View Full Version : How well would you segue?

Kate Simmons
05-07-2014, 06:56 PM
Many of us have acquired incredible skills with relation to CDing. That fact made me wonder if those skills would help us segue into fulfilling a woman's role if we were somehow suddenly transformed into a physical woman. In my own case, I feel that while I would no doubt segue relatively easily, my overall outlook on things would not magically change and I would have the benefit of basically having lived two lives to help me to carry on and move forward without too much of a hiccup and it would be no big deal one way or the other.. How well do you feel you would segue if suddenly being changed from a male into a female?:)

05-07-2014, 07:46 PM
You may know my attitude about such hypotheticals. If it were a real life situation, not magical transformation, I think I'd do ok, not great, but ok. My mannerisms, speech patterns and mind are still a muddle of male and female, but I'm getting better.

05-07-2014, 08:19 PM
Hi Kate , At my age I think that I could handle it.

Tracy Hazel Lee
05-07-2014, 10:54 PM
My ultimate fantasy would be exactly this... becoming 100% female, and nothing else about my life changing (not my family, friends or employment) Just going along like nothing has ever been any different. Being a female version of exactly who I am now. Highly un-realistic, I know.. but that's why it's my fantasy.

Joanne f
05-08-2014, 12:20 AM
Hello Kate ,
I do not see myself as two people therefore a body change would just simply be that and my mind and thoughts would just be the same although I will grant you that it would no doubt make it easier to express who/what I am inside ,but it is not going to happen so I will leave it in that little dream world :)

05-08-2014, 12:41 AM
There's a lot more to being a woman than dressing for the part... There's a lot to unlearn about being a man, for one thing.

Adriana Moretti
05-08-2014, 01:04 AM
I think I would do ok.....just dont ask me to cook.....id make a good housewife as long as I had a maid and a chef,.......we are dreaming here right?

Beverley Sims
05-08-2014, 01:05 AM
Having been in and out as a woman over a 2 year period I feel I would do quite well.
I know I could handle the advances of the male populace with ease.

I still remember my put down lines.

I do think Paula has put the leveller in here, gives you something else to think about.

05-08-2014, 01:20 AM
I guess I'll say a little more - some of the things you know wouldn't be much help to you if you magically transformed into women. Beard cover techniques come to mind.

To be more positive though - knowing techniques for presenting well ought to be a big help, at least for the visual part of this - let's just say that stuff I learned here has helped me a lot in my real world "seque..."

I think you'd find that if nothing else, it is more difficult than you think to discover that "boy mode" isn't available to you any longer. That is - you can't be a guy when it's often to your advantage to be one. I think it would be hard for anyone, at first, though, who hadn't been living nearly full-time for a while.

I also think it would be a big, big shock to get used to a new set of body parts. At least in my seque, the changes happen rather slowly and at a deliberate pace.

Kate Simmons
05-08-2014, 04:23 AM
I was wondering about that bit Paula and the fact that others would tend to look at us a bit differently as a female. While we ourselves would not feel too much different internally. I think maybe as Beverly said we may begin to us our "feminine wiles" a bit more though. We will find that each gender definitely has it's own advantages and disadvantages.:)

05-08-2014, 04:52 AM
Scary thought, Kate... glad it's only fantasy... but of course, 99% of what goes on here is just fantasy anyway, isn't it... ;) (Not to offend anyone, I'm specifically talking about the 'dressing sorority' here, rather than TS...)

I'm afraid I don't think I'd do very well... while my core feelings and values wouldn't change, I think I'd find it hard to totally drop the guy things... I'd be really intrigued to know what I sounded like as a female (there must be some software for that...?) - losing the male voice would be fun...

Thinking it through, and given that a large number of our membership are, or would be - forgive the inference - post-menopausal, I suspect that many would find that much, much harder to cope with than many other aspects... I think that would be a big deal... :thinking:

Katey x

05-08-2014, 05:27 AM
Aren't we a little bit too old for these kind of fantasy threads? When it comes to magical transformations, 'we' cross-dressers may have a slight upper hand over normal guys, but only in very specific disciplines and it obviously does not equate to RLE. On the other hand, this is the 21st century, you're a 'natural' girl but you behave more like a guy and aren't really proficient with putting on lipstick? Big whoop. Cross-dressers really are the champions of reinforcing the gender binary, aren't they?

05-08-2014, 05:50 AM
I think I would handle the new situation well.
The big drawback I see would be makeup and beard cover. So if I was 100% female, and didn't have the male features to hide, I would most likely be fine. Otherwise I would be spending so much time covering up that I would never be able to get on with life.
Excellent question Kate!

Kate Simmons
05-08-2014, 06:12 AM
If we ever lose our imagination, I figure we'd be in kind of a sorry state. Folks who have issues with a question like this often make me wonder why they do this to begin with. Of course we are who we are whether we consider alternatives or not. :)

05-08-2014, 06:24 AM

Iv grown as a woman because of being female clothes makeup shoes or any embelishments dont even figger or come in to being a woman .

body to start with, hormones body features your mind set Emotions just every thing about being female, yes it can be leveled at myself because i dont have my womb i know that, and others because iv told them, yet there are other females like myself so im not the only one with this condition,

and many women have had surgery's for hysterectomy's they are still female's.

The ? i have is i have a female brain. i dont think as male apart from not knowing how to so theres no change there,

remember i did not change from male to female,

Sorry to ask..... this word seque is that secure= my german says sichern i could not find it, or the meaning , so ill take it as secure, was not sure,

I know that presenting as close to or even better looking than those of us who are female hey we have body issues, and some of us dont look as feminine as many of you dressers do,

yes we know what its like to not look beautifull as many think we should, yes its a put down .

You know what we have to live with that every day of our life's try being like that then you may think again being a female or woman may not be so good after all. i live in the real world of women i know i see it and i experience it and many of my women friends dont look beautifull as we would like = youth and beauty. think again .


05-08-2014, 07:05 AM
Folks who have issues with a question like this often make me wonder why they do this to begin with.
I cross-dress not because I have a rich imagination, but because I have something akin to a transvestic disorder or a gender incongruence. In the context of this forum, I don't see how "imagine you wake up as a woman one day" requires any amount of imagination to begin with. Anyway, if stroking your pantyhose-clad legs and such are useful skills for a natural woman, then us cross-dressers would easily segue into the female gender role.

Kate Simmons
05-08-2014, 07:12 AM
Just for the record, the term segue in this instance is referring to a smooth transition from one state to another. :)

05-08-2014, 07:17 AM
That's the definition of segue, so a pretty smart thing to use it that way I guess?

05-08-2014, 07:30 AM
Aren't we a little bit too old for these kind of fantasy threads?

Yep, at our age we really should think about growing up.


Enough of that. Back to fantasyland. If I woke up tomorrow with a completely female physical body, I would dress in male-casual, jeans-tshirt-ballcap,runningshoes, and look cute just like girls do. I wouldn't have any segue issues but, everyone else around me would. I would so enjoy being a full girl exclaiming, "I don't know, I just woke up like this." Then I would start to wonder if I would disappointedly change back.

05-08-2014, 01:22 PM
One thing that you'd have to get used to is the hormonal changes - you feel *really* different under estrogen than testosterone.

One of the things I think y'all would find surprising - or at least *I* certainly have found surprising, is how much more vulnerable you are as a woman. Your strength is going to be lower - quite a bit less really. There are predators out there who look for us - you can't really just swagger around like a man with a "don't F*** with me" attitude and expect that to protect you.

You'd also have one of the following two fun situations to deal with:
1. You discover you like men - that's great! Men like you too! Only - you've probably never been with a man before, and you've NEVER been with one when you've had a vagina. (Extra bonus hint: Men lie to sleep with you. A lot.)
2. You discover that you still like women! Great! Been doing that your whole life! Except -- you now lack some of the basic equipment you are used to using. Oh yeah, and you're a lesbian - hitting on straight girls, which you are used to doing, isn't going to get you too far!

I could go on and on - I think an instant magical transformation would overwhelm almost everyone. It just takes a bit to get used to this stuff. You are trying to compensate for years of socialization that you never had.