View Full Version : Tell us a funny story

06-15-2014, 09:33 AM
You know, one of those priceless moments. I just remembered this one so I had to share.

It was way back in the seventies and society was just starting to get a hint of acceptance for genderists such as myself. I was walking across a parking lot wearing high heel winter boots, a very long flowing dress and prominent breasts. Back then I hadn't figured out how to purchase forms, no internet, so I was doing the water filled punch ball thing. I hadn't even experimented with make up and I didn't own a wig. So there I was, buxomly high heeled female from the neck down but, definitely all boy from the neck up. I walked past a young professional couple walking back to their car and I overheard the man say, "What the hell was that?"
The woman smartly replied, "Oh, I've read a lot about that. It's a man stuck in a woman's body."



Tracii G
06-15-2014, 09:39 AM
Its been a few years back and I was enfemme for maybe the second time in my life and I was at a car show.
Two guys and a girl walked past me and the girl said hi and smiled the one guy said after they passed holy $*^t that was a guy right?
The other guy turned around and said yeah I think it was one of those "trans-testicles".

Franki Kate
06-15-2014, 10:34 AM
About 20 years ago the wife and I were at a Holloween party at a neighbors, in the country. I was dressed to the 9s, according to my wife. Anyway, we arrive and decide I would go into the party building alone. A large metal building. The main 16' wide metal, rolling door was wide open. I walk in, wearing a dark lavender chiffon dress, with 3" strapless heels. Many looked and did not realize who I was. One of my closest friends, stands right beside me did not know who I was, until I said, "Hello". Late,r into the dancing portion, I was asked to dance, by an elderly women I knew quite well. After the dance, she said to my wife, "Honey, if I was 40 years younger, I would take him away from you!" My wife stayed a bit closer to me, for the remainder of the evening.

06-15-2014, 10:52 AM
A few years back, I had the garage alarmed remotely so that when my youngest came home, I would get a warning and could retreat to the bedroom. My wife smokes in the garage but I rarely go out there dressed since the door could open with me there. Well, my daughter was at a regular thing and I needed to ask my wife a question, so I went out (I know, I can't keep you from not knowing what is coming). And yes, the garage door started opening. :doh: So I turned towards the house and started running. The only problem is that I was wearing 4 inch heels and on the first step, the heels of my feet popped outward and the shoes went sideways with my toes still in them. So here I am, wishing I had a video camera on myself as I am trying to get across the garage, with the door opening, with the shoes on sideways. :eek: Well, I made it to the three steps leading into the house and on the way up, the shoes pop off. There are shelves blocking the door from being seen from outside, so I stop and grab the shoes and run to the bedroom.

Well, my daughter comes in, does something and leaves. I go out (out of breath) and ask my wife what happened. Well, my daughter came in and grabbed some prescriptions she forgot. When she came out she asked my wife if I was wearing heels and then asked if I was a crossdresser. My wife (apparently forgetting our be honest when caught policy) told her that I was helping her explore her bi-curious side.:rofl: Even I don't buy that! Well, we have a discussion about needing to tell her and that is it for that night. I get up in the morning and there is a note on the fridge that says "Got home by eleven. Love you, you kinky freaks". :facepalm:

06-15-2014, 11:19 AM
The woman smartly replied, "Oh, I've read a lot about that. It's a man stuck in a woman's body."



Public perception hasn't changed much since the 1970s, has it.

This is how many TSs identify themselves ... as being a woman born (or stuck, if you will) in a man's body. And most people who have not been exposed to this community still have no clue about the differences between TSs and CDs, or any other words you want to use (transgenderist, TG, gender fluid, bigender, etc). I'm sure that people who know my SO only in femme mode think that my SO is TS (we don't know these people intimately, so they don't ask). The first questions that GGs ask their partners when they find out about the CDing is "Do you want to be a woman, are you attracted to men?", which indicates that the first perception is the husband/boyfriend might be TS.

Deedee Skyblue
06-15-2014, 12:21 PM
She said 'man stuck in a woman's body' - not 'woman stuck in a man's body'. Makes it a little more weird...


06-15-2014, 04:22 PM
Yeah, I was just amused at the perception of a low information person when encountering an obviously female presenting being with a man's head sticking out of the top as though he was stuck and needed some kind of lubricant to get out. Stupid moron!

06-15-2014, 04:39 PM
OK, here's another one.

I was sneaking out of the house at 2:00am. I was doing an extraordinary dare kinda thing with six inch heels and severely large breasts and a little restraint thing going on. As I very quietly pulled the front door closed, a ceramic sculpture above the door decided it had hung around long enough and fell to strike me right on top of my head. So, in a very compromised situation with blood dripping down my face, I scurried to the place where I had hidden the key to the front door. Fortunately it wasn't too far away. As I returned home, I could feel myself fighting to stay conscious. I did manage to re-enter the house, get un-compromised and un-gender freaked to tend to my wounds. No stitches needed. After cleaning up the crime scene, I actually repaired the sculpture that suffered little damage as the beneficiary of bouncing off me head, and re-hung it. Slept like the dead, that night. Shit, could have been dead!

OK, little bud, your turn!


06-15-2014, 06:52 PM
Hi Carla, I wasn't dressed but I was at Payless and got a pair of black mens Loafers and a pair of black 4" classic pumps
the girl at the checkout said, " This is the first time that I ever seen you by mens shoes" I just said one pair for day time
and one pair for nights, we both laughed and I never did tell her which was which.

:daydreaming:The look on her face was just PRICELESS !:daydreaming:

Miss Kitty
06-15-2014, 07:08 PM
Love the refrigerator note...
That's a pretty cool kid.

06-15-2014, 07:21 PM
A few years ago I stopped at a 7-11 at around 3 AM in the morning. I had been out dancing and was wearing a leather mini skirt which definitely help show off the legs. I noticed the 2 guys behind the counter checking me out, so I gave them good show when I reached for a diet coke on a lower shelf. ( I know shame on me for not acting lady like) As I was looking for a snack to go with the diet coke, I over heard them talking and one boasting about how he would like to add me to his list of conquests. When I went to pay he was all smiles and asked for my phone number. In the deepest, manliest voice I could muster I said "No, I prefer women." OMG the look on his face was priceless and I thought his co worker would pee his pants he was laughing so hard. As I was leaving the store I did turn around and ask if they recorded audio along with the video of transactions at the counter. The one laughing said oh yes we do and the one who asked for my phone number had a look of horror on his face. I never went back to that 7-11

Beverley Sims
06-15-2014, 10:34 PM
I was at a party years ago and a redneck "auntie" of the party girl was expounding about these perverts that dress up as women.

I was absorbed in a deep conversation with this woman at the time when party girl came up and introduced me to said aunt and blew the cover I was enjoying.

After that the conversation went like this....

"Of course I can see you are not a pervert as anyone as pretty as you could not be that type of person."

The rest of the conversation consisted of feathers in her mouth and expounding my beauty.

She then proceeded to explore my adventures and interest in girls.

Oh! well "she can be a hypocrite again tomorrow" party girl said.

Me? I enjoyed tearing apart the moment. :)

Tammy Lynn Tx
06-16-2014, 10:09 PM
One of the last times I went out, my wife and I were moving from Ca. to Az. She said after we got everything packed in the moving van I could dress if I wanted to. She helped me with my makeup and off we went. When we got to the Az. border (this was back when they checked for citrus and plants moving between Ca and Az) we were pulled aside so they could make sure we didn't have any contraband. The officers were very professional and didn't laugh out loud when I got out of the van in 4" heels, makeup and a dress. They had me open the back and then closed it for me and the female officer let us go on with a drive safely ladies with a wink and smile.

06-17-2014, 12:15 AM
I've told this one before..

I had told my soon to be GF about my "Little kink" before we hooked up, I was pretty sure it was going to be serious, and I couldn't see it working without complete honesty, she was completely unfazed. "Oh, cool!" were her exact words..

Anyway, come the time she decided I back to her place for the night after a movie, things were heating up, and I said something like, "I hope you aren't disappointed in me, it's been a while and I've never had that much experience." .. She gave me an "oh yeah" look, and said, "well you certainly got my bra off easily!"

I leaned back, gave her an astonished look, and said "I'm a crossdresser!" She burst out laughing, it was a good night.

06-17-2014, 05:47 AM
There was the time My then girlfriend and I were invited to a friend of her's house. She (friend) had just had her bathroom remodelled and there was to be a party to celebrate that, with a theme of what you wore when you left the bathroom. it was too tempting for my lovely GF and me to resist...

Brief break in story: CarlaWestin, my GF was the X-factor drop dead sexy lady you would know of as Ms CAGMBB (Come And Get Me Big Boy), so named by me because of the permanent promise in her fabulous eyes (BTW everybody, she couldn't help how she looked. I think she was standing first in line when feminine genes were being handed out. But I loved her for her Inner Person first, her exterior happened to be a great bonus...).

..to continue: so we schemed a naughty but exciting plan between us. We planned to drive to the party in crossdressed underwear, wearing ONLY the underwear (exception - she wore a boring plain bra for modesty's sake, under a plain but unbuttoned man-shirt) in an inner suburb of the city, park right outside the house and make a quick dash across the sidewalk into our hostess' house.

We forgot it was Saturday night. We forgot there was a 6-lane road past the house. The streets were packed with parked cars and all six lanes were full of bumper-to-bumper traffic. People were walking down the sidewalk, all going to wherever they went on a Saturday night to look for entertainment. We had to park three blocks away, on the wrong side of the road, and walk.

On a hot summer's evening in New Zealand, no overcoats, we became the entertainment as we strolled hand-in-hand down the street. There was always a cheeky little warm wind in pre-earthquakes Christchurch NZ, which often playfully whipped her man-shirt right open to reveal her plain flesh-coloured bra and her willowy model's figure wearing my brief male underpants, and nothing else apart from plain shoes and socks. For my part, I had on a lovely black lace bra (mine of course), some very frilly black lace knickers (hers, borrowed because they were more outrageously feminine than mine), a black lace suspender belt and black lace top stockings (mine), and in a nod to the hint of punk doing the fashion rounds at that time, black man-socks and highly-polished black manboots. Oh, and an open-front negligee (borrowed from her), so sheer it hid nothing at all, but hiding things was not what my lovely lady had bought it for...

What a lovely city Christchurch was back then - so tolerant of people who expressed their own ways of living. We got friendly catcalls from passing cars, got tooted at a lot by smiling drivers. Some of the bolder pedestrians spoke briefly to us, the ones who couldn't believe their eyes but had to ask anyway. And waiting for the pedestrian phase of the lights just increased the adrenaline rush, let alone the actual walking through six sets of car headlights as we crossed the road.

We were a little (OK, more than a little) nervous at the prospect of having to walk dressed as we were, but thankfully we had both had experience as actors on the stage in past years, so we drew on that persona to help us along. Still, it was nice to get to the party so we could relax, except then we both kind of stole the show with our far-out versions of how we left the bathroom at home. There are several stories attached to that night, all good ones, but that's enough for this time.

Great party.


06-17-2014, 09:35 AM
It was a Saturday and I was dressed in a just above the knee summer dress, forms, wig, nylons and girdle , light make-up. Garage is not attached to house and was working on the garden tractor with radio going and garage door open when up the driveway comes the mailman. I hoped he would go to the house where the wife was to deliver the package and mail , NOT. He came right into the garage, stating "is anyone here?" Stood up from working on the garden tractor and said Yep. He handed me the package and mail and seeing it was addressed to the wife, I said this should make the wife happy. He said have a nice day and went out the garage to his car when the wife came out of the house to get the mail. She asked him where the mail was, and he stated he left it with, ah, ah, in the garage. We both had a good laugh over his comment, when he left.

Christina Page
06-17-2014, 07:55 PM
Many years ago I rented a farm and farmhouse where my girlfriend kept a horse. We threw a Halloween costume party and my girlfriend suggested that we swap costumes. So she dressed me up in her hula girl skirt, stuffed bra, and halter top. I had a great time! But I learned an important lesson that night.
NEVER approach a hungry horse while wearing a grass skirt!

06-17-2014, 08:15 PM
One day my wife an I were shopping at Stine Mart for cloths , female of course. I was in male mode , as we were finishing up an in the blouse section looking. A women came up to us an asked my wife if she could rent me, we looked at her an she pointed to the front of the store an told us that there was her husband , sitting on a bench looking at his watch. She said that she was taking to much time shopping. She said that she watched us as we went to all the different departments an picked out shoes , panties, bra's, dresses , an so forth. She loved the idea that i was helping my wife and enjoying it. She had another question, why were we buying 2 of everything I said to her that I was a C D and we liked to go out as twins dressed the same . She looked at my wife an asked her were she could find someone like me.. We all had a nice laugh. I bet she went an told her husband that she wanted him to dress as a women .

Jennifer in CO
06-20-2014, 01:05 AM
real recent one - It was a cool day so I figured on wearing a wind-breaker most if not all of it. That said, I was planning to wear a black sheer blouse under it but I couldn't resist. I like to see the bra thru the blouse sometimes. So, I wore my white chiffon blouse. Yeah I know...a black bra under a white blouse is a no-no...but who's gonna see it today? Now this is probably the 4th or 5th time I've worn this blouse/bra combo and under this white wind breaker. BUT...for the first time...I happened to be in a restroom with two mirrors on opposite walls. Guess what, you could see the black bra not only thru the blouse but also thru the wind breaker!

Oh well...I figured I was glad I hadn't worn my red bra like I started to....

Amanda M
06-20-2014, 06:43 AM
Its seems that a crossdresser walked into this bra........

06-20-2014, 07:48 AM
Carla thanks for your stories what would you get up to if you weren't a CDer ?

Mine has to do with buying stockings. The dept store where I buy mine tend to mix stockings , holdups and tights in the same display rack. I was looking for medium size in the four colours and was trashing the display so much that an elderly couple thought I was an employee sorting the racks, so they began to ask me about a corset for the wife. I told them I didn't work there and was just looking for stockings ! as they walked away I heard the husband say , " well in that case you'd think he could help with your corset ! "

06-20-2014, 09:37 AM
I was walking in town with about 4 or 5 other cd friends, this young couple was coming at us holding hands the bf whispered something to the gf a little bit each time as they got a lil closer, she didn't seemed bothered by it at all but as he got closer and closer it was like, that's a guy too and him and him well they r all guys !.... as he passed he said to her within our earshot wow thats really gay so I replied "your sweater is a lot more gay than my dress ! lol the gf smacked him teasingly on the shoulder and said see I told you that looked gay !

06-20-2014, 12:12 PM
This was a few years ago and I had only been out a short time. We had gone to the club and stopped to get some breakfast before heading home. When we walked in the place was crowded so we grabbed the only table next to 3 very mature looking women. Well obviously we instantly became their subject of gossip. Finally one said half under her breath but loud enough to be sure we heard it "What would their mothers say if they saw them dressed like that?"

Without batting my friend said plenty loud enough for them to hear "She would probably tell me her leather mini skirt looks pretty good on me!"

06-20-2014, 12:29 PM
mine is a Halloween story

me and my girlfriend got dressed up for a Halloween about 3 years ago. we were both dressed as pirate wenches. anyways, we decided to go to the local club that was having a Halloween bash with bands playing and a costume contest. we get in line and the bouncer up front was patting the guys down but not the women. we get up there and he says "hey man" and laughs a little. i say hey right back and he pats me down and lets me and my gf into the club. we walk thru and the girls doing the signup for the costume contest were winking at me and telling me how sexy of a costume i had on and they asked me if i wanted to be in the costume contest. i politely declined and me and my gf got some beer and walked up to the stage and watch the band play. no one is really paying attention to us until all of a sudden, i get this tap on my shoulder as i was drinking my beer. i turned around and it was some guy. well his face turned white as a ghost and he immediately walked away. meanwhile, his friends were pointing and laughing at him and his response to them was "shut the f--- up!" while they were still laughing. i laughed right back at him and turned around and kept watching the band play. i guess i looked pretty damn hot from behind? i dunno! lol. as we were leaving, these 2 asian girls wearing costumes told me that i scared them. my response was "hey dont be mad because i look better than you" as i laughed at them. yeah that was a fun night.

ps....i DID look pretty hot i thought! lol