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View Full Version : Comfortable for the first time while out in public.

04-17-2014, 04:17 PM
Today was my third session with the gender therapist and then I had lunch with my mom after the appt. I went fully dressed again as Billie; which will be second time out in public (other then walking around my apartment). During today's session, I didn't give it much thought if people were looking at me or not, compared to the last two appt's I had with the therapist. I was very comfortable being my true self for the first time while out in a public setting today. Although, during lunch I was a little apprehensive at having to interact with people because I'm still working on my voice and I have a long way to go.

I Am Paula
04-17-2014, 04:34 PM
Trust me, it gets easier. Here'sa few things that helped me:
Do they see a trans woman, or a woman? Don't sweat it, all long as they treat you appropriately, the rest is semantics.
People naturally give each other the once up and down look. They are not just doing it to you.
We are our own worst enemy. You look much better than you think you do.
Confidence is the best makeup.

04-17-2014, 04:49 PM
It's true that I'm my own worst enemy and I had actually brought up the subject of confidence and appearance with my therapist today. A lot of people I know, say that I look good and have a lot of natural features that look feminine. Yet I'm still overly sensitive and critical in how I look. I still see a very masculine face every time I look in the mirror. My therapist did say that I need to be careful because what could happen, is that I will want to start thinking I need to change features on my face and overdue it.

04-17-2014, 04:56 PM
I enjoy going out in public (in girl mode I'm an extrovert), even with my man voice.

My work takes me to areas of various sexuality and my favorite coffee shop has quite a few trans genders.
The worse thing for me, is they are mostly alone, heads down looking at the floor, and it makes me sad.

Kaitlyn Michele
04-17-2014, 05:29 PM
Keep working you are doing great!

Let things happen and be yourself. That's what its all about.

04-17-2014, 06:28 PM
Way to go Billie! You will find the more you are out and about the easier it becomes. The more comfortable you are the more you can be yourself. Don't worry about your voice, that will come with time. Keep working at it and have fun with it all. Before you know it a woman will be there where a man once stood. Just let it happen.

04-17-2014, 06:31 PM
Keep traveling in a positive direction, which will build your confidence, which in turn will present the best of your feminine side. Consider perhaps where you were last year at this time, and how much you have moved forward, discovering more about "Billie". Enjoy.

04-17-2014, 07:18 PM


04-17-2014, 09:25 PM
Keep getting out there Billie. The repetition will start easing nerves and then it just becomes a natural thing.

04-17-2014, 10:50 PM
Billie it does get easier. I have been out 8 times already, and it goes up and down, but overall it goes up. Some days feel easier than others, but overall it gets easier. Congrats and I wish you best of luck on your journey :) :) :)

04-18-2014, 12:02 AM
If you're feeling comfy on your second outing you've found where you want to be!

I took much longer to stop doubting myself. Now I go out and don't really give any thought to anything other than having fun doing whatever I planned to do. As Paula said, "Confidence is the best makeup!"