View Full Version : The Simple Truth of Recognition

Caden Lane
03-31-2014, 12:36 PM
Please bare with me for a moment as I quote a monologue from the movie Bicentennial Man. This thread is not so much about the movie, as it is about what we all hope to achieve, and what we seek as crossdressers or TG.

"I have always tried to make sense of things.
There must be some reason I am as I am.
As you can see, Madam Chairman,
I am no longer immortal.
You have arranged to die?
In a sense, I have.
I am growing old, and my body is deteriorating,
and, like all of you,
it will eventually cease to function.
As a robot, I could've lived forever.
But I tell you all today,
I would rather die a man...
than live for all eternity as a machine.
Why do you want this?
To be acknowledged... for who and what I am-
no more, no less.
Not for acclaim, not for approval.
The simple truth of that recognition-
this has been the elemental drive of my existence,
and it must be achieved, if I am to live or die...
with dignity."
Robin Williams as Robot Andrew Martin
The Bicentennial Man

I just got done watching Bicentennial Man, a movie that has always elicited tears from me, and it occurred to me that the overall theme was acceptance. And as I watched it, I realized that if we were to replace the device of the main character being a robot, seeking humanity, with a Transgender person seeking their femininity or masculinity, that in the end, it still maintains the same theme; Acceptance, and living life with dignity. It said in beautiful words, what we all feel from time to time. And I just had to share it.

03-31-2014, 01:22 PM
I've had this same thought too, Caden, and the original story by Asimov really moved me when I was 13, and dealing with what I now know to be GD.

I think you could actually just say:
Transgender person seeking their [-]femininity or masculinity[/-] humanity.

So many don't view us as real human beings - we are, something else.

Caden Lane
03-31-2014, 02:22 PM
It's a most unfortunate fact that some people would strip of us of our humanity for being outside of their perceived norms. When in truth it's their humanity they strip away because of their own bigotry.

03-31-2014, 02:30 PM
Wish there was a "like" button Caden - I'd have hit it for both your posts in this thread!

Caden Lane
03-31-2014, 02:35 PM
Aww thank ya hon!!

03-31-2014, 03:05 PM
Well said and thank you for sharing.

Beverley Sims
04-01-2014, 03:47 PM
Nice thoughts, and thought provoking also. :)

04-01-2014, 04:02 PM
Thanks for sharing, I agree, Bria