View Full Version : I could some advice, please

04-08-2014, 08:12 AM
I could use some advice. Here is my issue. I just starting my masters in nursing and it is an online course. I have my first project and it is choosing a sub population and critical thinking about thier health care issues. The last part question to be answered is what is your personal connection to the issue. My very good friend says that this is the perfect oppurtuntiy to take that step forward and tell more people that I am transgendered. My wife knows and 2 other friends. I want to do this but to be honest i'm alittle scared. I'm not 24/7 except in my head. My friend thinks its a good way to bring the issue of transgentdered health out to more people and that my coming out as tg will add even more crediablity to the issues.
What do you all think?

04-08-2014, 08:38 AM
I wouldn't. It's your career your messing with here. You can "come out" later when the time is right but once you do, you can't go back in. Make it your choice to let people know you are transgendered.

04-08-2014, 08:41 AM
It might be worth doing a little research first to learn about other TG/TS health care professionals and their lives. We know they are out there (and may even be right here.)

04-08-2014, 09:03 AM
You most certainly can do the research and present the topic of transgender care without outing yourself. Don't let your fear of what you think others may think stop you from presenting something you have interest in.

04-08-2014, 09:25 AM
I wouldn't. It's your career your messing with here.

Nonsense. In the first place, the American Nursing Association has a written code of ethics that respects diversity and addresses this. And in a professional course everyone has to read and sign a paper saying they’re on board with the code of ethics before beginning the training process, so professional retribution isn't a problem.

Anyone going into a profession without understanding the profession’s position on dealing with transgender members as well patients hasn’t done their homework, and I’m sure the OP has.

Second, if the profession is anti-trans this would be the time to find out so she can decide whether to abandon the career choice or continue and fight for change from within.

You most certainly can do the research and present the topic of transgender care without outing yourself. Don't let your fear of what you think others may think stop you from presenting something you have interest in.

Exactly. Out yourself or don’t, your choice. That's an issue that's entirely unrelated to how you approach the assignment. But in 2014 the fear of career failure is not really the consideration that it once was.

04-08-2014, 03:15 PM
As you can see from previous posters, there are two sides to this issue.

One one hand, outing yourself could limit your career options over time. Hospitals run by Catholics or Seventh Day Adventists might not want you working for them, even if they can't legally refuse to hire you. On the flip side, letting it be known that this is something you care deeply about is a good way to get noticed by people who are looking for help in this area.

The key questions, you have to answer for yourself. Do you plan to transition yourself? Do you have a transition plan? Do you plan to be living full time as female when you get your masters?

You might want to consider expanding your target group and stating your actual position on the scale. For example, you could target the LGBT community as a transgendered person who has considered transition (leaves it up in the air as to whether you plan to actually transition or not). If you actually plan to transition, this would be a good time to declare this. Once you begin taking committed actions, the universe begins to align with your commitment. Doors will open that you could never have reached without declaring yourself. However, other doors will close, so be ready to accept that as well.

Which specialization are you looking at? If you are looking into geriatric care as a career, then doing a project on the transgender community might not be the best use of your time. On the other hand, if you really want to reach out to the Transgender community, or better yet, the entire LGBT community, then this is the best possible way to start. It will propel you into making contacts with others in the medical profession who have been working in this same area.

Kaitlyn Michele
04-08-2014, 05:20 PM
Keep it simple...
It's an online course, nobody is going to care..nothing bad will happen as far as the course goes..

Whatever you decide, its important you do it for the right reasons...and the only right reason in my mind is because you desire to come out and that you gain something from doing it now.

Is your wife ready?

I've experienced in groups that the amount of disclosure multiplies quickly and before long the husband is feeling trapped and driven towards more distress and towards transition.

Disclosure is very powerful.. It's an expression of your authentic self, and if you haven't been out as yourself to people you know you may be surprised at how strong the feelings around it are.

That may be what you really want or not, but disclosure is always a wild card.

That's why I like to think of disclosure as something that is very powerful and not something you do because an "opportunity" comes up. Think through all the angles and do what's best for you and your wife at this time.

04-08-2014, 07:44 PM
I agree with the others who are asking if this might not be the right time or place for it. Your friend may be well meaning but doesn't have to live with the consequences of disclosure to a greater world. Only YOU will know if it feels right and if it doesn't, even a smidgeon, maybe consider it not the right place or time.

You can still write about transgender care without outing yourself. Some people may intuit it by the way you write about the subject but just let that be as it may.

OR... you may feel sharing personal experience is the engine for the work. BUT do consider the reprecussions (mangled that word lol) of that.

04-08-2014, 08:35 PM
Is the whole degree program on line? If It were entirely so, then it might not matter. But if you may eventually meet instructors or fellow students, then coming out in this way would require a bit more commitment on your part.

04-09-2014, 05:50 AM
Thank you all so much for your opinions, I value them. The course is entirely online Kimdle, I don't think I'll meet anyone , but I never say never. IT's alot to think about, so I will. Thank you all again, I'll let you know what i decide. Amy

kittypw GG
04-09-2014, 06:46 AM
I think you should go with the topic. I really don't think it will out you in anyway. Besides it personally affects you so that passion will show through in terms of writing a good paper. I think there needs to be more professionals involved in this particular topic. I don't think I have ever seen any studies on the long term effects of hormones on trans females. For post menopausal women HRT is only recommended at most a couple of years and only to alleviate severe symptoms. It could lead to an interesting career path. Way to go on choosing higher education and good luck with your decision.

04-10-2014, 05:50 AM

I have writen and taken some meetings for large groups of people plus many others .

my first thoughts are . when you are settled in mind and body is the time to stand up and write and talk about your expreance ... then first hand..., after you have the confidence to explain who you are , why you are the way you are and have been through the changes,

ill say of life here because this is what this is about, its not a made up story with out the facts that you can say ....this is what happened to myself.

I would not even write let alone talk to people till after i was ready and able to set my self apart for a time till i knew what i was talking about and that covers a lot of experance of my life and write or talk so others would have a good understanding of what was and is real and happening,

one reason was my body started changes long before i went on any meds or any surgerys, over 20 years ago and my second lot of changes took around 7 years to complete i thought oh yes lets look at 3 years, no 5 years no a little before 7 years, was about how long for every thing to settle, as i say to others we all develope at different rates and times,

So all i'm saying is it would be better to write after as then youll have it right than before and have a comeback later, once you document your life its recorded, so be sure of what you do ,or say , sound's good, just be carefull.


04-10-2014, 12:12 PM
It's hard to say. I would assume though online there is probably an instructor grading you. I would be worried that they could judge you harshly and not give you the grade you deserve.

I work in Human Resources and my main focus is the diversity of the company as well as team building. Several employees have come out as gay or lesbian to me. I then have to work with them and their current team to make sure they are in a positive work environment and consider if there is a better work situation. This is all before they officially come out.

While I don't advocate staying in the closet. You have to think about what is best for your life, education and career