View Full Version : I love/hate my job.

12-31-2013, 10:22 AM
As I have mentioned before, I work retail. Amongst other things, we sell clothing. It is mostly active stuff, so the staff tends to be fit, and the customers also, mostly.

This means I get exposed to fit, strong, usually lithe female forms on a constant basis. ("what a hardship!" I hear you say in a sarcastic voice!) Well, most straight males will understand the mixed feelings about that, much easier to bear now I have a stable relationship going. I'm also getting to look at, and frequently handle, all the wonderful colours and fabrics, the details, the smooth look and feel. Sigh. So envious at times. Things are improving, although terribly slowly, on the men's aisle,and there are some awful backslides at times.

So you may now understand the title of this post, it is so much fun some times, but the constant wish to just take an item into the change room on my break and try it on!..........gggnnnn! Truth be told, I could probably get away with it now, several people know I am at least a little unconventional in my clothing choices. Oh well, onward!

12-31-2013, 10:27 AM
Yes like a pack rat working at cheese factory. Just relentless, perpetual tempting, taunting leading to much toiling.

Beverley Sims
12-31-2013, 12:01 PM
Take it carefully and cautiously and you will attain your goal.

01-01-2014, 03:29 PM
Take it carefully and cautiously and you will attain your goal.??

I pretty much have attained my goal. I would not face any repercussions from trying on female clothing, at least not from management. Would probably get some (mostly) good natured ribbing from co-workers, but if anyone really got on my case about it, we have a non harassment policy that is taken seriously, and it has teeth. Wearing such clothes while working....? I spent most of last year in a pair of women's pants, and most people figured that out but didn't say anything. I am mostly convinced that I could wear a hiking kilt (this one http://www.mountainhardwear.com/mens-elkommando-kilt-OM3417.html) and am going to suggest that we actually stock it. A regular skirt? hmm, think I can do that, but need to ask first.

Seriously, I love my job, it has some annoying moments, but what job doesn't? I think most of us need to have a rant now and then.

Yes like a pack rat working at cheese factory. Just relentless, perpetual tempting, taunting leading to much toiling.Yes, I am known to volunteer to help tidy the women's changing rooms when they get to tornado level. I do love to handle and admire the clothing.

I am a chocoholic in a candy factory...wait, we sell chocolate too!....Damn!


01-02-2014, 06:37 AM
Hey there,

Glad to hear you have a good side to your job as that makes it worth the effort to go into work and the added bonus of all the fit women (well . . . what can I say . . . straight guy here). A hiking kilt (interesting) but then again, I wore a kilt for three years while posted to one of military units (Canadian) and it was very comfortable for everyday wear . . . not to mention, many front line units during WWI wore kilts as battle dress.

I like that you dress the way you do and don't care what others think . . . gives CDers a good image . . . thanks.



Allison Chaynes
01-04-2014, 10:11 PM
I know how you feel... I was in that same boat for the month I worked at Lane Bryant! :)

The only dressing I did there was underdressing.