View Full Version : My next big step.

Caden Lane
02-23-2014, 10:18 AM
We'll, last night was a monumental night. Last weekend I wore a bra in front of my GF for the first time in order to figure out what size forms to order. She stuffed it with towels and that was that. We also went window shopping for dresses and purses for me. tHAT was awesome, and her idea. I hadn't even thought about needing a purse.

We'll last night, I had the forms, bra, new wig, and several outfit changes along with my heels. I got dressed, no makeup unfortunately, and showed another human being what I looked like. She was wonderfully supportive and understanding. Full of advice and thoughts. Which is par for the course with her. She even gave me a Cha Cha Vente drape to wear with some outfits to hide my waist and shoulders. It looked awesome with several of my outfits.

It was an awe inspiring night and validating.

02-23-2014, 10:23 AM
What a wonderful woman and what a great night!

Missy Tanya
02-23-2014, 12:09 PM
Sounds like you have found a winner! Good luck with your journey, and be sure and Thank her for being there for you..

Barbie Anne
02-23-2014, 12:54 PM
Marry that woman now! Do NOT let her get away lol.

Seriously though, glad you had such a lovely evening hon. That kind of support is hard to find. Took me ages to find my lovely supportive wife. Cherish that woman and let her know you appreciate it all so much. :)

Beverley Sims
02-23-2014, 02:20 PM
Awe inspiring for sure.
Just don't let that girl out of your sight.
She sounds wonderful.

Mary Lou
02-23-2014, 04:54 PM
Way to go girl...

02-23-2014, 05:14 PM
I'm always really happy to read stories of acceptance like this, because I don't have one to tell myself. Buy her jewelry hon - she is a keeper!

02-23-2014, 08:13 PM
You are a very lucky person; now make sure you treat her very nice.
She earned it.

02-23-2014, 08:53 PM
Sounds like you have an amazing women and a great time.


02-23-2014, 09:42 PM
Sounds like a great time with a great lady.



Caden Lane
02-23-2014, 10:19 PM
Thanks everyone. She really is an amazing woman. And Jewelry of several kinds are in her future for sure. Shes given me ideas about needing a purse, perfume, helped me with style advice, wig advice, form advice...there seems to be no end to how she has helped me. Shes even offered to allow me to wear the first charm bracelet I ever got her while we were just dating...I thought that was awesome. Granted I'll still need more jewelry when dressed...but now I get to carry something of hers with me while I'm out and about.

Ms. Jennifer
02-23-2014, 11:15 PM
thats soooo awesome !!!! im glad to hear im not the only one with a supportive wife!! keep her for sure. just do like i do and buy my wife lots of stuff i wanna wear ;) at the end of the day it makes for a more stable relationship when couples dont hold back !! have you gone out dressed with her yet???

vallerie lacy
02-26-2014, 12:38 PM
So happy for you three.

02-26-2014, 01:11 PM
Those stories of wonderfully supporting partners warm my heart. I share your excitement and hope that you have a long and happy future together.

Best wishes

Caden Lane
02-26-2014, 01:18 PM
No Jennifer, we haven't gone out yet. I'm still gathering certain things for my wardrobe that have been neglected for years since all I wore was lingerie. I only told my GF a month or so ago that I wanted to go out dressed. So we are still taking baby steps. But my hope is to get my look nailed down soon and fee her comfortable enough for a girls day shopping and pampering.

03-13-2014, 02:21 AM
You are the fortunate one. You have found a keeper. Treasure that woman. How absolutely exciting it must be to share your feminine side with your GF. With what has already begun, it appears you two will have a rewarding life together.

Tina B.
03-13-2014, 09:05 AM
Caden, keep that women away from any and all Trans related events, there are a lot of cross dressers would love to steal her from you, hang on tight.

Ria Lynn
03-13-2014, 10:01 AM
I'm so happy for you! I try to be that supportive of my husband but my knowledge falls short in a lot of areas, unfortunately. Definitely let her know how much you appreciate her. While she may not feel the need to be thanked or recognized, knowing how happy it makes you and what it means to you will make her feel good. Trust me.

Ginger Jameson
03-13-2014, 04:50 PM
Congrats on a great lady!

Caden Lane
03-13-2014, 05:02 PM
Caden, keep that women away from any and all Trans related events, there are a lot of cross dressers would love to steal her from you, hang on tight.

She has always known of my Love for her and how much I value her, even before she knew fully of me as Caden. And she knows the boundlessness of my Love, and how much I cherish her and that Love, and that I will protect both.

I'm so happy for you! I try to be that supportive of my husband but my knowledge falls short in a lot of areas, unfortunately. Definitely let her know how much you appreciate her. While she may not feel the need to be thanked or recognized, knowing how happy it makes you and what it means to you will make her feel good. Trust me.

I'm certain she notices, but I make efforts to not talk about or inundate her with Caden stuff too often, despite her saying she doesn't mind, since we communicate so well. But I feel its only fair. I keep the channels of communication open though, I answer her questions, make sure she knows she can ask anything. I even volunteered to her that we, or rather she could tell one of her friends if she felt too overwhelmed with the secret. She did not figure she had that need, but she did in fact recently tell me that she did, and I was honestly thrilled that she took me up on it. I wasn't mortified that I had been outed, I was thrilled that she trusted her friend that much, that she had a friend that close she could tell, and that now, somebody else knew, and somehow that validated me as Caden in a way.

But I will often tell her how amazing she is, or how much I Love Her. I make sure she knows that I appreciate the openness we have, that I appreciate her tolerance, understanding, and desire to learn more. Today i a perfect example; We have a camping/ diving trip coming up soon, and I wanted to make sure my choice in sleepwear would be okay. In the past she has been okay with panties for instance, although I do not recall ever wearing them to bed in her presence. But she asked me the options, and I listed them off. She told me the panties would suffice, but to bring another option, and we might see how that goes. I was glad to accommodate her for her willingness to consider the options, and her willingness to allow for the possibility of experimenting. Was an awesome moment. But I truly Love that woman with all of my heart, and one day, I fully intend to make her my bride. If she will have me. But with the Love I receive from her, I have no doubts.

Helen Grandeis
03-13-2014, 05:07 PM
You have a great treasure. You are correct to be sensitive about overloading her. Always be value added for her.