View Full Version : femboy?

02-14-2014, 05:45 AM
Hi girls, I've been holidaying in the beach and party capital of India, Goa for sometime. I'm alone and have lots of 'dress' time. I would love to go out, seeing all the girls, in their short shorts, tank tops, lovely dresses, bikinis. I feel this is an ideal place to let loose only if was bold enough. So the most that I do is panties, wear slim shorts, feminine tops, have my legs shaved and moisturized, subtle eyeliner, lip-gloss, clear nail varnish (double coat for that extra gloss and shine), my nails are long and unisex slightly feminine flip flops. So anyway I think I do present a feminine image, somewhat androgynous. So a few days back I met some of the boys from the apartment and we sat there having a few drinks, laughing, just regular guy fun. It was dark, we were sitting in the yard and during that time I would at times feel so self conscious, you could catch the nails in certain light, just so feminine and glossy, smooth legs. I was in and out of feminine and masculine energy every 2 minutes. I like having a boys night out once in a while, I've also had times where I've cancelled, postponed, cut it short to dress up too.

I was wondering how common this is, you're sitting with your buddies, back slapping, downing some beers and suddenly you're so aware that you have panties on or how smooth your legs and arms look compared to the boys, the shapely nails, etc. I do love my feminine self, I just don't like how at times it makes my body language, awkward, lacking confidence because I'm suddenly so aware of my femininity and there's more masculine flowing around. Funtimes. When I did say bye and left, as soon as the door closed behind me I started undressing, showering and dressing up.

Kate Simmons
02-14-2014, 06:12 AM
Hanging with the boys as a boy/girl is okay as long as they don't start looking at me as a sex object.:)

Erica Anne
02-14-2014, 06:13 AM
I can't say I ever felt feminine when I am out with my male friends. Sometimes I am self aware of how my nails look, or if I present the wrong body language.

Something about shaved legs in the summer, my skin glows radiantly. Smooth and shiny like the top of my head. My wife accused me of using lotion while we were watching TV the one night. I said no, why? She said look at your legs and then look at mine. I can almost watch the TV on your legs, they are so shiny. That was the one year I went though summer hairless. We were walking out on to the beach, I was nearly blinded by my own legs. So for now I let the hair grow during summer.

02-14-2014, 07:14 AM
Based on recent tourist gang rape headlines coming from India, you may not want to look too good.

Beverley Sims
02-14-2014, 09:51 AM
Be aware of your surroundings and try and read the reactions around you.
Do not be foolish, stay safe always.

02-14-2014, 02:52 PM
I have been shaving my legs and keeping the hair on my arms to a minimum for at least two years now and nobody has commented on them in summer or winter so all i can say is go for it and enjoy

Audrey Sis
02-14-2014, 06:44 PM
First I'll ditto the "stay safe" motif.

Here where I live, I've had little comment on my hairless legs summer or winter (well, haven't been wearing shorts for a couple of months, but still...) nor on my pedicure. I do wear a "masculine" color (jade green) on my toenails, but recently have also added clear coat to my fingernails with no comment.

As to my presentation, hm. Well, I've been working on my own self-acceptance. I decided to consciously stop trying to present my body language as specifically masculine. So, if my hands fall a certain way, rest on my thigh or lap in some manner I would have changed, etc., I just let them. I relax my neck and shoulders, and cross my legs in whatever way is Comfortable, whether that's ankle on the knee (guys' way) or thigh over thigh.
Oh, my arms happen to be naturally lightly haired, and the hair color is light as well, so in my younger years I was very self conscious of that.

I don't currently wear women's clothes outwardly (in public), but I did for a while some years ago, and never was confronted. I have no idea what may have been said behind my back. I've been considering a return to subtly feminine wear (actual women's wear that passes.) I realize that some here won't see the point in that, but I'll know :) That's enough. At 53 I'm less "cute" in the face than ever, and at 6' tall in bare feet it's tough to pass even in flats, so transitioning is out, even if I wanted to.

However, as I'm trying to imply, I'm attempting to come to grips with presently myself honestly as much as I can, even if that causes talk among some of my new friends, men or women.

Requal Jo
02-14-2014, 06:52 PM
Thought come and go and it does not worry me at all. Although I do join with you in sometimes cancelling or cutting time short to have Requal time.

Anna Abwaerts
02-14-2014, 07:17 PM
To sonialexis - perhaps you felt scared? Sitting there with boys, panties on, shaved legs, nailpolish - perhaps you feared that somebody might ask whats that all about?

I remember when I was young and in school - out of nowhere my classmate asked - so you wear makeup? I think the whole class went silent. I did not know what to answer.

You got to be ready for such questions... or be comfortable in your skin ... or clear the topic beforehand.

02-15-2014, 08:03 AM
The experience you described is not a good one - some of the boys, drinking, dark lighing, in a yard - and you dressed somewhere in the middle of male and female. You claim to "present a feminine image" and you were "in and out of feminine energy". It is also hard to imagine "regular guy fun" when you wear makeup, long fingernails, polish, feminine tops, shaved legs and female flip flops.

Maybe these guys were good friends who would be very accepting. Maybe no one drank too much. Maybe you have done this before and everyone knows you dress a bit different. Maybe it's OK if these guys thought you crossdressed.

But there seemed to be risks you were taking.

Be careful.

02-15-2014, 02:58 PM
Heard there is some festival in India where men dress as women to worship a godess in a temple each year? U been there?