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Amanda M
03-24-2014, 03:29 AM
How many times has your wife/partner/girlfriend moand that "I haven't a thing to wear"?

So yesterday, went to get dressed. Over the holiday season, having been a bit unwell, unable to to to the gym, I thought perhaps I had put on a pound or two.

Favorite skirt? No way! Favorite dress? No way! Weighed myself - 16 extra pounds.

I will never, ever criticise my wife again when she says "I haven't a thing to wear"

Ended up in jeans and a simple top!

03-24-2014, 03:45 AM
So you really did have something to wear ;)

03-24-2014, 05:02 AM
Hey Amanda - I know things are probably a little laid back down where you are, but are you saying your holiday season started at Christmas and has just finished...? Manana, eh? :)

But I hope you're well now - time to get out in your garden for some gentle exercise... you know - lifting a few cerveza, sipping the odd cocktail.. :D

And I know exactly what you mean - but I do believe it's a woman's prerogative to have an extensive wardrobe in at least three sizes - so it sounds like you have some shopping to do as well! :cheer:

Katey x

03-24-2014, 05:14 AM
I hope you are well now.
You had beetter get back in the gym and get your shape back.
In the mean time i suggest some retail therapy.

Amanda M
03-24-2014, 08:09 AM
Thanks, ladies, for your kind thoughts. Had some retail therapy this morning - I bought a lipstick!

Katey - the Xmas season here stops just before Easter!

Now then - here is a picture of one of my favourite TV (Television, that is) presenters. She looks like a lovely lady on here - who do you think that lovely lady might be?

The second piccy down on the page.


Beverley Sims
03-24-2014, 10:12 AM
Amanda if you have nothing to wear, how can you get out? :)

03-24-2014, 12:33 PM
Yes, even though I have many items from which to choose there are times when I can't decide on what to wear. Of course, even while home alone, I can't wear the same outfit two days in a row!

03-24-2014, 08:00 PM
Hi Amanda, My wife never says that anymore because every time she would say that I would say Here try this from my side of the closet.

03-24-2014, 09:42 PM
Amanda, my problem is not wanting to wear a dress more than a just a couple of times! I have lots to wear just always want something new. Silly really. Now, interestingly, i have three or four skirts that I love to wear over and over so that's a little stress relief to the wallet.

03-25-2014, 07:02 AM
Hi Amanda,
So how do you relate this to one of my favorite Alan Whicker quotes , " Behind every successful man is a woman who has nothing to wear !"
I hope you're on the mend, it's good to see you about again.