View Full Version : CDing Weapons of choice/Tools of the trade

07-04-2014, 01:14 PM
One would have to be blind here to miss what happens when someone shouts "pantyhose", "panties" or 'high heels".

Pantyhose are easy to "get". They may very well be a Quadruple "whammy". They make one's legs LOOK better. [usually] The constriction [of compression hose anyway] has a distinct FEEL unlike any other garments. Plus the feel sensation - a different kind of FEEL - of rubbing one's fingers over them. Lastly, they are very wallet [or purse] friendly and FIT is normally not an issue. [Does cost and fit count as 2?]

High heels are at least a double whammy. The way they LOOK. The SOUND they make on hard floors. Throw in that they MIGHT [the right pair] make one's legs look better. So they are possibly a triple whammy.

Panties are at least a double for LOOK and FEEL plus they are cheap.

That's all I am familiar with so I would like to hear about all the other stuff and if it is only about the LOOK or other possible reasons?

I kind of think the sound of a zipper going slow when all else is quiet is kinda cool but I am not sure if that fits in anywhere?

Is this thread a cue for the corset fans?

I believe they are quite expensive?

Kate Simmons
07-04-2014, 02:22 PM
Anything is fair game as far as "tools of the trade" really. For instance, I never go to the club dancing without taking at least one if not more articles of clothing off as the night progresses. But, then again, deep down I guess I've always been kind of a "tease" anyway.:battingeyelashes::)

Amanda L.
07-04-2014, 02:28 PM
What you have written is right on the money. The sensation of feeling these garments is hard to explain. You have to live the experience. Non crossdressers do not know what they are missing so more power to us.
Other things that enhance the 'feeling' would be beautiful bouncy breast forms in a cute lacy, well fitted bra. Then there's the fell of a skirt or dress against those stockinged legs and the sensation that come with wearing womens styled clothing and their fabrics............intoxicating.
Much can also be said also for make up. When I put on my false eyelashes and mascara I am transported. I dont think I could pass in public but the look I get from the 'hot chick' in the mirror tips me over the edge.


Beverley Sims
07-04-2014, 11:01 PM
Once I had a slinky long black dress that ziiiiipppppeeeeddd up at the back.

Someone else had to do it for me...

Talk about entrapment. :)

07-04-2014, 11:14 PM
If by weapons.. you mean the things that will knock'em dead, make men swoon (even though they don't know) and make women jelly:

1. Makeup - With society pretty much being fed "picture perfect" images of what is sexy, makeup is the center of the magic. When you're out you can't be photoshopped so you're gonna need all the backup you can muster. They don't call it foundation for nothing.

2. Wig - Good quality wig. The better the quality, the less you look like you have a mop on your head.

3. Breast(forms)/Hip(forms) - The elusive hourglass shape. Ok, the main thing is to try and find a happy medium to men's broad shoulders/slip hips to women's shoulders aligning with their hips in most cases.

4. Heels and good posture, confident walking - They say a nice pair of shoes gives a woman a good idea about a man, well a nice pair of heels does the same thing. Clipclopclipclop, it's an anthem for us crossdressers.


Now of course, those are what I consider "weapons" (I am new, so if I'm totally off base, you all can yell at me)---however, tools of the trade. You have to ask yourself---why am I doing this? How am I getting satisfaction from this? I've been seeing the terms "pass" left and right since I've joined.. and since I haven't been out in public enfemme, I don't know if I can pass. But that's not going to stop me from getting all the "tools" I want and learning all the "tricks of the trade" I can. When I crossdress, I crossdress for me first. Anything else that comes with it is icing on the cake.

I'm drunk btw. Disregard if this does not make sense.

07-04-2014, 11:48 PM
If the goal is to pass and be accepted, then I make sure not to wear heels, dresses, heavy makeup, or anything else that any average woman at the mall won't be wearing. I am not here for the fashion show.

07-05-2014, 12:10 AM
Non crossdressers do not know what they are missing so more power to us.

I agree 100%

07-05-2014, 03:44 AM
Panties are at least a double for LOOK and FEEL plus they are cheap.
Mine aren't. Good panties are expensive, especially the ones that come in sets with a bra.

07-05-2014, 06:38 AM
Hi Wah, Right up there is the feeling of My longline posture bra and hiwaist panty girdle.