View Full Version : Just a thought to consider

02-05-2014, 05:12 PM
A member who used to post many items to provoke thought hasn't posted for a long time. So, I am going to post one for you to consider.

I usually spend less than 10% of my time in a week dressed as and presenting as a man. In your opinion, am I "crossdressed" when I am presenting as a man or when I am presenting as a woman?

Your thoughts?

Angela Campbell
02-05-2014, 05:19 PM
It depends...are you a man or a woman? Or neither? If a man then you are crossdressed when you wear womens clothes, if you are a woman you are crossdressed when wearing mens clothes, if you are neither or both then you are never crossdressed.

02-05-2014, 05:27 PM
I wouldn't want to cross swords with anyone over this, but it seems to me that the percentage en femme crosses out the cross of crossdressed. You are simply "dressed." Hopefully no one will become cross with me because I crossed out cross.

Vanessa Rose
02-05-2014, 05:27 PM
For me this applies.. never thought about it this way. I am more inclined to the man me naturally, but that does not mean that when I am one, I am also NOT also the other.

Curious question


02-05-2014, 05:34 PM
It's largely semantics and point-of-view, but I don't think you're cross-dressing if you identify as female and [-]you're wearing women's clothing[/-] you present yourself as a woman. Based on the opening post (or any amount of posts really) I cannot tell how you identify yourself as, unless you explicitly tell me. Maybe you're really just into the 'female aesthetic', hell if I know.

02-05-2014, 05:39 PM
I would say that the answer to this is not easy, but here is a shot. Since you spend so little of your time dressed as and presenting as a male, do you consider yourself more female rather than male? I only ask because my answer to your question is dependent upon the answer to mine. I would say that if you consider yourself to be more male than rather than female, you would be crossdressing when you are presenting as a woman. It works equally both ways. I myself would love to spend all of my time dressed.

Amy Hepker
02-05-2014, 05:41 PM
I dress as a female 24/7 as I felt dressing as a male was living a lie all my life, and now I lie to no one, I am who I am.

02-05-2014, 05:56 PM
Carole - I'm going with Relativity here: 'It depends on your frame of reference..' :eek:

We (our community) might be prepared to accept your choice and assertion that you feel more comfortable dressing and presenting as a female and therefore you are simply 'dressed' as you feel is correct.

Society (as a whole - Plebs Sordida, if you will) have a different frame of reference, and to most of them you are conflicting your physical gender (male) with the current societal fashion norm of those who wear dresses (female) and therefore you are 'crossdressed'.

Some of it is semantics - some of it cultural.

Sadly - or fortunately - for us, there is no transgender normative fashion.

Time for another beer...:)

Katey x

Beverley Sims
02-05-2014, 06:29 PM
If you are male, you are crossdressed anytime you wear female clothing, so 90 percent of the time dressed I would say.

02-05-2014, 07:00 PM
We could keep it simple and say if you are male and wear female clothing you are crossdressed. But it's never as simple as we'd wish. Seems like you've found your right place, I think you're just you and beyond crossdressing.

Christen X

02-05-2014, 07:06 PM
Personally, these days I feel "weird" looking in mirror and not having at least mascara on :)

Vanessa Rose
02-05-2014, 07:11 PM

your answer caused my brain to melt...........

Kathy Kay
02-05-2014, 07:28 PM

02-05-2014, 07:50 PM
Perhaps the term "crossdress" implies the need to change back for a non-zero boy/girl ratio? :)

02-05-2014, 09:14 PM
The decision is really yours to make. In my own life I've...at times when I worked from home, I spent in excess of 70 percent of my time en femme. Now it's more like 40%...due to work requirements. But my self appraisal has shifted gradually towards female. In some sense, I feel like I'm CDing when I am in make mode.

If I were to make the same assessment of you, I would say you are not CDing...you're dressing in accordance with your gender identity.

02-07-2014, 03:10 PM
Thanks to all of you who responded to this post. It is obvious that your answers were well thought out.

Obviously, there is no "right" answer to this question but your opinions were interesting.

02-07-2014, 09:29 PM
Hi Carol, This sounds like a trick question, and you are right there's no right answer.

02-07-2014, 09:34 PM
You are you however you are dressed, so it's a bit of a moot point either way, imo :)

02-07-2014, 09:41 PM
Let's take it further. I wear women's clothes 90% of the time. I do not present as a woman but do wear obviously fem clothes much as a woman would wear a man's shirt or clothing. I wear bras, but not forms and have obvious projection with or without. Should I be considered a cross dresser. What about women who wear men's t'shirts?

Requal Jo
02-07-2014, 09:53 PM
You are the master of your own destiny. If you identify as a female then you are and dress accordingly. If you identify as male you are and dress appropriately. I identify as a male because of my body's physic which I have no desire to change. Therefore I am a cross dresser when in femme or not.