View Full Version : Funniest thing!

Suzanne F
02-21-2014, 08:43 PM
I was sitting next to a GG friend at a 12 step meeting the other night. We we're talking about one of the women who had been having a hard time. I commented that she needed to hook up with a guy. My friend looked at me and said if you were a guy would you? I didn't even react. Then she looked at me and said did you hear what I just said? I looked at her and said that is the nicest thing anyone has said to me in awhile!
I do not go to this meeting as Suzanne. Only a few close friends there know about me. This lady is not one of them. In fact later at dinner she told the story to my wife. Of course my wife gave me a knowing laugh! It is becoming so apparent who I really am. It feels nice to just be me!
Of course thy leads to fear over the future. But today I am ok !

02-21-2014, 10:44 PM
Hey Suzanne,

You have it right, it must be nice to be just you. That without the clothes, the makeup, the wigs, the forms, that Suzanne is still a part of you.

Wouldn't think too much about it and fear for the future - just enjoy the here and now


Beverley Sims
02-21-2014, 11:22 PM
At a meeting like you describe irrespective of the clothes you are wearing the conversation is at a feminine level.
I do not find a remark like that odd but there is humour in it often.

02-21-2014, 11:26 PM
I think it's a nice compliment, I felt the same way when it happened to me.
I think females are more sensitive to who we really are, as opposed to the version of skin bag we carry

02-21-2014, 11:46 PM
Thats great!

I think my time came when shopping with some gg friends in male mode as we walked into the lingerie section one turned to me and pointed out they had bras on sale.

02-22-2014, 01:03 AM
Only a few close friends there know about me.

its a nice story but are you sure only a few know? When I was early in transition and I thought only a few people in the rooms knew it turned out a whole lot of people knew. At one meeting I was asked to read and said my name is (old male name) and almost all the women in the room responded back "hi theresa" (the guys were a little slower getting there). After that I just stopped using the old name in meetings completely.

02-22-2014, 10:28 AM
Actually, as the only guy at work I often get lumped in as an honorary female a lot (got invited to baby showers and such way back in the 70's when it was pretty much unheard of). They're just so used to talking to a group of women that they forget that a guy is there. I've been on the receiving end of that 'if you were a guy' questions a few times. I'd respond with some sort of quip like, "Well, the first thing I'd do is make sure my penis is still there": Always inspired laughs.

Melissa in SE Tn
02-22-2014, 10:43 AM
Suzanne, great story , good laugh & what a stroke for self acceptance !! I've been thinking a lot about you ; praying that peace will evolve & settle in Suzanne & her wife. Suzanne, throughout it all , try to remember that you, in whatever gender form, will be loved . There is no mapquest in our cd journey... enjoy the ride. Much peace, mel

02-22-2014, 10:46 AM
Hi Suzanne,

Nice story and perhaps she was reading you as female because you not only present female but your persona is such . . . which is good thing. Regardless a real positive for you sweetie.



02-22-2014, 11:04 AM
I am proud for you if you carry Suzanne into your male side. I don't carry Jaylyn into my male mode except only in that I am more loving and caring in my male mode now or says my wife. I thought it was just old age but she says it is from seeing thru the eyes of a female. Ummm maybe something good at least for me I've been dressing a long time so really still think it's just a mellow we get when all is at peace with their life.

Nikki A.
02-22-2014, 03:45 PM
I do think that after we feel comfortable with ourselves, we do start and project an "aura" that some (especially women) can sense.
I have a friend who did not know of my dressing and sensed my fem side and asked if I was a CDer. She later told me that she knew I wasn't gay but seemed to have a feminine but not effemanate side.

02-22-2014, 06:42 PM
That's so funny - good for you! Feels great to be comfortable in your skin.

My coworker who I'm very close with (my wife calls her my work wife) has been making so many comments about how I'm so girly, talks to me about all of her outfits and new clothes, and even brings me princess fruit snacks to work! Lol Then she always tells me how much of a beast I am and says I'm a "bull in a china shop" Its so fun to know that she contemplates how the seemingly "manliest" guy in our office always talks about girls stuff and makes jokes about how I'm girly. I love blowing people's minds! :)

02-26-2014, 11:59 AM
It is very easy to believe Suzanne, even en homme, is feminine. I believe it is harder for her to not be feminine.

Suzanne F
02-26-2014, 01:34 PM
It is very easy to believe Suzanne, even en homme, is feminine. I believe it is harder for her to not be feminine.

That is so sweet of you to say Mikki! Thanks for being here with me on our journeys!