View Full Version : NO SPOILERS: Dallas Buyers Club and Transgender people in media

02-06-2014, 09:25 AM
Has anybody else seen Dallas Buyers Club yet?

One of the main characters is a TG woman Rayon (played by 30 Seconds to Mars' Jared Leto!!!) and she is portrayed in a rather positive light imo!

To me this is refreshing to see, as TG women are often shown to be strange and disturbed people, or simply there for comedy! :(

Does anybody else know of any other films/tv shows/books etc which feature positive TG characters?

x :)

Adriana Moretti
02-06-2014, 09:58 AM
yes i have been reading alot on this...and how he transformed for the role...how he lost so much weight and how difficult it was to find shoes for him...I am very interested in seeing this ..there was a movie with one of the characters from the show desperate housewives who played a TG..but I cant remember it honestly...guess it wasnt good...or my memory is shot. Just say no kids....just say no

02-06-2014, 11:32 AM
Interesting interaction with protesters on the red carpet,
For once the Daily Mail did a decent job of reporting without going overboard.

I may have to watch this movie, not because of the transgender thing, but because it sounds worthwhile.

02-06-2014, 01:01 PM
..there was a movie with one of the characters from the show desperate housewives who played a TG..but I cant remember it honestly...

I believe you are referring to Felicity Huffman in Transamerica.

02-06-2014, 01:33 PM
I believe you are referring to Felicity Huffman in Transamerica.

Yep! She is a lovely and generous woman, we've had a couple of brief conversations.


Very much looking forward to seeing Dallas Buyers' Club so thanks for no spoilers, Angela. Leto's defense makes a great deal of sense.


Adriana Moretti
02-06-2014, 07:09 PM
no waaayyy how cool!!!!

02-06-2014, 07:53 PM
The Dallas Buyers Club is one of the better movies that I have seen I have seen in a while. Even without the transgender thing the movie made some very good points. For over two years now I have always gone to see movies in theaters dressed en femme.

02-06-2014, 08:06 PM
I was just reading about this yesterday as a matter of fact. I haven't seen it but I will when I get a chance. I laughed when he said in a interview that he felt really odd shaving his legs for the role but has grown to like them being shaved but couldn't do it every day like women do.

02-06-2014, 08:11 PM
The movie TransAmerica is great. It's a rather touching very interesting if not riveting story about the evolving relationship between a troubled teen and his newly discovered father who happens to be a M2F pre-op transsexual.

The movie is realistic and intelligent, tender and loving made. The outcome isn't what you'd necessarily guess it to be so I didn't spoil anything as I have described it here.

02-06-2014, 08:15 PM
Dallas Buyers Club - I loved the movie, loved it a lot, and thought Jarod Leto's TG woman Rayon was beautiful - very beautiful. Not just physically but beautiful in spirit. She had a big heart and cared for others. She was kind and smart. And you just liked her character.

But she was also very flawed. She was a Heroin addict. She had AIDS. She was weak. She seemed to need Matthew McConaughey's constant help just to survive. As much as I loved her, I felt she was another sad Hollywood TG character, even in death. I felt so sorry for her.

Rayon was not a real life person but a composite movie character.

02-06-2014, 08:36 PM
The Dallas Buyers Club is one of the better movies that I have seen I have seen in a while. Even without the transgender thing the movie made some very good points. For over two years now I have always gone to see movies in theaters dressed en femme.

02-06-2014, 11:12 PM
DBC....... Great movie.

I've a few friends who are HIV+ and alive today because of similar clubs in the SF Bay Area. In fact I saw the movie with one friend who said that they got it perfectly and he remembers people who reminded him of Rayon. He also told me he lost count after 100 of the friends he lost during they mid to late 80's.

It's tragic.....

Rogina B
02-07-2014, 06:01 AM
The movie sure showed how it was with the FDA,drug companies,and doctor's studies...Very sad for those that have been a victim..