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View Full Version : What your dad really wants ....

05-25-2014, 10:02 AM
I just recently saw a sign in a cigar store that said "Give your dad what he really wants for Father's Day." It got me thinking what I really wanted for Father's Day. I decided that what I wanted most was a navy blue skirt suit with a cream colored ruffled top. And maybe some snappy heels to go with it. So all you dads out there, what do you really want for Father's Day?

VS Fan
05-25-2014, 10:35 AM
I'll take the cigars and time to smoke one on the back patio dressed up LOL.

05-25-2014, 10:36 AM
A nice fitting shift dress of my own, as I have to borrow from the wife at present.
Oh, and while I'm at it, less belly, my own hair and no beard shadow :heehee:.


Beverley Sims
05-25-2014, 11:07 AM
Something to stop my figure falling apart. :)

05-25-2014, 12:35 PM
curves in all the right places and a to inprove on my make up skills x

hope springs
05-25-2014, 12:40 PM
I was just talking to the wife about this. Im still trying to build my CD essentials. So i need a wig, makeup and the little black dress. What i want most is a GG to have girl talk with. Until that that happens im leaning toward making home-made hip and butt pads and getting that nice dress

05-25-2014, 01:12 PM
Although now I'd be happy to have a few nice maxi skirts as well...

Samantha Clark
05-25-2014, 01:14 PM
I'd like a Scotch, thank you. Highland Park 18yo. Would have liked the cigar too, but gave them up years ago.

05-25-2014, 02:47 PM
I know this started out as what we wanted for Father's Day, but it's startin' to sound like a Christmas list LOL

Ok..I'd like some new wedgie shoes from Nordys...

05-25-2014, 02:54 PM
How about nothing cd related and just be grateful for what your kids get you.

05-25-2014, 05:14 PM
Wife came at me a few years ago with a Dress Barn box. Therein I found this beautiful blue maxi dress, nice jewelry, body spray and scented candle and make up. Hate to say but honestly the best Father's Day ever. Today I wear the dress and her response is "nice dress, where did you get it?" She really does not remember it.

05-25-2014, 05:41 PM
How about nothing cd related and just be grateful for what your kids get you.

Actually, in my family, we don't bother buying things for each other on this superfluous, designated day of joy. However, I'm happy to join in with the light-hearted side of this thread.


05-25-2014, 05:45 PM
Continuing the parallel theme...

How about shares(stock) in Hallmark Cards...? :)

(anymore of these darn fool days make it onto the calendar we'll be rivalling Saint's days in Vatican City..)

Kurmudgeonly Katey (with thanks to Lori) x

05-25-2014, 08:43 PM
Hi Cynthia, I'm sure that my two Daughters, Son in-laws and Grand Daughter will take their mom and I to the Outback Stake House for a great meal.

05-26-2014, 09:50 AM
No kids, no fathers day. No wife, no anniversary. No GF, no valentines day. I buy myself gifts when I need them, and wonder, what might have been.

bridget thronton
05-26-2014, 11:38 AM
Time with my adult kids (that is always great joy - though a new skirt suit is not bad)

05-26-2014, 11:52 AM
My kids are all teens and young adults now, I would just be happy if the even acknowledged that I was on the planet.
I'd be happy with a card or a phone call.