View Full Version : All that's

Peggie Lee
01-20-2014, 09:27 PM
My tenth post, it's taken almost 2 months to get here. I have no idea if this is average or not but it's hard to open up about myself to the world ( on the web the entire world can see it) something that has been hidden away for so long.

So a question to everyone is knowing that once we bare our life's story it can be out there forever, is this price worth it.

For me, yes, its the same as shouting to the world I am who I am and proud of it.

Love to you all


Julie Gaum
01-20-2014, 10:08 PM
Welcome Rylee, so what price do you think you have to pay in order to unlock a huge chest of information, friendships and advice when requested? Yes, Rylee's life story will, hopefully and eventually, be out in that huge cyber-world and so what? Only you, on your own free will, can divulge your drag identity --- most sisters never do and yet meeting sisters in person is no big deal, in fact it usually helps your journey. Shout!

01-20-2014, 10:38 PM
Welcome Rylee;
It won't take that long and you will have as many post as me.
It is fun to come here and relax and read on. Much better than
watching TV.

01-20-2014, 11:25 PM
the most scary, bluntly frightening, chilling, intimidating moment of ones life is contained within this one moment of reckoning, the release of the truth into the wild.

But remarkably, even though pain is never far behind, it feels as though taking a breath for the first time, for the first time opening eyes to finally see the real and true aspect of life.

"I was blind, but now I can see", these words resonate loudly within my being, for they are real!

01-21-2014, 12:14 AM
Yeah, me too!

01-21-2014, 12:47 AM

I have posted a great deal of personal information about myself and my transition to this and to other forums. I feel it's useful to tell my story because if I can't own it, how can I expect anyone else to take me seriously. However, I don't intend to live in secrecy anymore, either.

Have you considered PM'ing someone who seems to say things that resonate with you, and starting a conversation about yourself in that way?

Rachel Smith
01-21-2014, 06:42 AM
So a question to everyone is knowing that once we bare our life's story it can be out there forever, is this price worth it.


I gleaned a books worth of good information and advice from the ladies here when I first arrived in this sanctuary. So if someone else can benefit from my experience I am more then willing to pay the price. To me it's not a price to be paid but a payment on a loan so to speak.

If someone is concerned about someone somewhere finding out about their history then perhaps they are not ready for transition. People will know, they will tell people, who will tell people, it's called gossip and that was around long before the internet.

Angela Campbell
01-21-2014, 06:51 AM
Transition is a very public thing. Everyone will know something is going on. You cannot transition in the closet.