View Full Version : So I told a friend :)

04-09-2014, 08:43 PM
Hi girls!! Big news in this front! Well, since the first time posted here I haven't dressed at all. I've been restricting all this to my own thoughts, internet chats and this forum. I met some really nice people, and got an invaluable help from people here.

So I have spent the last few weeks thinking about this all, thinking about what will I do with my life, how I feel, should I think about going full time, am I crazy and need to let all this go... And quickly realized I needed the opinion of someone that was close to me, that knew how my life is and how I am.

I thought about different people, I almost told a different person but refrained from doing it at the last moment. Finally, I decided to tell a girl who is a good friend of mine, and has showed a really open mind about all things regarding sexuality, gender identity, etc. Plus we are really close since the times we first met, even having a couple of, say, affaires between the 2, years ago.

Then I told her we needed to talk, I did it through Facebook because I didn't feel comfortable unloading all this face to face. I started from the beginning, telling her first that I was not the straight guy she thought I was. This was the first time in my whole life I have told that to someone that knew me. It was a very big step. So I told her about my experiences, what I have been feeling since I was a kid, and how I started feeling what I feel now, and finally recognizing it. Then I told her how I came to be Diana and how I feel at the moment. I told her about my doubts, not knowing if I was gay or bisexual, not knowing if I was a crossdresser or I wanted to go full time and even transitioning.

Basically I told her I'm in this moment that is the happiest time in my life on one hand, and the time that scares me to most and I'm less sure of what I am and what I will be on the other. I told her everything I have done, everything I dream of, every relevant feeling I have, I really needed to unload this.

So I was answering her questions all through and then I finished with the story. I asked her how did she feel, what did she think about me. It was a tense moment because she has always liked me, she even told me she was in love with me when we started meeting each other years ago.

Then, this was her response: "Ok, so when do we go shopping??"

We talked for hours, she told me everything that I needed to be told, that she still loves me like she loved his male friend and nothing has changed, that the only important thing is that I was happy, that I was brave to be doing all this and telling her...

I asked her if she wanted to see some pics of myself, she said it was ok as long as I wasn't hotter than her, in that case she would hate me. Turns out she hates me! She said it was terribly unfair I had my legs and my bottom, and it was also really unfair she was with a guy in bed long ago and she found him gorgeous and then years later she finds out that guy is also a girl that is hotter than her! So yes, we basically had some good laughs out of it all.

She also told me I'm in desperate need of some make-up lessons and she will fix that (she has worked as a make-up artist), and I basically have her to solve any doubt or any girl problem I might encounter.

It all went good, but then it was really late at night, so we called it a night. I got up the next day really anxious, regretting all I had told her, thinking she might have been so nice to me because she didn't want to hurt me and basically told me everything she felt he had to tell me, so I left her a message today, I was worried.

We've been talking for a really long time tonight too, she has ensured me she is really happy with all this and she will support me all through. She pointed me to a couple of places she knows where therapists work, they are therapists specialized in LGTB issues which is exactly what I need at this moment.

Obviously I'm still having the same doubts, I basically don't know how I feel. When I get asked: Do you feel like you are a woman and should live as one? I don't know what to answer. Yes, I know I wish I was born as a girl, I wish I could have realized all this back in my teens. I know I wish I could be sure about what I felt so I could go all-in with this. But the reality is I don't know. I don't undoubtedly feel like a woman. I don't feel as a man either, and I actually despise everthing male about me. I don't like my male looks or physical traits, I don't like my male life, it makes me suffer quite a bit. I definitely won't live a regular straight guy life.

Now, am I a crossdresser? Am I just a very feminine and repressed gay man? I don't really know, but I hope all this will help me find out. All in all really big news. I can say, for the first time in 32 years, there's at least ONE person that is close to me and really knows all the feelings inside me that I have been working hard to hide for all my life. Feels refreshing. Feels good.

I think I will probably start telling it to select friends over time, depending on how I feel and if I reach any conclusion. But so far, so good, and I wanted to share this with you girls, because it was finding this forum that changed it all from an almost life-threatening mental illness (I thought) to something beautiful that even people that know me can recognize as something beautiful.

And I'm really happy about it. Thank you girls. You are angels.



04-09-2014, 08:52 PM
You repeated a question that caught my attention... You ask if you're gay or bi....several times, as though being transgendered would some how imply something about your sexual preference. But never once did you mention any experience or even attraction to men.

Do you understand that gender identity is distinct from sexual preference? Most TG people are in fact heterosexual, not bi or gay. So unless you have a genuine attraction to males, don't fret about that. Also, there is no gender binary. As a cross dresser you can be anything from a macho guy to a highly effeminate male to a woman in a mans body and many points in between. Worry less about labeling yourself and focus on finding what feels right for you.

04-09-2014, 09:09 PM
No, I know gender identity and sexual preference are different things, we also talked about that a great deal. And I don't feel genuine attracted to men like I have been attracted to woman. I have been with some men intimately, I have enjoyed it. The thing is that were my first attempts at knowing what exactly was wrong with me. Over time, and with several experiences I had, I found out I didn't really felt attracted to them. I always pictured myself as a woman when I thought about scenes involving men. It's been like 12 or 14 years since I started thinking about that and I still always picture myself as a woman in those situations.

I told her about that because well, she's a friend, she knows how my life has been for years and I didn't want to come out and tell her straight that I was a crossdresser. So I told her what I had been thinking through all those years until today. And today, I lean to think it's not that I'm a gay man plainly, but it's just that the femine part of me is taking control and she actually likes men more than I did, or I thought I did. I never thought about the differences between gender identity and sexual preferences until I started reading this forum, so I'm still trying to position myself. I know I'm not a straight guy because I've been with men and I have enjoyed it a lot, and sometimes I have found myself thinking about what I would do if I was with a particular one I met or thought about. I don't think I'm strictly gay either because I still like women and still women are the only gender that has proven to be able to make me feel love and other feelings.

And I also know that what I first thought was a matter of sexuality and fantasies, was in fact a desperate need to feel like a woman and let all my emotions come out in the way they flow naturally, instead of the imposted male standard procedures I have been using for the previous 30 years. That might be the reason my thinking about all things sex, and my urge to be with men and feel like a woman with them have tremendously diminished since I started dressing and coming to terms with it. To the point I don't really have much interest in sex right now, when on the other hand Im thinking about crossdressing, transexuality and myself basically 24/7.

In any case this is where I'm at now. The sexual attraction side of it is there because it is also something that I need to figure out, but it's not something that makes me feel stressed or anything, I know I can live with whatever I feel it's my way without problems. It's the gender issues and the life I would like to live what has me confused.

At least I now have a close friend to talk about this all and help me with it all.

04-09-2014, 10:35 PM
I finally shared my CD thing with a long term friend.. and it came out that he likes TS/TG girls.

We have been flirting madly since then. }:>

I'm pansexual. I don't care what bits you have... if I like you that way, I want to curl your toes.

It isn't like we are going to run away with each other.. it's play.

(and its fun corrupting the previously straight boy)

Beverley Sims
04-09-2014, 10:47 PM
I just hope things keep going on well for you.
All the best.

04-10-2014, 05:13 AM
Don't let yourself get trapped in the sexuality and identity stuff, because it wont help you. Sexual orientation and gender identity are completly separate things. Trust this, COMPLETLY, so dont start linking your personality to sexual preference, not even a little bit.

What I mean is that dont feel forced to think you are one thing or the other just because you dress up.

04-10-2014, 05:30 AM
I'm trying not to force myself into anything because I know I have a tendency to overthink stuff. I really treat those aspects as two separate things now. The reason I told my friend about both is not because I see them as one reality, but because I wanted to talk about both of them. They were two loads I was carrying on my own and they were really intertwined in some aspects, they were definitely related in my mind then. It is different now, and while the sexuality thing doesn't bother me or I don't see it as a problem I need to solve in my life, the gender issue sure is still.

04-10-2014, 05:58 AM

im happy you have that friend, many would love to have a relationship like that and maybe you will see that their may be more to it, she may even still be attracted to you. you never know, you may have your life-mate right before your eyes.
just good too see that you have calmed down about your initial realization of your new found fondness for the dressing, you were extremely hyper last we spoke.

now that things have settled you have your thoughts together and can take the time needed till you sort this all out.

thanks for sharing this all with us and i hope the best for you....

Anna H
04-10-2014, 06:07 AM
Lots of things are new to you. I'd guess what you need is time.

Things work out naturally...if they have a chance.

You may feel completely different next month. Like lots of us, you may
also spend a lifetime trying to figure it out.

If you feel good about everything...just don't let the world convince you
there's anything wrong with it.

:happy: ♥

04-10-2014, 07:39 AM

Sounds to me like your friend is a real and true friend indeed! :cheer:

It also sounds like good advice to see a counsellor who has some experience of these issues - there is certainly a limit that we amateur folks can help you with this and experienced, professional help and advice would likely be of great benefit in helping you progress... I hope that you do that and that things work out well.

Great too that she'll help you with your makeup, except you'll be even more gorgeous and we'll all be even more envious... :)

Seriously, take your time and really understand who and how you want to be for the future - it's time well spent... :)

Katey x

04-10-2014, 08:31 AM
that is so wonderful diana...i am so happy for you....about a year ago i told a msle friend of mine who i thought would usderstand....he told i need counseling....sad.....

04-10-2014, 08:43 AM
Thanks for sharing, you are doing the right thing, you are not jumping head first into this, you are thinking, asking question, seeking help. If you do decide to transition you have a great start, that you are beautiful.

04-10-2014, 05:33 PM
Thanks for sharing your story, Diana. You have a very good friend there, and it appears that you have some wonderful times ahead! As Ezekiel said, sexual orientation and gender identity are two very different aspects of your character. Don't confuse them. Keep them separate from one another. This is so important. Take your time. Enjoy your friend, and enjoy your personal journey. You are lucky to be learning so much about yourself with a close and understanding friend. Good luck to you!

04-10-2014, 06:28 PM

Thank you for sharing your story (so far) and it sounds like you have a great friend! As for your questions, a lot of us have been there (me included) so you are not alone in this. If you ever need to talk please feel free to send me a PM. I won't have all the answers (or maybe none of them) but I am a good listener :)

04-10-2014, 06:30 PM
I think you have the some of the same feelings I do...I am attracted to men when dressed fem,and I feel like a woman....when in my man clothes,I am not attracted to men at all.......very confusing! I sometimes wonder if I am gay and suppressing it,that is maybe why I love crossdressing so much,to feel like a woman and want to be with a man,to be pampered,treated special,and to please him in every way....This is sooo confusing,but you are definitely just like alot of us here....hope you all the best and so glad to hear you have a good friend to share all of this with...Love Jamie also feel free to contact me anytime to share your feelings!

Maria in heels
04-11-2014, 05:06 AM
Diana...sounds like you have a real true friend there. Its wonderful that you were able to share and guess what? Your relationship is going to blossom into something more beautiful!

04-11-2014, 06:40 AM
Hi Diana,

Friends are always nice to have, great friends who understand and accept this thing we do are a treasure. I am so glad you found a treasure.



04-11-2014, 04:23 PM
Thank you girls!!! It definitely feels like something important to me. As I told her yesterday, now she's the only person that has ever known me. That's a very big deal.

And Jamiegirl1: That's exactly how I feel, and my suspicions also. But it's no longer something that bothers me. A gay man that likes and needs to crossdress to further express his feminine side? Sounds fantastic. And any other combination. I can no longer feel sad about not knowing how I feel as a person or sexually. All this has made me realize there's nothing to be afraid of or sad about whatever I end up doing, it's the opposite.

I will end up going to therapy and I hope they help me finding out. I know transitioning is not something you start doing without being 100% sure about. It's easy to dream about a life that wouln't be like that in reality. And it's easy to want another life when your current one is not satisfying. I read hundreds of posts here before I even made my first one, that was pretty fortunate because it showed me the different concerns the girls have, what we have in common, our differences. I'm in no hurry right now, I lost that sense of extreme urgency and I'm starting to think clearly. I have some very intense months ahead :)

04-11-2014, 08:04 PM
Who are you? Google "two spirit" and see how it fits on you.

04-11-2014, 08:09 PM
Hi Diana, Go easy and don't overwhelm your friend.

Suzanne F
04-12-2014, 06:23 AM
What a touching story! Not unlike many of us. I wish you the best on this journey you have joined us on. 32 is relatively young, you have time to sort things out. Meet as many transgendered people as you can. It has helped me to meet ladies at different points on the gender spectrum. I look forward to hearing about your adventure!

04-13-2014, 10:00 PM
More news!!! I told another girld friend of mine. Turns out her reaction wasn't nearly as good as with my other friend. She was kind, really, but I know her and I could tell she wasn't prepared to hear everything I told her. So yes, it was basically a bummer. I spent a whole night feeling like and idiot about telling her, I waited all the way until the next morning so I could talk to her again.

I told her I was sorry, and in fact I'm not sorry, how can I be sorry about telling her how I feel? Yet I felt I was sorry. I don't know if that is a common feeling or what, but I felt sorry I had made her go through knowing that, knowing that the guy she knew for all this years basically wasn't that person she thought he was.

Then I told her, in the end, this is what I am and not telling her would be lying to her. I told her I was still myself, and how this has been helping me understand everything in me. I have serious doubts I will ever have the same relationship with her. I don't think it will be the same with her and this me, I don't think it would ever be the same if I went into transition. But what can I do, I now realize I'm exposed to this.

I also know I don't care that much in the grand scheme of things. I won't hold back from what I feel even if I have to start over and lose everyone. I've been unhappy all my life, surrounded by all of them anyway.



04-14-2014, 11:02 AM
It sounds to me like you're doing very well Diana. You have a level headed approach to your particular set of circumstances and you are developing a plan for your specific future. That's great.

As for friends that come and go: it happens. People will come into your life, and people will go. Some only briefly, some longer, but each leaves an impression on our psyche. Remember them for what they meant to you, what you learned from them, and how they made you a better person.

Best wishes

Michelle V
04-14-2014, 11:19 AM
Some of us are still dealing with identity problems, no matter how balanced our lives may seem there is always doubt. I have a great life, get to express my feminine side once in a while and get to share my life with my beautiful children and my gorgeous wife. And then there's. Michelle, who always lingers in back of my mind and at times wants to take over completely. Know that you are not alone, but you have taken the fist step, do not start doubting yourself. I recommend you take it slow, you now have someone who cares for you (maybe more than you think) and is willing to stand by your side and support you. You are very lucky in that aspect, no backing down now Diana is here to stay. Hope you figure out things and also hope this makes your life better.