion going on in my mind and I conflated all that to the christening dress. Girls wear dresses, I feel comfortable wearing some of my mother's clothes - I must be a girl, or girlish. Also, the wearing of my mother's clothes was somewhat sensuous, although I was too young to understand those feelings.

The reason I say fetish is that until my late 40s I used CDing as a way to get off sexually. In the case I am describing, the fetish would be similar to a shoe fetish that was developed by women rocking young male children on their shoe covered feet. Rubbing shoes against genitals creates pleasure. Wearing women's clothes is soothing and sensuous.

So, as robin so accurately puts:

If we didn't enjoy dressing and the things associated with it, then why do it at all. Perhaps what we learned at a ripe young age was things that pleased us we pursue. Things that do not please us get eliminated.

Imagine if sex was a chore and not pleasurable - do you think we would be around to have these conversations.

(Robin, please, do not make me look up things like Charles Law and Avogrado - it makes my brain ache!)

12-18-2013, 05:29 PM
So at age 7 I craved contact with women?
yeap, and if all that were around weree harsh sharp tonged ones and the nicest part of them was there clothes.....

12-18-2013, 05:44 PM
Not sure about anyone else but I think your title is downright silly. "True Cause" implies that one idea or line of thought process would cover ALL CDers of every variety. Surely you did not mean that?

ANYone here that actually takes the time to READ Qs and responses knows there are many reasons WHY. It's not Rocket Science.

People who bother to READ know at least ONE piece of the puzzle. Very few deny "it" in numerous threads. It's the ONE THING that binds most here regardless of any letter groups they might wish to put themselves in and it's not difficult to imagine exactly where the shame and guilt that so many here have, comes from.

There is plenty of information "out there" on the net as well as can be found at libraries but few people will have the time and inclination to sift through it much less be able to separate the wheat from the chaff.

I know they are not popular around here but what happens if we stick to the FACTS.

This site posts FACTS in many places in the way of #s. Members may lie in their OPs or stretch the truth in responses but those #s do not lie and merely confirm the "never ending wild popularity" of certain topics.

For anyone interested in learning much about what makes all us Humans tick, I highly recommend Helen Fisher.

12-18-2013, 05:50 PM
Interesting theory

12-18-2013, 06:39 PM
Ok Miki. Sorry my left brain was showing. Here you go:

Avogadro constant - 6.0221413e+23 - number of atoms or molecules in one mole (no not the cute fuzzy kind ;)

Charles Law - heated gasses (hot air) expands

Hope this helps. Seems my simplistic take on the whole subject has captured the imagination of at least a few. Simple girl that I am ;)

Hugs, Robin

Julie Gaum
12-18-2013, 06:53 PM
Great OP and, yes, it is a hypothesis, but an interesting one. I've always believed in the trigger theory explaining why most males may be exposed to the same
objects, material, people or whatever but don't react while others do react and, voila, the CD! To date we attribute that unique response as having to do with the manner some of us were wired before or after birth and for a short period thereafter. I do believe that among this presentation by Confusious there very well might be the answer to why some have that trigger waiting to be released and others don't. One step for ....

12-18-2013, 08:08 PM
Ok Miki. Sorry my left brain was showing. Here you go:

Avogadro constant - 6.0221413e+23 - number of atoms or molecules in one mole (no not the cute fuzzy kind ;)

Charles Law - heated gasses (hot air) expands

Hope this helps. Seems my simplistic take on the whole subject has captured the imagination of at least a few. Simple girl that I am ;)

Hugs, Robin

Oops! No, I am really glad I had the chance to look up these concepts. Knowledge is knowledge and unless you are willing to open a book, you will only ever get one perspective.

Question: Since a H atom is significantly small than a Uranium atom, does this mean a mole expands like the Charles Law balloon (big effing smile!)

I will never have the chance to use them except maybe when I am bluffing in a poker game.

12-18-2013, 08:22 PM
Great theory !! I have just a few suggestions though..For those who find it hard to believe in having sex at 7, you are correct.. But I do not believe that was the O.P.s point. That being even as far back as into the womb we do get erections ( males ) which I am sure are caused by blood pressure and yes, touching ( not by attraction or sexual ) anyone who has had boys or cared for them should know this.. The ( "e" ) must have some type of sensation in how we feel, again NOT sexual at that age puberty is when that starts but it does not mean the little fella isn't working before then.. So I believe the theory could be the sensation felt from the material in wearing certain items different than what is normally worn , again not in any way sexual .. This could explain another fetish in adults who wear diapers as a fetish ( not as a need ) or have the desire for clothing with certain material and a style for the fit, just a theory ..

I do not buy into the gender role with the O.P.'s theory ( not saying it's wrong or it couldn't happen ) because certain groups dress for different reasons and I do not believe gender is a intermittent chemical the brain produces but that is a different thread all together.. I really do like your theory and I feel it's worth looking into,great post!

12-18-2013, 10:49 PM
Arrrggh . . . . synaptogenesis and neural pruning . . . . it all makes my brain hurt!

Sometimes I think being a guy really sucks. When I was growing up I watched a lot of Dracula movies. He sucked, too. Guess that made me this way.

Just a theory . . .

12-18-2013, 11:17 PM
Of all the things I lost, I miss my mind the most; synes-what-ever-the-heck-it-is and all. It's very amusing that this psychobable is couched so as to not be psychobable. There is NOTHING in biology that remotely suggests cross dressing is genetic or neurological, period. You can argue this ad infinitum and you will never prove anything. Crossdressing is FUN and it feels good. Just enjoy it and stop trying to justify yourself with science that isn't science. Just sayin' . . . .

Adriana Moretti
12-19-2013, 01:07 AM
I agree with Lara...just have fun

12-19-2013, 01:52 AM
This sounds like the old "nurture" arguement with a new wax job.
The guitar theory is a lot more scientific.

12-19-2013, 05:06 AM
My theory does not only apply to western society. For instance cross-dressers growing up in India have an affinity for saris, and in Japan they may enjoy wearing a silk kimono.Actually, kimonos are worn by both sexes in Japan, although they are worn at home mostly and to some formal events. Women's are more ornate, though, and can be worth a small fortune.

02-09-2014, 05:24 PM
Ill have to read further into this. It does seem to fit for me.

02-09-2014, 05:46 PM
Nice theory, but without background studies and evidence, hard to believe. Not bad theory, kind of like special realtivity...nobody believed that then either. Amy is an engineer and scientist by training and 29 year experience in advanced stuff.

02-09-2014, 06:03 PM
i like the theory, and it is very logical , how can we prove it?

02-10-2014, 01:16 AM
Interesting theory, but I'm not aware of any evidence to support the notion that it's nature vs nurture. In my case, I can think of environmental factors that may have led me to desire female clothing when I was young. It seems to me that I'm simply attracted to femininity, the femininity defined by our culture. The culturally defined feminine ideal is not hard-wired, so our attraction to the cultural specifics also can't be hard-wired. We have an innate attraction to the opposite sex (if we're hetero), but it seems clear that we have to learn those culturally defined aspects. Perhaps when I learned these, I mixed things up - so it could be more like dyslexia than synesthesia.

02-10-2014, 05:10 AM
Interesting hypothesis (theory implies a body of research which proves the hypothesis) and from a neurochemical stance it is plausible but very hard to prove due to far too many outlying issues which factor into neuronal development.

Synaptogenesis and pruning actually occurs throughout our lifespan to some degree or another. What the OP is talking about is "exuberant synaptogenesis" which occurs early in our development and is associated with synapse elimination (pruning) a process in which development of the competing axons opposite a strong neuron for synaptotrophins determines a strong connection vice a weak connection (effectively starving the neuron - pruning).

All this to say that while it is plausible we are talking about a neuro chemical process of neuron development in the cerebral cortex which provides the connections to sustain cognitive processes not so much behavior. Can we be hard wired CD due to synaptogenesis? Possibly but that would imply specialization of neurons to regulate behavior (i.e., specific CD neuronal connections). I agree that neuro chemical imbalances across the synapse could cause behavioral issues (e.g., schizophrenia, OCD, bi-polar) but CDing . . . not convinced. The only study which links synaptogenesis to environment that I am aware of is one conducted on cerebral development in rats in which those rats raised in a loving and enriched environment produced approximately 25% more neuronal connections but this was not linked to any one specific behavior only neuronal development.

There may be something there but I think this is a long way off on explaining CDing as given the amount of neuronal connections (literally billions) the probability of some people developing a propensity to CDing based on a small percentage of specific neuronal connections occurring are infinitesimal at best. However great hypothesis which is deserved of further study but how you would do such a thing would be difficult.

Sorry not hacking on the OP, just providing another view. :)



02-10-2014, 09:22 AM
For me it's just who I am , And it's just what I do.

02-10-2014, 09:36 AM
Sounds good but I doubt it. How do you explain a crossdressing homosexual? You still haven't noted your sources and if you are correct I commend you. In just 43 posts you figured all of us out, impressive if you are correct.
The schizophenia, mentally disturbed? Following your explanation could someone be a crossdressing hairdresser who associates numbers with smells and like Karren only learned about sex at 15 be mildly mentally disturbed and held alot by thier father? Just asking?

I think your mom held you too much and then that sister showed up out of no where (too young to have that explained). Mom plays with the girly one so maybe I should be girly too theory.

Lynn Marie
02-10-2014, 09:46 AM
Thanks Confucius. Sounds fine to me. I'm an older lady now and I'm just no longer all that interested in trying to justify my CDing, but it's fun hearing possible explanations.

02-10-2014, 10:54 AM
Interesting theory! In particular, I find the part about being exposed to feminine clothing at a very young age to be right on. On this site as well as the "Men Wear Bras" site, there are many examples told of guys who were first exposed to female undergarments as a young boy or in puberty and then not have he urge to crossdress until something triggers that desire later in life. I know that such is true for me, to. I don't know about many of the other explanations o attribution in your article, but I find myself, at age 70, feeling feminine urges on an increasing basis. I have even thought to attribute it to chemistry - that my body is just not producing as much testosterone these days (and maybe an increase in estrogen somehow.).

Anyway, I'm beyond trying to figure it all out. I'm resigned to simply enjoying the strong feminine feelings that I am getting and to dress as much as possible to be able to feel them more realistically.

02-10-2014, 12:37 PM
It is a hypothesis and it has a certain plausibility. Beyond that it is hard to comment. We all tend to go to our personal experience as a first 'check" on such ideas. In my case I did start dressing very young and it was intensely pleasurable and exciting and was my entire pathway to sexual exploration and gratification between the ages of around 5 or 6 and my early teenage years. Being a child of the fifties, I was much attracted to the feminine fashions of the day and still love the beautifully decorated slips and corsets that were prevalent at that time. Yet that is just one data point and does not prove anything. It is just consistent with the hypothesis as presented.
I do remember an interview between Charlie Rose and Watson of Crick and Watson fame. He, Watson, asserted that in time we would come to understand that all behaviour could eventually be linked back to our particular DNA. A sweeping assertion indeed. In a way it is the old Nature versus Nurture argument all over. As recounted in this hypothesis, it may well be the interplay between them that is important but it will take much work and some good experiments to prove.

02-10-2014, 12:51 PM
This is a first rate explanation of why we crossdress. All I can do is add my two pennyworth to this most difficult of subjects.
I have my own ideas about why we crossdress and its obviously not one simple thing. Add to that the many reasons why we crossdress and the variation between a crossdresser a transgender and a transexuial and you have a hell of a job on your hands trying to get to bottom of ‘why’

So lets break it down a bit and make it look a bit simpler. Now this is just my opinion for what that’s worth?

A heterosexual man can get a sexual rush out of the closeness of a female article of clothing. [Its sexy and its feminine] Notice that a lot of crossdressers dress in erotic clothing, stocking, panties, heels and so on. If it was not a sexual turn on for them then any old woman’s jumper would do? And then they become there own lover and masturbate. [Autogynephilia]
And what man has not gone to his wife’s underwear draw and felt her panties to remind himself of his sexual partner when she is away. So its only one more step to actually putting the panties on.

Now to the transgender. It could still be a sexual thing but it is also a conformation of there [real] sexuality. ‘It feels normal to dress as the woman I am’
The same holds true of the full transsexual that feels she is in the wrong body but usually without the sexual element.

02-10-2014, 06:10 PM
Oh, Good. I'll tell my wife ... then again, maybe not.

02-12-2014, 08:42 AM
Mary Something, I want you on my debating team, you are really good! Did you have to make arguments for your mom to pick you up and hold you? That is the new theory on why some people are really good debaters.

Did I miss the reply that mentions where all this research was done and by whom? I also think the real Confusius may be turning over about now.

02-12-2014, 10:50 AM
I have no idea what this "theory" is, but do know that at the age of 12 or so, saw my mother taking off or putting on her bra, standing at her door mirror, unaware that I was watching. I noticed her lovely breasts, and her nipples, not sexually, beause I was not yet well into puberty, but the fact is, in a short time I was trying on the same bra at the same mirror, and in a short time thereafter, had my first orgasm, not even realizing the emission that took place. so, I t appears to me that in at least one person's experience, my cross dressing started that day. However, it was not until many years later, at the age of 22, that I suddenly had the urge, nay, the need, to buy a pair of pantyhose, and the rest as they say, is history. Why, you may ask?
Why is the sky blue? All I know that even my deep religious expression in no way compares to the peace I find in slipping into my panties or smoothing on a pair of stockings. I adore being amberlee, would not have it any other way.


02-12-2014, 11:16 AM
Cetrtainly I'm curious to know the cause of my compulsion, but in the end, what diffence does it make? Yes, it would be nice to know and it might help with our acceptance by others, if it could be said that it's a developmental issue that we're not responsible for. Still it would be better to be accepted as we are, no questions asked.

But I doubt that there is a single cause for anything, let alone crossdressing - it's more complicated than that. Doesn't dissatisfaction with the male stereotype that we are expected to conform to play a role? We all have a feminine component; it's the intensity that is variable. But would it change how I feel about myself right now? I think not, so it's a moot point.

02-12-2014, 11:30 AM
I read the thread and a lot of what you had to say and i was like wow these girls know stuff. As much as the theory made sense as I was reading it, I don't remember much of it. Yes I did feel contact with the woman, I would become one, I'm addicted to sexy clothes, it was sexual even without me being aware of it and I feel great dressed. Any views on the narcissism and vanity that ensues.

02-13-2014, 03:31 PM
Here is a new theory on the true cause of why some men cross-dress.
And that is your problem, as it has been for every other researcher that has tackled the behavior so far. You're trying to find something that does not exist. As you further your studies, you will find that there are more than one reason, and trying to narrow it down to one single cause that fits all men who crossdress will always wind up in failure.
As far as neurology vs psychology, it has been found that our experiences and behaviors affect the physical make up of our brains over time. A good example is what most people call 'muscle memory', which is something that actually occurs in the brain, not the muscles; it's an almost automatic series of movements that our brains command us to do which goes unnoticed by our conscious mind. A simple example of this is walking; once you learn, you don't think about doing it...UNTIL something screws up the current combination of movements. Arthritis and the loosening of the knee joint can make you prone to your knee 'buckling'; however, you can gradually train yourself to tense up the muscles around the joint to keep it perfectly where it needs to be even though it's no longer tightly held naturally, and eventually the new way of walking becomes automatic too.

It cannot be "cured" because you cannot stop your brain from releasing neurotransmitters.
Ah, yes you can, consider the results of ECT and the destruction of memories that cause the thoughts leading to feeling depressed. The release of neurotransmitters patterns throughout the body changes depending on what your brain does, and biofeedback can even change that as well.

It was an interesting theory, though, trying to support all those who want to believe that we are all 'born that way', and/or have a need to believe that we are all the same.

Cheryl T
02-13-2014, 03:39 PM
So at age 7 I craved contact with women?

You must have been a bottle baby then Karren if you waited till you were 7 to crave it.

Bonnie Chan
02-13-2014, 03:40 PM
I agree we all are not the same and have different reasons for CDing. However, I think it's good if we can explain for the majority of us so other people can understand us more. That could be a goal for any new theory whoever wants to come up with, not trying to cover 100%, but 80% I'd say would be successful enough, then you can improve from there... I also don't like seeing we fight each other among ourselves...

Lori Kurtz
02-13-2014, 04:46 PM
I don't know that there can ever be any clinical proof or disproof of a hypothesis like this ...
and I strongly believe that it doesn't apply at all to transsexuals ...
but, that said, it sounds quite plausible as an explanation of what might be the origin of this unusual behavior that has brought so much pleasure and anguish into the lives of some us--me in particular.

02-13-2014, 05:30 PM
Additional information on my theory, Cross-dressing is a form of synesthesia.

We begin with a simple question. "Is the casual agent for cross-dressing biological or psychological?"

If it is psychological then the sensations a cross-dresser experiences are delusional, a false reality. (Something like the movie "Lars and the Real Girl".) In this case psychotherapy should prove to be valuable in curing a person of cross-dressing. If the sensations are biological, then they would most likely be caused by the release of neurotransmitters like dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin and others. These neurotransmitters are responsible for sensations of well-being, pleasure, sexual gratification, and bonding. It would mean that somehow, your brain is out of the ordinary. Your brain got hard-wired to function differently that everyone else's. How could this be?

Now you need to understand a little bit of how the brain makes neural connections. The process of making neural connections is called synaptogenesis. The brain is always making some neural connections, but there are a couple critical periods (infancy and puberty). So when you are about 2-years old you have more neural connections than at any time in your life. Then there is a process to break some of the nonsense connections and reinforce other connections. This neural pruning is accomplished in conjunction with the learning process.

However sometimes the process of synaptogenesis and synaptic pruning produces some unexpected (illogical) results. Some people will see colors associated with numbers or letters. They will think this is normal, and believe everyone sees them. This condition is called synesthesia, and it comes many forms. However, all forms of synesthesia are considered neurological phenomenon in which stimulation of one sensory pathway leads to automatic, involuntary experiences in a second sensory pathway. In the case of the cross-dresser, the experience of wearing feminine clothing causes the brain to interpret it as actual contact with a female, and thus release the appropriate neurotransmitters for this contact.

This would explain why about 96% of the male population can wear feminine clothing and not feel anything special (except embarrassment), while 4% would love the way it makes them feel. It would explain why the vast majority of cross-dressers either say that they've been this way as long as they can remember, or it began in adolescence. It would explain why it appears to begin automatically, involuntary, and have nothing to do with sexual orientation. It would explain why a cross-dresser cannot explain why he needs to do it.

I believe that the critical element in this theory is the release of neurotransmitters responsible for the pleasurable sensations. If we can prove that cross-dressers have increased levels of dopamine and other neurotransmitters when they feminize themselves, and that these levels are NOT found in the non-crossdressing population, then that would go a long way to supporting this theory.

Ally 2112
02-13-2014, 08:38 PM
As much as i would like a scientific therory to explain why i do this i do not think everyone will ever agree on one certain point .All i know is i enjoy it and have never been able to quit no matter how much gulit or purging i have done .So for know i leave it to my feel good transmitters :)

02-13-2014, 10:27 PM
I believe that the critical element in this theory is the release of neurotransmitters responsible for the pleasurable sensations. If we can prove that cross-dressers have increased levels of dopamine and other neurotransmitters when they feminize themselves, and that these levels are NOT found in the non-crossdressing population, then that would go a long way to supporting this theory.
Again, not to poke a hole in your theory about why YOU crossdress; But then of course you have to address those of us for whom there is no joy in crossdressing, rather just a relief of the discomfort that wearing male specific, or rather NOT female specific clothes seems to cause. I don't get any particular enjoyment from wearing general women's clothing, no 'rush', no sexual thrill, no 'gee this feels really good' sensation. I just feel normal when dressed as a girl, as opposed to the 'i'm in the wrong outfit' feeling that I have whenever in male clothes. So for you to address, Confucious, here is the situation: Suppose you're at a formal affair. Everyone else is there, wearing tuxes and evening gowns. But you're in a bathing suit, which causes the same 'I'm in the wrong clothes' type of underlying feeling. Does putting on the establishment's extra smelly, ratty old tux make you feel great? Or just less uncomfortable? Where's the pleasurable sensations you refer to here by putting on what you feel you should be wearing? Because I can't find any such thing.