View Full Version : So I got to thinking about if my SO did not know

Vanessa Rose
02-05-2014, 06:53 PM
Ok, firstly, I am trouble times 10. Got to thinking though, if I did have the misfortune to not tell my SO that I was a CD and loved dressing how I would approach this.

Besides putting virtually no thought into this and trying to understand the issues involved.. I came up with the following idea..


1. Go to goodwill and find the worst looking dress that is 1 or 2 sizes too big for me. It should be the worst looking contraption ever conceived.

2. Get shoes that are out of style and find a scarf that clashes so bad, that your SO will need sunglasses

3. Put a belt in the midline / waist and make sure it is not made for the dress

4. Get a wig that is so hideous, it is almost plaid

If I was going to be back tracking, this would be the approach I would use. It may not be for you, but it would be the way for me for several reasons.

A. never out dress and or act like you know what your doing
B. never wear nice clothes and dress appropriately with matching clothes.. if they feel sorry for you then you have a chance for pitty dressing....

That's all I have regarding what I would try. it is tongue and cheek obviously because I did not include my raccoon cap, which is a staple for coming out to the wife. Everyone knows that though... yes?

I am sure I missed some other means to do this wrong.. but considering how many people there are on here, I am sure they can add their bad mistakes for coming out that will be both sad and hilarious.


Kristy 56
02-05-2014, 07:32 PM
Well I have to admit she certainly wouldn't take me seriously in that scenario . Instead she'd have me committed for observation! Thanks for the laugh Vanessa.