View Full Version : I totally got read how ever you want to say it

03-05-2014, 03:25 AM
Every once and a while I go for a walk in my favorite heels around campus at like 2 in the morning, I figure whose going to be up that late. Normally I don't get dressed, just my male cloths and my heels, I normally put my heels in a back-pack and wear my running shoes till I get away from the res buildings I slip my heels on and walk around the school till I almost get back to res then switch back to my runners, and usually I never run in to any body.

That's normally. Tonight I decided to try going all out by wearing my heels from my apartment and back, I dressed fully and even did my make-up.

I left my apartment every thing was fine until I got the the front door and there was this other person, I panicked it was to late to turn back. I looked at him a knew instantly he read me, I think he lives on my floor too. I spent the rest of the walk wondering why there had to be a person tonight

Thanks for listing to my little story :sad:

Adriana Moretti
03-05-2014, 03:29 AM
Ballsy move...did you have fun? or do you regret it? it was bound to happen sooner or later right

03-05-2014, 03:39 AM
I did enjoy it and I guess I don't regret it

Hell on Heels
03-05-2014, 03:57 AM
That's a risk you take stepping out. It's part of the excitement of it anyway. I've been there myself, years ago I walked out my apartment door towards the parking lot and my car, about midway some guy that lived in a nearby apt. comes around the corner. I just pressed on and got in the car. I don't know how good a look he got of me, but my car was unmistakably mine.
We both lived through it, only to do it again someday.
Much Love,

03-05-2014, 04:42 AM
Yes - part of the excitement, part of the risks. It's happened to me and probably most of us... what is funny is how other folk seem to pop up out of nowhere and in the most unlikely places... maybe they lie in wait for us and there's a whole other forum dedicated to stalking CDs... :eek:
Probably best not to think on that...

You obviously survived - and will obviously go on to more... :)

Katey x

03-05-2014, 06:34 AM
That was a risky move. But if it was one that you were willing take than good for you. Look at it this way now if he talks your secret is out and you will be able to leave your res all the time as the girl you want to be

03-05-2014, 06:53 AM
Hi Violet, I wouldn't worry. It seems to me that everyone has so much going on that they really don't get to involved with things they've seen. I'll bet he never says a thing. Best wishes! ...and keep going out!

Beverley Sims
03-05-2014, 07:29 AM
At least you were dressed nicely, that messes with their minds. :)

I Am Paula
03-05-2014, 08:56 AM
University is a time to discover your identity. Experiment as you see fit. Everyone else on campus is doing the same, in some form or another. It is the only time in your life that you could feasibly wear women's clothes once, a few times, or full time, and still change your mind later. It is once we hit the professional world that getting caught once labels you. Enjoy, and wear your heels with pride.

03-05-2014, 09:23 AM
Being read is not the same as being recognized. I usually find I can blend in and survive a passing glance, until I speak or make an obviously male physical move, but even when I've encountered someone who knows me as a man, I'm rarely recognized and identified. So in your situation, a big smile as you walked on by likely would have left your fellow student knowing you were a cross-dressed guy, but not necessarily knowing which guy you are.

Lynn Marie
03-05-2014, 10:44 AM
You got read. Funny thing is, nobody really cares at all. The worst thing that could happen is that someone might ask you if that was you? Just say "yes". They'll most likely come back with "wow, pretty cool", and you'll have made a friend.

03-05-2014, 10:45 AM
In my previous apartment, I swear some of my neighbors had special "CD-ing detection sensors" installed! I'd never see them when walking out dressed as a boy.. but as soon as I wanted to get out dressed I'd always hear them opening doors or walking towards the stairs. Never been caught though.. so I guess I was lucky!

Is this person you ran into someone you know? Or does he know people that you know too? These things can be tricky..:thinking:

03-05-2014, 11:11 AM
Violet please be very careful going out at 2am alone, you may not have run into anybody before but you were dressed as a male, things change when you are dressed fully with make-up and manners. But please do not be deterred from going out in femme life is to short, enjoy your inner girl.

natcrys I know all about those CD-detectors been caught in them too many times in my old apartment many years ago.

Bye-Bye Lisa

03-05-2014, 11:46 AM
things change when you are dressed fully with make-up and manners.

naught for nothing but it doesn't matter what gender you are at 2AM alone. There is a larger target on your back at that time of night.

03-05-2014, 12:42 PM
I've always viewed escapades that may "out" yourself as be ready for any consequences that may befall you. Most people seem to not really care what we may do, but, there are individuals who are busy bodies, troublemakers, etc. Of course, there is the wife/SO to consider.

I'm glad you had a fun experience. I really love heels. However, I do the reverse. I've left the heels home and have gone for strolls otherwise fully en femme. I've purchased some flats (one inch heel) with deadening soles so there will not be the clicking of heels on concrete sidewalks which tend to get heads to turn. Many GG's do commute to work or a social event wearing stylish athletic shoes and carry the heels in a tote. I think that is a nice alternative to the heels. I'd rather be dressed fully en femme with athletic shoes than fully en homme with heels. Give it a try, if you can. My local WalMarts have been liquidating a lot of female athletic shoes this week that are colorful and decidedly feminine.

03-05-2014, 01:13 PM
You're a student and hence are allowed to do all sorts of crazy things. I bet you will not be the most striking/weird/odd/stunning/gob smacking, choose your own adjective, thing the guy will see while on campus

03-05-2014, 01:51 PM
He is probably thinking I wish I had stopped and talked to that pretty girl and taken a walk with her. It was his lost opportunity to meet someone special.

03-05-2014, 03:53 PM
You girls are all awesome

03-05-2014, 10:24 PM
A lot worse things can happen at 2 am. Seriously bad stuff.

Why not get out earlier and among people. Find a TG friendly club, or take a stroll through the mall. There may still be the occasional surprise and you will be read, but really, being read is not nearly as bad as what could happen alone at two am.

03-06-2014, 02:01 AM
Tried again except I got caught by my room mate
Why me?

03-06-2014, 06:48 AM
Hi Violet,

I guess my question to you is "Do you care who knows?" If not then I say continue as you are. Getting read goes with the territory . . . I never survive first contact up close and personal but for the most part don't really care (unless the person is overtly rude about it). However, if you are concerned about people knowing, then it might be wise to exercise a bit of discretion and pick venues away from your stomping ground to explore.

So when you say you were caught by your roommate . . . how did he/she react?



03-06-2014, 08:25 AM
I think if you keep getting caught it's because you secretly want to get caught. You are smart enough to do this and not get caught if you think first about what might happen in each situation. It probably doesn't matter a lot if you're a student but later in life with a career and marriage, it might.

And don't be walking around alone at 2 in the morning. Nothing good can come of that.

03-06-2014, 12:32 PM
Hi Violet,

I guess my question to you is "Do you care who knows?" If not then I say continue as you are. Getting read goes with the territory . . . I never survive first contact up close and personal but for the most part don't really care (unless the person is overtly rude about it). However, if you are concerned about people knowing, then it might be wise to exercise a bit of discretion and pick venues away from your stomping ground to explore.

So when you say you were caught by your roommate . . . how did he/she react?



I'm just not confident as Violet yet to go out and be seen, and I really didn't want any of my room mates finding out that's why I wait till 2 or 3 in the morning. I was lucky it was the one that I thought would keep it quite but I still don't like it.