View Full Version : trip and extended time away

04-25-2014, 06:50 AM
I am about to embark on a trip .. no details but I convinced my self after reading what other are doing , so can I .I will be away for streches of time which will afford me the space and tine to bloom. I will travel dressed to a point....I realy need help here. Being in the closet for 50 yrs and suddenly seein lite is scary to say the least... advice please thanks..:doh:

Melissa in SE Tn
04-25-2014, 06:54 AM
Accept yourself , find peace in cding & have fun .

04-25-2014, 06:58 AM
Hi Wanda, The thing to look at is are you satisfied with your feminine appearance if so dress to blend in unless you want to standout .

04-25-2014, 07:00 AM
Dear wanda
I have the same situation as you...40 years of being inside closed crossdresser..and being very scared to go out side ..yet I envy your courage...it is a feeling all of us would love to do ,,,,share what we are to the outside ....please tell us what happens next ,,,Good luck sis...

Kate T
04-25-2014, 07:17 AM
Just make sure you stay safe. You don't mention in your post if your trip is domestic or international but if it is international just be aware of local laws and acceptance of gender variance, particularly if you may be in a country where english is not the native language.

Rhonda Darling
04-25-2014, 09:03 AM
When I travel dressed I try to stay at the Marriott chain of hotels because of the strong corporate policy and emphasis to be fully inclusive - staff and guests. After an especially good reception at a hotel in Florida, I wrote to the LGBT executive about how great the staff was and how they quickly put me at ease and made me feel 100% welcome and accepted. Ended up getting a nice handwritten note from Bill Marriott himself. Don't take this to mean I exclude other hotels. It's just that M has proven itself to me.

Your mileage may differ. If you'll be flying, be sure to read TxKimberly's wonderful advice on that. She's the pro.


04-25-2014, 09:26 AM
If you choose to go out and interact with the normals, present yourself int he best way you can: age appropriate, location appropriate and time appropriate and know that people really don't care. YOU WILL BE NOTICED as a cross dresser. Act like you belong, not like a thief in the night. Attitude is 90% of the solution.

04-25-2014, 11:18 AM
Thank you all for yor advice and suggestions. This trip will be on the east coast and travel mode will be by car...Rhonda thanks for the Marriott information. I had already planned to stay there...thanks again everyone. I wll stay in touch..

04-25-2014, 12:14 PM
Like most of these ladies out here say, just be calm and confident, you belong out in the public and you are a normal person. If someone looks at you funny smile pleasantly back at them :) It is a very liberating feeling being out in public and interacting with people in fem mode though. Just be safe :)

Beverley Sims
04-25-2014, 12:36 PM
I would try a few excursions out locally first to test the waters and get a little practice of presentation.
Not close to home but drive about thirty miles away.

05-03-2014, 01:02 PM
My trip went well .I had little or no interaction which I welcomed. I just couldn't go all the way staying very conservative. Jeans with a long sleeve blouse, flip flops and of course a lite jacket to cover up my boobs (little ones). I was scared to death. I tryed to keep it some where between male and female. I think I accomplish that . I hope that wasn't a cop out. I felt good about it and I guess thats all that matters . I have time to dress for long periods durning the weekends ( all weekend )...iam doing well