View Full Version : Interesting discussion

04-08-2014, 11:42 PM
Tonight, I was talking to a neighbor lady and she had some clothes she was getting ready to get rid of. I started looking through them and telling her which tops that were worth keeping and which I liked. She said she had too many and I said I had a lot of tops that I needed to sort through. As we were talking I told her one top i really liked if she was going to get rid of. She said you or (wife) could wear it. I said I would wear it and she said it's a woman's. I said so.

The funny part was that at the time I'm wearing a woman's white thin deep V top with a white foam cup bra under it. It is about as obvious as could be. She had walked behind me minutes before and touched my bra band while guiding me where we were going.

This is the same woman who has seen me wearing sheer nylon tops with bra and lace camisole showing, red painted toe nails, and over the years assorted fem outfits. I wonder how many others ignore the obvious or choose to deny the truth.

04-08-2014, 11:53 PM
LL, my take for whatever it is worth, given your account, is that she is either legally blind, OR she used the opportunity to let you know she "does not approve".

"She had walked behind me minutes before and touched my bra band while guiding me where we were going."

Why on earth would she need to guide you???

04-09-2014, 12:41 AM
We have been friends since we purchased this house. I was friends with her husband till he passed. I'm friends with all my neighbors and accepted by both the men and women.

If she didn't accept she would let me know. She was actually following me and it was dark out. She put her hand on my back (at the band) to point out with the other hand what she was pointing out. I guess she wasn't really guiding me as much as in close proximity a common touch. Her daughters know I wear women's clothes per my daughters and are accepting. As I was writing about it, I thought what I should have done is pull my top's neck over and showed my bra strap and showed her that I DO wear women's clothes. This is the same woman who has seen me in the same top that she has. Maybe she can't accept reality. Her husband had seen me wearing fem tops and bras. It didn't bother him even when I had on a golf skirt.

04-09-2014, 01:32 AM

And they VOTE!

But really, if she was offering female clothing for you to look over, I'd assume she knows......

04-09-2014, 06:31 AM
Hi Liz,

I don't think she was ignoring the obvious and the comment could have just been a knee jerk comment "It's a woman's" If she has seen you about in various states of femme dress she must know. The other possibility is as Wild says that might be a passive aggressive way of saying "I don't approve". Tolerance is one thing "I will tolerate your behavior and have the good graces to say nothing" but acceptance is another.

In either case it sounds like you got a top out of the deal. :)



04-09-2014, 01:24 PM
I finally figured it out, duh and double duh.

She was telling me that it was a woman's sized top. It was too big for me! I could see all the other tops and they were way to big. She has lost a lot of weight. I have a couple of tees that ended up at our house from not reading the size before checking out. They were miss marked on the price tag. They fall off my shoulders but make good sleep shirts.

04-09-2014, 01:40 PM
I just read into it that she knew you dressed, it didn't stop you being a good neighbour in either mode and she was comfortable with it, she was being very accepting by offering you some clothes, sounds like a nice lady.

Karren H
04-09-2014, 03:06 PM
They set out a bunch of company logo dress shirts in the lobby and I was going through picking some out... and I grabbed a pile of orange ones and one of the girls there said.. "those are womens"... I told her I don't have a problem wearing womens clothing do you?

04-09-2014, 03:12 PM
Never underestimate people's ability to ignore the obvious.

Beverley Sims
04-10-2014, 02:09 AM
Assuming you have spoken to her about yourself and she "knows" she may have still been considering you in a male mode

trisha kobichenko
04-10-2014, 02:18 AM
well done!