View Full Version : Bachelor Party/Stag-do/boys night out idea

03-19-2014, 03:42 PM
Not that a stag-do is something I have to worry about at the moment, but I had an idea for an all-boys night out/opportunity to dress.

I was thinking that for a big night out you could suggest a 'dress up as a lady' theme to your buddies, and they might go along with it, but they'd probably half-ass it, go for laughs and thereby make you stand out more as 'taking it pretty seriously'.

So, what you could suggest is, everyone gets dressed up, then you rate each other, and the least convincing lady gets the first round in. Then the next-least convincing, and so on...

(I probably wouldn't use words like passable for fear of saying too much!)

That way, you could go out, all glammed-up for a laugh with friends (friends you might not ordinarily dress with) and put all the effort you've put in to looking pretty down to your competitive male nature!

Plus, if there were enough of you (and you were the most beautiful), you might get all of your drinks bought for you! lol

An unlikely, unrealistic, fanciful notion, but the idea makes me smile. :daydreaming:

03-19-2014, 03:47 PM
Let me know how that goes.

Tracii G
03-19-2014, 03:52 PM
Umm...let me know how the suggestion go with your buddies.

03-19-2014, 03:52 PM
No, like I said, a fanciful idea. One I don't have the guts to suggest.

03-19-2014, 04:01 PM
I like your thinking, Hilde - free boozy night, and all one has to do is look gorgeous and lap it all up... :)

I'm not sure if the trade off for : All night free drinking = Looking best of a bunch of guys in dresses = Probably outed... :eek: would really be worth it...?

There are some nice Aussie wines at the supermarket now for less than a fiver a bottle, I think I'd rather stay in and pay...

Katey x

03-19-2014, 04:07 PM
Hi Hilde, Be careful what you wish for, It might come back to bite you in the @$$.

03-19-2014, 06:32 PM
I think that sounds like a brilliant idea!!!
Do you mind if I borrow it in the future. I am in no position to use it right now but maybe one day.

I did tell a friend of mine that I want to be a bridesmaid in her wedding and she said ok!
Granted she doesn't know about me yet but I am planning on coming out to her and her fiancé soon. And knowing both of them I think they would be totally fine with it becoming a reality! And knowing her, after she finds out about me she will insist on having me as a bridesmaid... So we'll see... Here's hoping!

julia marie
03-19-2014, 06:46 PM
Forget the dress-up party with friends who will think it weird. Go to a gay bar and you'll be the prettiest one there. Enjoy.

Kate Simmons
03-19-2014, 07:11 PM
When I was in school it was always cheaper to go to an event drag than stag. :heehee::)

03-19-2014, 07:26 PM
Take the idea by all means, Paulaloha, I'm too chicken.
I'll most likely be staying in with a bottle like Katey888.

03-19-2014, 07:38 PM
Julia Marie - I know I shouldn't be looking for ways around it and should just embrace it with people who will welcome me, however, it is not the fault of my friends (people I like), that they don't know all about me.
I suppose this is a roundabout way of saying 'I wish I could share this with people I know, but I'm afraid'.

There was a lady I worked with, we used to pretend-flirt (she was a little too old for me) and on one occasion another colleague made a joke about me being a crossdresser (without any basis, evidence or anything, just making a daft joke) and this lady who was (or at least, seemed) ordinarily broad-minded suddenly said, 'ooh don't turn out to be one of them, I couldn't handle it if you were one of them'.
Outwardly, I laughed, but I still retreated a little further inside.

03-19-2014, 08:39 PM
I suppose this is a roundabout way of saying 'I wish I could share this with people I know, but I'm afraid'.
I guess my question is why? What do you have to lose? Admittedly I have a young, liberal, and very accepting friend group/family, but coming out has been 100% positive for me, my mental health, and my ability to interact authentically with the people I care about.

03-19-2014, 08:46 PM
I think the key to selling the idea is to get them really drunk first.

03-19-2014, 08:52 PM
Julia, You are so right. Over the last couple of weeks I got up the nerve to go out for my first time, then my second time. I went to a gay bar 50 miles from home. (low risk of being seen by someone I know). I assumed the patrons there would be more accepting. Boy was I right. The bartender says to me as I walk up to the bar..."what can I get the pretty lady" No one gave me any weird looks. Much better than risking something I don't think all your guy friends will go for unless the idea was brought up by a woman. Also going out en femme is more than just dress, it's attitude, walk, talk, sex appeal in your best femme self. Your guy friends won't do that.

03-20-2014, 04:21 AM
Hilde, did you ever hear the expression "That went over like a fart in church?"
This suggestion would be worse.

03-20-2014, 04:39 AM

I get the felling you wont the others to know your a dresser, or have you told them allready, of cause you know about those in acting and thearter who dress up any way and sing / act. i had thought of joining our thearter group as a singer , and we have some good singers .

Or go to a dance dressed up now that would be something. in high heels,


Beverley Sims
03-20-2014, 09:30 AM
Encourage them all to dress, even getting their girlfriends on board.

You will soon find out who is who. :)

Teresa Monsivais
03-20-2014, 10:44 AM
Your idea reminds me of the idea I had a few years back. In this case it was during Halloween. I told my wife (at the time I was still married) and in laws etc to have a halloween grab bag where we put in a specific theme of characters i.e. super heroes, famous celebrities or movie characters. I think I was headed toward famous singers because I wanted to dress up as Lady Gaga. The rules: Place slips of papers in a bag with a character/celebrity name (male and female) then each person chooses a slip of paper and shows it to the group. Whoever you choose you have to become that character for Halloween no trading . Of course I since I would be the one organizing the event I would make sure I had my slip already in hand so as to get the one that said Lady Gaga. Unfortunately it never came to be because of the marital problems I was having at the time.. When I brought it up every one was willing but when it came to no one mentioned it and I did not want to push it if fear of outing myself out.

03-20-2014, 01:41 PM
Hmm... This could back fire massively. Even if you get them on board and your all out and about. your in your fav outfit and very very drunk, it would be very easy to slip up. Say the wrong thing in your drunk state.
If you go ahead with it let us no how it went.

03-20-2014, 06:12 PM
You're dreaming girlfriend! Here is how it will go down with your buddies. They will at first agree with you and say "yeah, cool fun idea, awesome, I will win all the rounds". Then no one will show up to the bar dressed except you, which of course gives the the tremendous opportunity to goof you, which they would find worth the loss of a paying few rounds of drinks just so they can tell this story forever about their sissy friend.