View Full Version : "How Straight" thread, twisted slightly

03-04-2014, 06:43 PM
So, I read a lot of how people think of themselves.. and I saw some pretty stark lines on some folks. I also saw a bunch of people who 'varied'.

'Roles', from an anthropological standpoint, are ingrained in us. Nurturing or protective. Disciplinarian or confidant. Hunter or homemaker. We have a bunch of ideas ingrained in us just because of where & when we grew up.

So, when we 'cross the isle', what assumptions go with it? Do you let the door be opened for you? Do you become less assertive? Do you find yourself more likely to want to wiggle that in front of that fine male specimen over there?

Did you want the reaction because you wanted to fool him? Or did you want that reaction because you wanted to attract him? How much of this headspace makes you more open to dropping in to the 'traditional' roles?

So, is your sexuality malleable based on your 'mode'?

Is this part of WHY you do it, or it is a challenge BECAUSE you do it?

Just curious. This is a pretty stone, and I like turning it over and looking at it from different angles.

Two "bonus questions"

1) Isn't it said that women dress up for other women? Who *else* are we dressing for?

2) In the animal kingdoms, its the MALE who has all the plumage. What happened with humans?

- MM

03-04-2014, 07:28 PM
I have a basic guideline...ask one question at a time. You've asked several, with the implication that they are all interrelated.

If you're asking the central question about the malleability of sexual preference, then I would respond very firmly, No. I am the same person and have the same gender preference regardless of how I present.

There have been a couple of long lasting threads where individuals suggested that they only were interested in males while dressed. I find this highly Doubtful. I suspect, but cannot prove, that some bi or gay males simply can't accept that aspect of themselves and use dressing as a way to circumvent their own repressed sexuality.

03-04-2014, 07:41 PM
MM - these questions are all covered one way or another in a number of threads in the past month - you can add to these and/or read through the answers members have already given but I doubt that the answers will vary much over just a few weeks. Example threads are here:


And there are probably more open...
And I'm closing the thread - goodnight everyone...
