View Full Version : Doing my nails

Michelle V
04-14-2014, 12:34 PM
So, I have mentioned before that my wife shared with her mom about my CDing, yesterday we went to her house to celebrate Easter, something we do when holidays fall in days we work. The day before my wife and my daughter did my nails, my children have not been told about Michelle despite my son seeing me as Michelle once and my daughter finding pictures of Michelle on her IPod (damn iCloud) anyway my nails and toes done we arrived at my in- laws where I decided regrettably to remove my nail polish after weird looks from crazy uncle (one in every family) but my toes are still done and after this post I'm planning to pick a more toned down color and keep it for a while. The point of the story is; it was liberating, I was out and about with painted fingernails and did not freak out, did not care what people (except for crazy uncle) said, I think I can keep them painted with no problems. Baby steps right?

04-14-2014, 02:54 PM
I can empathise with you over crazy uncle.. in my case, very lucid mother-in-law with a broken toilet.. Let me explain...

My wife has let me paint my nails a few times - that's all she knows - but we have fun doing it and talking about it.. Had them painted previous weekend knowing that were on our own, so I could do all my house and garden chores with pretty nails.. Morning after painting them, Mum calls to request son-in-law to help with leaking toilet... emergency...! So had to rely on a pair of blue latex gloves to cover the offending articles - no way I wanted to clean them off after just one night! I can so feel for you...

I might trying going to our local newsagent one weekend and see what happens - of course the world will end as soon as the SA spots them when I hand over my money... :)

Baby steps are neat steps... you can take so many more of them before you actually get anywhere! :D

Katey x

Nadine Spirit
04-14-2014, 03:35 PM
Good for you Michelle. Baby steps are better than no steps!

It was so tough for me to begin to go public with my painted finger nails. I so thought I would be relentlessly harassed. Which did happen once while at an engagement party for a friend, but by the end of the night everyone thought I was the best. Surviving the ordeal until that point was pretty tough, but I remained firm in my resolve that I am as normal as the next human. They relented and as I said by the end of the night I was everyone's buddy.

Here is a picture of my nails taken about 5 min ago. Oh and yes I am at work. I have been keeping them painted daily since about August of 2013. I am going for a personal record. The surprising thing? I rarely get any comments at all anymore. If I do, it is "Hey, I like that color on you!"

04-14-2014, 04:43 PM
One small step for Michelle, one Giant step out of the closet.

04-14-2014, 04:52 PM
nice! love the color! That color would go great with one of my outfits.

04-14-2014, 05:12 PM
Nice move Michelle, I am not sure my wife would go along with it though r:eek:

Nadine, I love the colour and they look so perfectly painted. I tend to put clear nail varnish on nearly every day and not yet had the courage to use colour. I feel a little stronger to try now reading this post.

Love to all
Heather XX

Nadine Spirit
04-14-2014, 05:36 PM
Thanks Heather. The perfection comes from them being painted with gel polish by a professional. I can never do it well, so I just pay to have it done.

04-14-2014, 06:06 PM
I have gone out in mostly drab with painted fingernails, and nobody ever said a thing.

I did it at work and the only person who said anything was my boss.. "What the hell is on your fingers?"

"Paint" I said. "My wife and I went out to Foxwoods Casino for a stage show and we dressed up nice for it."

He came closer, took a look at what I did (Brown 'sand' nail polish with a gold sand 'french' on my ring finger.)

He never said another word about it.

- MM

Sometimes Steffi
04-14-2014, 09:30 PM
That is a great color and a really good job of painting within the lines.

Please tell. What color is it so I can go buy some.

04-14-2014, 09:41 PM
Michelle, of all the people in your family, the one whose opinion should concern you least is someone called "Crazy Uncle!" Why do you let him dictate how you feel?

Odd random thought: Perhaps "Crazy Uncle" was looking intently at your fingers because he and you have something in common? :)

In any case, that was a nice bonding moment with your wife and daughter. It must have been very pleasant.

My wife and daughter have never done my nails, but I have done theirs! :)

Nadine Spirit
04-14-2014, 09:59 PM
Please tell. What color is it so I can go buy some.

No clue, sorry. At the salon I just look through the gel colors available and just pick whatever piques my interest. And this one was a combo of two, a light purple and a sparkle top coat.

Beverley Sims
04-16-2014, 06:13 AM
Interesting reactions from others when you paint your nails.
I do mine myself and then sometimes the wife gets me to do hers.

04-16-2014, 07:14 AM
Hi Michelle little by little that will work it's way into the main stream just like male ear piercing.

5150 Girl
04-16-2014, 09:21 AM
I have acrylics, good luck taking those off in a hurry! Everyone in my world knows I'm TG so it's all good

04-16-2014, 11:46 AM
I am the crazy uncle. With a name of AL what else could I be, I keep my nails shaped and polished(clear coat)as much as I can and sometimes I intentionally keep them in view just to see what reaction I can induce from people. And hand movements seem to be more femme because of them and draw even more attention to them. I love the expressions on the faces.

Bye-Bye Lisa