View Full Version : Attractiveness...

04-26-2014, 09:00 AM
Let's assume you are single and looking [for women] for the sake of this thread. And you are invited to a single's party. About how long would you spend on getting ready?

Or, you can attend a different party and dress as a FEmale. Still going to take about the same amount of time in getting ready? Less time? More time? Twice as long? Three times as long?

04-26-2014, 09:12 AM

If the intent of this thread is to garner support that women spend more time getting ready than guys then you will get that answer you are looking for . . . Yes. On average it takes my wife about 30 minutes longer than me to get ready when going out because of make-up and hair. If I am dressing up as a guy to go to singles party "yes" it will take me less time to get ready because as a guy I don't have to worry about make-up and I have short hair.

However . . . this does not provide proof that women spend more time getting ready to attract a "successful man or a man who will make a good husband" only that they are attempting to play all their cards (hair, make-up, clothing) to attract a man. That man may be a balding dude with a pot belly and big expense account but is more likely to be "six foot, muscled, chiselled jaw, big biceps and yes . . . trendy clothing which fits well in the right places". It is society/fashion which causes women to wear make-up. However, I have seen some absolutely stunning women who wear little or no make-up and get by on the very sexuality.



04-26-2014, 09:22 AM
In male mode, about an hour to get ready. I take care about how I look in any mode though.

However, femme me needs two hours at least, as time just disappears when "puttin' on me slap". I hear others on the forum saying 30 mins for their makeup, whereas for me it's like bringing Frankenstein's monster to life.


04-26-2014, 09:36 AM
I think this is a thought provoking question. The obvious answer is Yes, it takes me longer to get in girl mode than boy mode because of who I am. BUT really I think the question should be posed a little differently.

In guy mode, when I try to look sharp, it only takes me 20 minutes from shower to door.

If I were a GG with young flawless skin, I could probably get ready in about the same amount of time, maybe 10 minutes longer BUT since I am male It takes me about 1 to 1 & 1/2 hours.

04-26-2014, 10:18 AM
Well, guy mode usually has much simpler clothing choices, usually no makeup, minimal jewelry.. so it is faster because there are fewer choices to balance.

Dolling ourselves up takes longer because there are simply more items to balance and match, and doing makeup is an art unto itself. Art takes time.

- MM

04-26-2014, 10:38 AM
OK, this may come as a shocker, but I'm actually a guy, so looking acceptable/fine as a guy requires much less time than looking remotely passable as a woman. I don't know why this is even a question.

I don't dress "as a FEmale" by the way. We're people, not farm animals.

04-26-2014, 10:44 AM
This is one of those rhetorical devices, right? This weekend I have to "cross dress" as a guy for a show I am in. Since this wasn't my normal routine, it took me 30 minutes to get ready. On my normal days of going to work it takes me 15 minutes for make up and about 10 minutes to choose an outfit for the day. Now when I am going out as a guy, it takes maybe 5 minutes less than if I am going out as a female just because in either mode when I go out I want to look my best.

Rachael Leigh
04-26-2014, 10:45 AM
In guy mode I can be ready to go in 20 min, but if Leigh was getting ready easily 45 min or more.

04-26-2014, 11:06 AM
It's the Wild Weekend Thread #1... :yahoo: (I needed cheering up and I've been looking forward to this... :))

Normal up and out the door minimum = 20 minutes
Getting ready for a party on the pull: shave, shower and a sh... shampoo... razor shave vs electric and moisturise = +10 minutes
Special 'Lynx effect' body spray (extra pheromone boost...) seconds
Selecting right outfit combo - decent belt, nice cufflinks, good watch, shiniest shoes, etc. = + 5 minutes
Extra floss and mouthwash (just in case.. ;)) = +5 minutes
Do I take the Maserati and drive to impress or the Smart car and go for Eco credentials or the Hyundai for sympathy... hmmm - no extra time so ignore that

Total = 40 minutes from lounging on sofa to gone... :outtahere:

Femme party - obviously dress classy versus trashy... or maybe not... :D
Normal minimum = 20 minutes
Extra body and leg shave in shower = +5 minutes
Close shave and moisturise = +10 minutes
Selecting outfit, accessory, shoe and wig combo = :eek: at least +30 minutes
Makeup = +75 minutes
Packing handbag = +15 minutes
Plucking up courage to walk out front door = +10 minutes
Definitely would take the Hyundai as the Maserati would just leave my hair behind...

Total = 2 hours 45 mins - probably about right... would allow for 3 hours with contingency :)

Katey x

Beverley Sims
04-26-2014, 12:58 PM
When I was twenty............

If you have heard this before go away......

I was gods gift to all women as a guy....

In my own humble opinion anyway. :)

I would take all afternoon getting ready, even having a shower and putting on aftershave.

I thought that is what attracted girls......

As a woman I could be drop dead gorgeous, that was other peoples opinion and I just had to accept that. :)

It took the same amount of time, but the preparation materials did cost a few bucks more.

04-26-2014, 01:51 PM
20 mins guy 3 hr girl

04-26-2014, 02:18 PM
Allow ME to buck a growing trend here.

As a guy? I'd have to shave and put some concealer on my red spots. 5 to 10 minutes?

As Sherry? I literally put on my face in SECONDS!

04-26-2014, 05:08 PM
Hi Sherry, Your answer was priceless.

04-26-2014, 05:20 PM
If I were to do this over again, that is get back into the dating thing, I'd go en femme at every opportunity, because I have been approached by a number of very attractive, intelligent women while en femme. I can't recall that ever happening when I went out as a single guy.

Candice Mae
04-26-2014, 08:00 PM
One problem though....


Do you think I would actually get a chance to talk to a GG at a party with single guys looking for a date?

04-26-2014, 08:03 PM
This timing is spot on ...

04-26-2014, 08:22 PM
One problem though....


Do you think I would actually get a chance to talk to a GG at a party with single guys looking for a date?

No because the GG's would all hate you for looking so hot. The guys? They'd be drooling over you.

04-26-2014, 09:01 PM
Uh-duh! The expectation for a women at a party setting includes makeup. That is not true for guys. And lets not even consider how long it takes ti do a super job with one's nails.

The rest is pretty much a wash for a modern male who is taking good care of his skin.

04-28-2014, 09:01 AM
It is society/fashion which causes women to wear make-up.
I believe this is a commonly accepted falsehood. Women use make up to enhance already existing physical features that men are attracted to; makes the eyes look larger, enhance their color, make the cheeks a bit pinker, all the combined efforts to have clear, blemish free appearances that makes the skin look almost perfect, denying age for the older, and suggesting older age for girls who are younger. All those things are an attempt to make her appear to be in the narrow age range where women are most fertile and least likely to have acquired diseases, the years just a few after puberty. The high heels, making the legs appear longer than actual in ratio to the torso look is also demonstrative of a girl who's just gone through her last growth spurt.

Me, I can be out the door in about 15 minutes, 30 if it's formal because I'd have to dig out my tux and get it touched up. If there were such a dating place where lots of women were known to seek out mtf crossdressers and I could be assured my efforts wouldn't be completely laughed out of the joint, it would probably take me over an hour and a half of trying to choose just the right 'look'. Of course, that's only in fantasy land.....