View Full Version : My 'Sister'...

Donna Joanne
03-16-2014, 06:42 AM
Recently I was trying to show a female friend of mine a photo on my phone. I was scrolling through my photos when she saw this photo of me with no makeup and just a wig. She asked me "Is that your sister?" Needless to say, that 'cat is out of the bag'. But I did take that as a compliment. Just another warm and fuzzy feminine moment. I'm really beginning to love life again!

03-16-2014, 01:33 PM
Own the compliment, Donna! You could easily be mistaken for your "sister" in that photo!

How did you handle the cat being out of the bag?


Donna Joanne
03-16-2014, 02:07 PM

Thanks for the compliment. It did make me feel really good. Never really have had a problem presenting female, just always worried about my voice.

As too how I handled it, well, I can mark her off my 'people I need to tell about my transition'. She was actually very supportive and said it really explained a lot of things about me. And I'm 99.999% sure she will keep my secret.
