View Full Version : Moods and the crossdresser

01-20-2014, 12:35 AM
Has anyone noticed mood changes when they've gone a while without dressing? Depression, Anger, Nervousness?

Has anyone had more feminine characteristics since they've started crossdressing? Crying, feeling sentimental more than normal, etc.

Does anyone feel guilt when they dress? Or mostly positive feelings?

I notice that when I get too agitated, stressed out, etc, I dress and then feel almost relaxed and rested. It seem to be a more emotional type of person when I dress, but it's in a good way. Much less masculine, and more sensitive and caring. Less ego and self. I seem to get mostly positive feelings from dressing.

Just wondering if this is normal, or if it's just a switch that turns on and off when you dress.


01-20-2014, 01:08 AM
I have similar feelings. When I'm dressed or even underdressed during work, I feel much more happy and confident. Although I always feel a little sad when I get dressed as a guy instead of as Sabrina

Adriana Moretti
01-20-2014, 01:24 AM
I get irritable if i go a while without dressing...my fuse is shorter....

01-20-2014, 02:03 AM
My mood does change when im dressed as mistyjo i am more relaxed my wife says i am alot happier

Beverley Sims
01-20-2014, 02:42 AM
I think we all have a change of mood to a certain degree when dressed.

The emotional side such as crying and some perceived feminine traits do come out during periods of stress.

It affects everyone differently as you will see after a few more post their views.

01-20-2014, 04:08 AM
I think it's pretty normal, we probably do it because we like that side, what spoils it is having to look over your shoulder in case you get caught.

01-20-2014, 05:18 AM
My wife tells me I am moody person regardless and I think we can all be moody irrespective of dressing or not. However, I do tend to get a bit anxious if Isha is hoping to get out and express herself and cannot. Regarding being more emotional/sensitive . . . I can't say this is purely the domain of girl or boy me. Emotional responses (crying) and feeling sentimental which are stereotyped on to women are human responses . . . men just try to hide them because society says "boys don't cry". I think it is not so much you don't have the "en boy" but more a factor of feeling more free to express them "en girl". If you search your inner boy, I am sure they are there.

So what you are feeling is normal as you have found an outlet to express feelings/sentiments/emotions which society says you cannot. However, if you allow this type of emotional outlet to filter to your boy life, I think you will find yourself more happy and less stressed boy or girl.



Kate Simmons
01-20-2014, 07:01 AM
There is no "magic switch" really. We just allow ourselves more latitude when en femme as we express our feelings more freely. :)

01-20-2014, 07:29 AM
Oh yeah, I definitely get more moody. And the kicker is, if I get too moody then I sometimes loose the desire to dress at all. That's a hard spiral to get out of. That's why I try to take advantage of any quickie opportunity to dress when it arises. Got enough crap going on in life, I don't need one of the things that I love adding to it.

Lynn Marie
01-20-2014, 07:47 AM
Smoking, and then quitting smoking made me moody. Being married to someone I didn't like made me moody. Being unattached and at peace with myself pretty much keeps me on an even keel. I'm happy with my own company and I light up in public. That's about all the moods I do!