View Full Version : Tips for first time out dressed

Jennifer Kelly
01-23-2014, 03:13 AM
So on Saturday I will be going out dressed for the first time. I will be going out with a GG friend of mine in LA (I live in San Diego). I chose the "safe" neighborhood of West Hollywood to minimize any negative interactions but I still would welcome any and all tips you more experienced ladies can give me.

01-23-2014, 03:18 AM
Well, if you're going to do a lot of walking I recommend wearing a pair of flats or a low heel. I understand why GG's carry their office high heels in a tote and change at the office.

01-23-2014, 03:21 AM
Be yourself and relax and have a good time

Adriana Moretti
01-23-2014, 03:47 AM
if your driving......obey all the laws to avoid any headaches.....not that I actually follow my own advice LOL

01-23-2014, 04:00 AM
Try to keep your clothing and makeup appropriate for the time / place you will be visiting. Although it's fun to draw attention (I love getting compliments on my appearance), you probably are not ready for people to really notice you. Make sure you have good coverage of your beard shadow, but otherwise, go easy on the makeup - try to keep it believable for a GG. Same type of deal with your clothes. If you walk around in a cocktail dress at 10AM, people will notice unless you are in Vegas! Also, be confident. A good deal of passing is actually in your head. When you walk into a place, walk in like you own the joint - head held high. This is what GG's do.

Beverley Sims
01-23-2014, 05:24 AM
Wear flat shoes, plain but attractive clothing, so as you don't get hit on or noticed too much.
Age appropriate is good and don't wear extreme fashions or makeup.
For now , just blend in.
Extreme and experimentation is for company and going out with others in a group.

01-23-2014, 07:13 AM
Hold your head high and act confident.
No looking around ect ect to see if people notice you ( that only draws attention and looks suspicious‎ )people will look then just to see whats wrong. RELAX

One other tip for first timers.....keep a guy bag in the trunk of your car for things like car breaking down ect. Baby wipes and guy clothes and shoes.

01-23-2014, 07:17 AM
Just try to relax, it will be very exciting! If you are nervous, people will look at at you and wonder, hey why is that person nervous? You will draw attention to yourself. Let your GG friend guide you. Relax, relax, relax, and have fun!

Caden Lane
01-23-2014, 08:30 AM
Great advice Paula. When I was an undercover cop, I always told the newbs, wherever you are, act like you belong there, act like you own it, and by doing that, you will own the situation. It also doesn't hurt that most of society is so self-absorbed that they notice very little around them...unless something draws their attention to it. Then they blog the hell out of it.

Lynn Marie
01-23-2014, 10:05 AM
You're going to West Hollywood! From what I understand, that's sort of like Las Vegas West! Anything goes, don't overthink it, have fun.

01-23-2014, 10:08 AM
Be safe & enjoy the rush! I'd suggest just trying to blend in with your outfit......not to flashy, but something that helps your fem awake!

01-23-2014, 10:20 AM
Hold your head high and smile :) If anyone does say anything just ignore it no matter how hard it might be to say something, just smile back at them because doing that throws them and they don't know how to react.

Have a great time.

Claire Cook
01-23-2014, 10:27 AM
Lots of good tips -- I'll add three: use a good antiperspirant, don't stand when using the ladies' loo and ... HAVE A BLAST! (I second / third all of the suggestions about confidence.)

01-23-2014, 10:52 AM
You've received very good advice already but, I will reiterate, relax, walk slowly with smaller steps, not your male stride. Remember you're not doing anything illegal You have every rite to be out dresses however you want, as long as you're not bothering anyone. The 'man' bag in the car is a good idea. Enjoy yourself

Jane Doe
01-23-2014, 11:11 AM
Good advice all round. Hope you have a great time

01-23-2014, 05:42 PM
If you're going to go out for the first time W est Hollywood is a perfect place to do it. Have fun and be safe.

01-23-2014, 06:01 PM
I'll be there on Saturday afternoon! Be confident and be yourself.

01-23-2014, 06:05 PM
You've got the best beard ever: a woman! dress for the occasion and location. Take your cues from your friend and dress a she does. THEN, as has been iterated many times here, own it. Soon you'll forget you a re dressed

Barbra P
01-23-2014, 07:17 PM
I concur with Jennifer, take a cue from your GG friend and dress in a similar style, that way you’ll blend with the person you are with. People will take less notice of two women dressed similarly. Same with the makeup, although you’ll probably need more makeup than your friend – that’s to be expected as you probably have more to hide/cover. Flats or low heels are a good recommendation, it’s difficult to carry off a female presentation if your feet are killing you.

Just because someone looks your way doesn’t mean they have clocked you, especially if you’re with another woman. Most people who glance your way will only do so momentarily and then go about their way. Being as this is your first time out you are going to be nervous, your heart will probably be beating a mile a minute, but try to relax and as others have said keep your head up and try to act like nothing is out of the ordinary and you belong there. After a while you’ll begin to relax a bit and you should start to have some fun.

I mentioned to my Therapist that the single unisex restroom on the third floor was frequently in use. Her advice to me was to walk down the hall and use the Women’s Room, adding that I had just as much right to use it as any other woman in the building. You’re out presenting as a woman, so act like a woman, do what women do, when they need to use the rest room they walk right in. That pretty much holds true for where ever you are.

01-23-2014, 07:30 PM
Some good advice so far. Just a few that haven't been mentioned that I used to see all the time and just drove me nuts. Do not adjust your "junk" at any time unless you are in a stall behind a closed door. Do not scratch your behind at any point. Do not pick your nose in public. If you want to be treated like a lady, act like a lady. Otherwise, have fun and enjoy the experience.

char GG
01-23-2014, 07:31 PM
Good advise from everyone. One thing I've noticed is that some CDers tend to use a lot of dark blue eye shadow. I don't want to offend anyone who likes that look, however, it appears to be a dead giveaway for daytime wear if the goal is trying to blend in with the other GG's. Have a wonderful time!

01-23-2014, 10:33 PM
Smile, smile, smile. Happy people are contagious. Remember you are going out to enjoy yourself. And of course, bring your camera with extra batteries. Take pictures and post them here with an update. It in the rules you know. :bs:

Have a blast Jennifer!

01-23-2014, 11:48 PM
I had lunch enfemme a couple of weekends ago at NEOpolitan restaurant on Highway 1. The staff was great, addressed me as maam, the pizza was good, the prices reasonable, and I at outside on the front porch in the sunshine.

I also walked the shopping areas enfemme and had a good time.

The VIP club in Riverside was VERY accommodating. The staff and patrons were all nice. The Saturday night show was FANTASTIC!

Vanessa Rose
01-24-2014, 01:34 AM
Sunglasses they help keep your eyes from showing you are nervous and for me, help me remain a bit more concealed...private
Follow your gg
Own it
Dress as other women would - hooker clothes at IHOP may draw attention (chuckle)....
Have fun
Be Prepared for an emotional roller coaster...i felt great but if approached by my self or if a situation presents itself, talk with your GG for a word to communicate you need help... like "I am freaking out" (not really) ....but really ...like "thoughts"
Carry Cash if you are worried about revealing who you are to others vs. discrete paying in cash
Bring extra nails, glue and makeup
Have a purse...i pulled out a wallet one time and covered it up (in my mind) and just shopped until i pulled cash out and then bought the items i wanted.
Don't drink a lot of water...water makes you pee.... if you are nervous about using the women's rest room, then having to pee as a woman in the mens bathroom aint a cake walk either (wink)
Enjoy and fill us in...
oh yes... if you have not worked on your voice, talk with your GG about answering for you/deflecting conversation (this is what caught me off guard).

Vanny (schwing)

Jennifer Kelly
01-24-2014, 02:25 AM
Hi, Vanessa. Very good points. I do plan on taking pics. Probably with my phone since I don't think I will have enough room in my purse for my camera and my phone has more megapixels anyway. I have femme sunglasses and they are coming with most definitely. I'm not going over the top with my outfits because I don't want to draw attention. Not worried about nails since I've been growing mine out for three weeks (they grow very fast) and will just be painting them rather than doing fake nails. Lipstick, mascara, and eyeliner are going in my purse though. :) I plan on paying cash whenever possible. I'm hoping I don't have to pee too much but plan on using the ladies' when I do. Maybe I will have my friend go with me. That's what GG's do, right? :) And my voice isn't that great. I've already warned my friend that she may have to do most of the talking.

Vanessa Rose
01-24-2014, 07:51 AM
Well Jennifer Kelly,

Go forth and enjoy and one other thing, take it all in.

We look forward to some laughs, insight and pearls for others to take this leap...

Have a blast!


01-24-2014, 09:14 AM
I love your reply. Just awesome. And the self-absorbed part is so,so on the mark.

01-24-2014, 04:02 PM
A good tip is to Dress To Blend. A friend of mine once told me that. You can't wear a Micro Mini, with 6" Heels and not expext to draw attention.

Nadine Spirit
01-24-2014, 04:35 PM
Funny, Hollywood is the first place I braved the outside world as well. The tips provided are on the mark. The one thing I will say about the voice is, don't avoid conversation because people will then know you are a man in a dress. Just own it.

When I first went out a very nice lady complemented me on the skirt I was wearing and I was so self conscious about my voice that I don't think I even responded to her. I came off as a weirdo, not because I had a man's voice, but because I didn't talk back with an obviously nice woman. I still look back on that and get upset with myself.

The truth that I have experienced is that people really don't care if you are man or a woman, but people do care if you are nice or not. Nowadays I error on the side of being extra nice and try my best to not worry about my voice at all. The vast majority of people take me at face value and the rest could care less that I actually am a man.

Have fun!

01-24-2014, 06:03 PM
Don't forget to smile! It's almost important as makeup! Breathing is also good! Have fun!

Vanessa Rose
01-25-2014, 01:59 AM
Breathing...that there is some funny shit! Stacey you are a bad girl! I just spit up my wine on my article. thanks. Tomorrow during the breezy afternoon finish to my article, I will have you to thank for the pages all sticking together.


Jennifer Kelly
01-25-2014, 02:37 PM
So I'm at my friend's house. Haven't been out yet but I've been trying different outfits and practicing my voice. I found something interesting though. My friend has two cats. One is a huge love bug and likes me in either mode. The other one only likes Jennifer and hides from me in male mode. We are going to the LA County Museum of Art in an hour or so and then for lunch. Then back here for a bit to change outfits, redo makeup, and recharge and we'll hit Santa Monica Blvd this evening. Also need to make a run to the drugstore because I forgot my tape and can't tuck until I get some more (good thing there isn't much to hide, lol). Looking forward to later!

01-26-2014, 02:38 AM
Good luck and let us know how it goes!

Jennifer Kelly
01-26-2014, 05:17 PM
It went great. I will post a thread once I get home and get the pics off my phone.

01-27-2014, 08:47 PM
Glad to hear it! WeHo is a very nice place to go. I love the French Market restaurant there. I'm looking forward to seeing your photos and hearing of your adventure!

Edit: Here they are!


01-27-2014, 10:53 PM
good advice from all. Thanks!