View Full Version : Reconsider the Word "Spectrum"

Julie Gaum
02-16-2014, 09:58 PM
For years our posts frequently contain the word “spectrum”. In fact we all throw that word around rather flippantly as we know that it refers to the vast variety of ways that we may consider ourselves as cross dressers --- and we leave it at that. Now I ask that we consider that word as a process in our being, in our journey, rather than a static uninteresting noun.
By definition it is a condition or value that is not limited to a specific set of values but can vary infinitely within a continuum (Continuum is a range or series of things that are slightly different from each other.). First used scientifically to describe the rainbow of colors in visible light (and wave lengths) when separated using a prism. (Prism is a device that reflects or retracts while splitting light into its components.) Using the rainbow as simpler in an analogy we look at our sisters in comparison to ourselves and think, for example, “Well, she is slightly more sky blue while I, I’m deep blue in my inclinations, but, you know what (?), I’m just as happy in my color as she must be in hers. And, since our colors are solidly linked in one big rainbow someday I just might blend into a lighter blue. So we can relax on our particular rainbow color knowing that we are in a fluid place that may be altered to some degree.
But the mind is a curious chunk of matter so, though I’m satisfied with the place where I am now, I wonder when in my earthly development did I become my particular color? And what is that prism that made me a different shade from another? Let’s assume that all humans go through that prism process and the colors assigned to most of humanity are within the so-called norm. So, although the scientific establishment has made some headway to explain the workings of that prism process the jury will be out for a long time to come as to whether the answer is in the fields of psychology, neurology, hormones, genetics, the recent environment, all of these disciplines, none of them or something else. But the next time you use the term “spectrum” remember it’s a living, breathing concept that carries all of us along in our own, usually comfortable, layer of behavior. Furthe, it’s the prism that we must look to for answers.
Something to gnaw on.

02-16-2014, 11:14 PM
Well, what event makes a Balmer line in the hydrogen spectrum? It's an electron in an atom switching quantum levels that just happen to have the right difference in energy to produce light of that particular wavelength. Millions of different transitions create the spectrum we know, but each of them emits a specific frequency that fits their transition.

Perhaps we're that way. We search for that place on our own spectrum that "fits" and most of us find one.

Kate Simmons
02-16-2014, 11:20 PM
I often refer to being a full spectrum person Julie and by that I mean being someone who is in touch will all of my feelings, both the so-called male and female ones and I have united them under one aegis or authority which is myself.I am therefore no longer afraid or ashamed of any of my feelings and display them equally in both modes. i think perhaps we may all have our own perspective of spectrum in any case.:)

02-16-2014, 11:48 PM
I love this post because it points to something I see time and time again on this particular forum a lot. To be clear, our transgender lives exist on a continuum or spectrum or whatever you wish to call it. There are those of us who actually just enjoy the wearing of a particular item of female clothing, those who partially dress, those who underdress, those who fully dress and stay at home, those who fully dress and go out, those who dress full time, part-time, some on hormones, some who have had minor corrective plastic surgeries, and then those who transition, those who don't, those who have SRS, those who don't. And all of this rainbow of wonderful expression is who we are, collectively. Each of us has to find what we want and how we want to live, and the only shame of it is that society itself doesn't recognize this perfectly natural expression of humanness....

02-17-2014, 12:04 AM
i like the bus stop analogy. This is my stop here i am getting off, i am just a regular part time CD.

02-17-2014, 05:26 AM
Interesting Julie... :thinking:

I've stopped using spectrum for a while now and, while I won't claim the original thought for using this, I think the idea of a multi-dimensional mosaic fits better... if you must have a description...

Go any deeper than that and I think you're into the meaning of life and all its multitudinous variety... :)

Beyond that and the answer is... 42 :D

Katey x

02-17-2014, 06:02 AM
Great thought Julie, but with the closet door shut tight there is no light ( trying to stay married ). Sometimes the color is black, the lack of light. Someday I'll paint rainbows all over these blues.
Love KristyE

Rhonda Darling
02-17-2014, 06:14 AM

Now that you've given us the answer, we must know what the question is! (and we can't wait 10 million years) :notworthy:

Beverley Sims
02-17-2014, 11:56 AM
My goodness,
Spectrum to me is a list of things in order, colours and radio frequency spring to mind.
The gas spectrum is another.
Most other things can be in a different order and do not constitute a spectrum.
That is my opinion.
I have not looked up Wikipedia yet.
Is the "Encyclopaedia Britannica" still alive?

The meaning of life, is all there in the mixing pot.

I like the way you are trying to make your point but this is an internet forum and we can only take in one question at a time.
No deep thought here please.

Multi dimensional mosaic.

That could be in the third dimension for me.

I may use a bit of levity here, but I did read "all" the posts and take in the thoughts, so it did not fall on deaf eyes or blind ears. :)

Good one Julie, like the Wizard of Oz, keep thinking great thoughts for us to ponder over.

As for cross dressing and crossdressing I am going to stick with cross-dressing as advised to me in a recent post.

We are never too old to adopt change. :)

Barbie Anne
02-17-2014, 11:59 AM

Now that you've given us the answer, we must know what the question is! (and we can't wait 10 million years) :notworthy:

42. I live it to you ladies to figure that one out :)

02-18-2014, 08:45 PM

Now that you've given us the answer, we must know what the question is! (and we can't wait 10 million years) :notworthy:

"What do you get if you multiply six by nine??

02-18-2014, 09:30 PM
42. I live it to you ladies to figure that one out :)

Oh Deep Thought, please give me the answer to the ultimate question to life, the universe, and everything.

Anyway, and sorry to get a little deep here, but the problem with the spectrum is that it begins with and exists only because of polar opposites. In the case of gender those opposites would be male and female. The continuum between these two opposites would be populated by all traits associated with either gender and the trait would be placed on the line closer to the pole it is most closely associated with. The problem arises from two things: A) the association of these traits with either pole is wholly socially constructed and does not naturally exist and should not be reified, and B) placing your self along the spectrum would mean that you inhabit a segment and therefore identify will all traits within that space To return to the analogy of color different colors exist in a predefined and unchangeable order on the spectrum and many specific colors are the result of the blending of the different primary colors to either side of it.
The result is that your identity is still being defined by a false social construct of gender dichotomy rather than by yourself and based only on those traits which compose you. The “spectrum” places male (penis) at one end and female (vagina) at the other end and everything else exists in between. Where do you place those traits in between, however? Some of us do like men (penises) and so do other men who do not crossdress therefore liking penis would need to be closer to male than would wearing dresses. This of course then means that if you have a penis and wear a dress than you must like penis. We all know this is false, just as it would be false if we changed the positions of wearing a dress and liking penis and then said all men who like penis wear dresses.
What I am trying to say here is that the spectrum itself upholds the views which create the boxes we are in and the social stigmatism that exist toward "gender bending" - that some traits belong to men while others belong to women - rather than realizing that humans are complex and can be not defined along lines of dual opposition but only accurately defined as a network of traits with which one identifies.

I could say much more but as this is a line of academic research and theory I am currently working on but not yet publish I will refrain... well, really I will refrain out of consideration for the eyes and time of all the beloved girls on here. Lets just say the "mosaic" idea is a step in the direction of my work.

Julie Gaum
02-19-2014, 04:54 PM
Aeslyn, I like the road you're taking however I view those rainbow as being more fluid and not resulting in boxes and mosaics. My perception is that once one is on a particular color or variety there is still that ability to melt-blend-wander-stray into another layer of color. But I also consuder how those layers of colors were formed in the first place if not for some sort of prism that all humans pass through ---- seperating us into all these pretty and not so pretty colors.
By the way please let me know when you wish to expand further on your forthcoming work