View Full Version : Brothers

04-18-2014, 05:40 AM
I always read about us dressing with our sisters. I grew up with only brothers. We were lacking a girl when we played house etc. so I always played the part wearing moms clothes. Did anyone else have similar experiences or am I the only one? Hugs Riki

Nadia Pinky
04-18-2014, 06:33 AM
I don,t know but maybe someone here had familiar experience my experience is grew up with my sisters other my brothers was already married when I kid so no one was play with me only my sisters but I think that's not main reason for crossdresser it seems other reasons related when were kid this my opinion

04-18-2014, 07:25 AM
Sorry. I grew up in an all female home . . . no brothers.



04-18-2014, 07:47 AM
5 brothers, 1 dressed once as a joke, so I tried it and here I am 31 years later, still at it

Linda E. Woodworth
04-18-2014, 08:11 AM
Sorry, I grew up with 3 sisters only.

I remember at my cousins that his two older sisters would occasionally dress one of us up as a girl with a frilly dress and makeup. While I was secretly screaming to be the lucky one to dress, I would publically make a scene and refuse. It was always my cousin that was dressed up. I wonder if he still does???

04-18-2014, 08:25 AM
Yep, three brothers and no sister when I grew up so I used mums stuff too.

Beverley Sims
04-18-2014, 09:42 AM
I grew up with the little girl down the road.
She supplied all the dressage I needed. :)

04-18-2014, 11:11 AM
Mixed house here, but we never played "house"

I've never heard of a group of boys wanting to play house before though.

04-18-2014, 11:39 AM
I grew up in a small town. My sister and I played with the kids across the street all of the time and since I was the youngest I was assigned to be the younger sister when we played house and put on plays. I wore everything from my mothers things to my sisters things. This started when I was 7 years old and hasnt stopped for the past 55 years. And I love it!!!

04-18-2014, 12:17 PM
I grew up with 3 brothers, I was the 2nd oldest and was always told I was supposed to be the girl in the family, So I was called the female version
of my male name. I almost always was the one to start the nightly meal, bake any cakes for the family and do the dishes. I started wearing my mothers clothes
and after 61 years I am still crossdressing and I love it.

Donna Joanne
04-18-2014, 12:34 PM
I was the oldest of three boys, but lived with my grandmother until I was 14. Then my mother talked me into coming to live with her and take care of my brothers. So I became their "momma" doing all the housework and cooking. I already knew how to sew, and had always enjoyed "girl" things much more than "boy" things. I began dressing not long after that, and realized that I was a transsexual woman. Now 40 years later I am still fully becoming the woman I've always been.

04-18-2014, 12:41 PM
only had 1 brother and mostly I hide it from him but on several occasions shared my secret. He knows now 40 yrs latter that it has become a life long "hobby" :heehee:

04-18-2014, 01:00 PM
Three older sisters, I was the baby of the family, at their mercies. I did learn a lot about female things though which helped accepting my femme side.

Bye-Bye Lisa

Kate Simmons
04-18-2014, 01:03 PM
Never had that pleasure. A lot of my playmates were real neighborhood girls who were sort of tomboyish, which is why we got along. We played a lot of girls games though and they always accepted me as one of the gang.:battingeyelashes::)

04-18-2014, 05:50 PM
I have a brother, no sister. When I was very young my relatives would ask me if I still wanted a sister despite having a brother. I always said YES.

My mom caught me playing with her lipstick, I used them as crayons and drew on a piece of paper. She was pissed off and said that the next time I did that, she would put makeup on me (which turned me on though I was so young.)

04-18-2014, 06:47 PM
................I've never heard of a group of boys wanting to play house before though.

In the words of Meat Loaf's song, "oh you took the words right out of my mouth". Maybe the boys have a secret to tell now? No never played dress up with my sisters, just on my own with my mum's stuff when everyone was out.


04-18-2014, 07:25 PM
I'm in there with Underdresser. The boys I grew up with would never have played "House." Their play mimicked conflicts like war, cowboys and Indians, racing, etc.

04-18-2014, 07:47 PM
I grew up with only brothers and other guys in my neighborhood. Our play mostly stuck to playing football and basketball in the street.
But a friend recently theorized that part of the reason I like to CD is because I never had those experiences as a kid like playing house or something like that.

04-18-2014, 07:56 PM
Hi Rikidee, Two younger sisters and a brother I always dressed in private.

04-18-2014, 08:03 PM
I grew up in a house with two gay brothers and 1 straight brother

04-18-2014, 11:51 PM
Three boys or as I tell everyone one of each. A straight brother, a gay brother who did play the female roles of house and dolls and the TG one who did both but tried really really hard to be a guy

04-19-2014, 12:02 AM
My grandmother caught me going through her drawers, so she took me to the cellar. In the back room were all of the fancy dresses worn by my aunts. There were prom dresses, bridesmaid dresses, and a few men's suits. She told me that I could play in the cellar, and try on anything, but I couldn't tell grandpa (who was a fundamentalist Christian).

Later that summer, my cousins came to visit and two of the boys wanted to get dressed up with me and the other girls. We loved getting all dressed up in pretty dresses.

Sadly, one of my cousins killed himself about a year later, afraid he would go to hell for his desires. A few years later, another cousin also killed himself. I'm not sure about the first cousin, but I know that the second cousin was also attracted to boys. He would try to kiss me on the lips, usually when I was not dressed. I'm pretty sure that he was gay.

My grandfather's fundamentalist Christian intolerance carried a huge price. Out of 5 children and 25 grandchildren, many suffered from drug addiction and alcoholism, a couple were raped, and about half suffered from severe mental illness as a result of the internal conflicts between the religious dogma and their natural instincts.

Maria Ann
04-19-2014, 12:02 AM
I grew up with one younger brother. So I would wear moms, grandmas, and a few different cousins things in private. I envoy those of you who grew up with sisters or other genetic females in your lives to learn from.